From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 202

Chapter 202 3000 camp fine ride

The defeated soldiers who rushed out of the city gate and the children of the Yuchi family were besieged by the tens of thousands of auxiliary armies lying in the suburbs. Before the battle began, the defeated soldiers knelt down and surrendered…

They have already lost their spirits and the courage to fight.

When Richard entered the military town of Yutian under the **** of his own soldiers, he found that the owner of Yuchi Yingzhe killed himself beside the corpse of his wife, concubine and child.

It is not difficult to see from the surrounding traces that the helm of the Yuchi family who was forced into desperation first hacked his wives and children to death before committing suicide.

There are several loyal servants around Yuchi Yingzhe who committed suicide together.

Starting today, the Yuchi family, who used to call the wind and rain in the Western Regions and controlled more than a dozen cities during the peak period, has been wiped out!

On the second day after occupying the military town of Khotan, Richard was prompted by the system.

[Congratulations to the host for occupying the Khotan Army Town. Because the defenders surrendered without resisting, they could not get the income of Qiyun coins.

The overlord completes the prestige task, the prestige level is raised from 12 stars to 13 stars, and a new Tier 5 unit-Ming Dynasty Three Thousand Battalion Jingqi is opened.

Three thousand battalion fine cavalry introduction: Equipped with a full-body medium-sized armor coat mandarin duck tabard for the cavalry, wearing a helmet, a composite horse bow, an armor-piercing cone arrow, a cavalry spear, a saber and a cavalry shield.

They are the elite armored cavalry of the Ming Dynasty, good at riding, shooting and charging. They use the most elite three thousand battalion elite horsemen in the Ming Dynasty as the initial template, and they are not afraid of death!

Individual fighting power is no less than that of this world’s Great Tang Fang Jingqi, and the exchange price per person is 20 Qi Luck Coins.

A new prestige task is released: Put Yanqijun Town under your own rule. After you dominate the Western Regions, you can get rewards for nation-building authority, and your prestige level will increase after completion. 】

“Huh? It seems that the system is dissatisfied with the compromise between me and the Long Family.”

After seeing the new prestige mission, Richard thought thoughtfully.

The Three Thousand Battalion Jingqi is actually equivalent to the enhanced version of the Border Army Jingqi. With the addition of riding and shooting skills, the armor becomes thicker and the combat skills become stronger. Of course, the price has doubled!

Now Richard has roughly concluded that Tier 4 soldiers are the most cost-effective conventional soldiers to deal with the enemy at this stage. Tier 3 soldiers are too weak, and their overall combat effectiveness is almost the same as that of the Tang Army. They can only be used to deal with local garrison troops. Enemy.

However, if the enemy is really a local garrison, Richard can use an army formed by indigenous humans to deal with it. Whether it is an auxiliary army or a garrison, it is not much worse than the Datang local garrison.

Therefore, the system of Tier 3 soldiers is not practical in the eyes of Richard, and they will face heavy losses when they encounter a slightly stronger opponent.

When Richard was just emerging, he suffered heavy losses in every war because the low-ranking soldiers were too fragile.

At the level of Tier 4 arms, especially the very representative infantry of the five barracks, Richard’s strength has improved geometrically. Even if he encounters the enemy’s elite soldiers, he can often win more with less!

The combat effectiveness and practicality of Tier 5 soldiers are naturally better than Tier 4 soldiers, but the doubling of the price makes Richard stand still. On the whole, Tier 4 soldiers are the most cost-effective.

After learning about the newly-emerged Three Thousand Battalion Elite Cavaliers, Richard stopped paying attention. What he was even more worried at this time was that the victory of Khotan Army Town was the same as those of Shule Army Town. Tips for the occupation.

This shows that the three military towns of Shule, Qiuci, and Khotan are actually government-level cities, but they are just government-level cities with greater military use!

In this way, Yanqijun Town is also a government-level city…

In the entire Western Regions, Richard could not find a higher-level provincial-level city!

To this day, Richard still misses the 100,000 Qi Luck Coins rewarded for his first occupation of a government-level city. It was the big explosion that transformed Richard from a small warlord who did not enter the Western Regions into a big warlord!

After defeating Yuchi Yingzhe and the Tubo people one after another, they were actually eating the Laodice. Of course, the Laodice was not eaten for nothing. Now, no one in the Western Regions can fight against Richard.

Looking at the newly emerging prestige mission, Richard frowned and meditated: “If I turn my back and take action against the Long Family who has shrunk to Yanqijun Town after surrendering, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction and panic among the local gentry class in the Western Regions.

No one likes a rebellious ruler. After all, I can repent of destroying the Long Family today, and tomorrow I can destroy the second and even countless families…

Although I do think so, it is not good to cause a collective resistance from the gentry class of the Han people in the Western Regions.

It is not difficult to defeat the Long Family, but if the Long Family is attacked, they will surely introduce the nomads of the Beiting Duhu Mansion desperately. At that time, the Han Chinese gentry in the Western Regions will be detached from me, and a large number of nomads will swept in from the outside, causing internal and external troubles. Next, even if I open it, I guess it will be cool…

The Long Family must have seen this before they are willing to give up so many cities to surrender to me. Long Letian has made up his mind and I dare not turn back…”

After receiving this prestige mission, Richard felt a headache. Because of the information prompted by the prestige mission, Richard knew that he would only be recognized by the system if he won the Yanqi Army Town !

Jianguo recognized by the system is not just a matter of name, it will inevitably unlock stronger permissions!

This is the temptation that Richard could not refuse.

“Hey, the ultimate problem is still insufficient strength. If I have enough troops, I can level the Han gentry class in the Western Regions first, then destroy the Long Family, and then block the nomadic army in the north…”

Richard doesn’t know much about the strength of the nomadic people in the Beiting Duhu Mansion, but Richard knows his family background very well. Now he has a 12 thousand gas coin deposit, and the system soldiers only have 2,000 multilateral military elite cavalry, 100 Duoshen machine battalion infantry, more than 1,000 five army battalion infantry, together only more than 3,000.

Even if you put in all 12,000 Qi Luck Coins, after you exchange for Tier 4 soldiers, it won’t reach 5,000…

As for the arms of Tier 3 and lower, Richard did not think about it at all. Exchange of arms below Tier 3 on the battlefield is purely to give the enemy heads…

And the indigenous army, the battle between the field army and the Long family has been completely maimed, and in the end there were only more than a thousand people left. The Han people in the Western Regions were originally small, and even if the Western Regions were unified, the reorganization of the Han Army became very difficult.

Unless Richard mobilizes all the local garrisons to reorganize, then Richard can not only restore the field army to its peak, or even double it!

It’s just that, without the local garrison, what will happen to those sturdy rebels?

What about green skin harassment?

The patrol room alone cannot guarantee the tranquility of the place!

Therefore, the auxiliary corps must be reorganized. After a series of **** battles with the Tubo people, the surviving auxiliary corps soldiers can be considered combatable even if they are not elite.


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