From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 Warchief Thrall

“Orcs will never be slaves!”

Thrall, who was trapped in memories, couldn’t help shouting at the pre-war meeting, and then found that the green-skinned warlords standing in front of him looked at him with a confused expression. Thrall was awakened and he was no longer in the original world!

“Oh, when I get older, I like to think about the past, and I missed this line again…”

Thrall sighed, taking advantage of the fact that the green-skinned warlords in front of him did not react, he raised the magic stone scepter in his hand with a higher volume and shouted: “Waaaaaaaaaagh!!!”


This time, the green-skinned warlords understood!

The blood filled the brains of the green-skinned warlords. They shouted Thrall’s name and walked out of the big tent.

Next, it’s time for war.

Thrall is responsible for guiding their goals, and they take the green-skinned compatriots under their command to enjoy the thrill of fighting.

After seeing all the green-skinned warlords leave the big tent, Thrall took out a shabby book from his arms with a lonely expression, turned to the night when there was no handwriting, took the self-made enlarged quill pen and wrote:

“Crossing to the 1001th day of the new era of low magic.

I feel more and more confused about the initial choice. Although these green-skinned orcs have the same appearance as my former clan, they are more combative and bloodthirsty. They don’t know what civilization is. If it weren’t for their skin, they could pass sunlight and water. To support its own consumption, this race simply cannot survive in the world.

However, with that terrible fecundity, Greenskin has become the most powerful creature in this low-magic world.

I don’t know if I should be fortunate or depressed. The stronger the green skin, the more secure my life, but the endless fighting and killing like undead natural disasters is not the life I want…

The green-skinned tribes of the Great Northern Snowfield have been defeated by me. I must find new targets to satisfy the interest of the militant green-skinned orcs, otherwise my identity will be discovered by them and swallowed by endless green skins. .

The bloodthirsty tauren was defeated, and the troll tribe surrendered to my feet, but I couldn’t feel any pleasure. The snowball-like war machine and constant victories made the greenskin’s belligerent nature more and more uncontrollable.

But I have to find new and powerful targets for them to attack and fight!

Once defeated, the greenskins will not forgive me as the leader, just like the greenskin warlords I have defeated, the life of the loser will no longer belong to him…

In order to survive, I can only choose a human empire that seems to be strong enough. Unfortunately, this human empire called Datang has a civil strife. I wanted to wait for the inner strife of the Tang Dynasty to subside before leading a million green skins to go south, and consume it. Just look at the growing number of green skins, but…

The irritable green-skinned warlords have not allowed me to procrastinate any longer, otherwise my authority will be questioned, and the green-skin system that I have finally established will collapse in an instant!

They only recognize the strong who can lead them to continue to wage wars, including me, the “invincible” warchief…

I hope that the southern human empire can be strong enough. If the number of greenskins can be reduced by 90%, I will be able to control the greenskins’ warlike genes.

If the human empire to the south can’t stop Greenskin, I am afraid I will eventually become the leader who will kill myself by myself! ”

Thrall put away his heavy notepad, sighed, and walked out of the big book.

There was already one after another shouts of killing in the distance. Thrall never meant to train these green-skinned orcs. One is that he doesn’t want the already strong greenskin to become more capable of fighting, and the other is because of these unorganized The undisciplined green-skinned orcs are too difficult to train…

Thrall looked at the fortified human city that he had driven out a large number of human nomads to enter and then guarded. A steady stream of green skins swarmed in, and then they were killed in the city at a low price, but that amount was only for the million-scale green skins. It is too small.

Thrall didn’t even need to move the bloodthirsty tauren and trolls, and the trend of greenskins alone could swallow up this huge fortified city that gathered most of the northern nomads’ population.

This is also the capital city of Datang Beiting Duhu Mansion!

At first, Thrall, who traveled to the new century, hid himself as an ordinary green-skinned orc in order to survive in the green-skinned tribe.

However, the ubiquitous infighting and challenges in the Greenskin tribe put Thrall in constant threat to his life.

Of course, Thrall, with his superb combat skills and mastered shaman spells, is not a problem to save his life in the Greenskin Tribe, and even because of his continuous victories, he is constantly promoted in the Greenskin Tribe!

However, a battle between the greenskin tribe made Thrall have to stand up, because he was promoted to a position second only to the greenskin warlord. After the former warlord died in the greenskin tribe’s civil war, he took it naturally. The position of the green-skinned warlord is the honor that a green-skinned tribe’s strongest warrior deserves.

If Thrall does not accept it, the other greenskins think he is not waaa enough…

If it is not waaa enough, UU Reading will naturally no longer be a compatriot with green skin, and will be destroyed by humanity!

Although none of the Greenskins is Thrall’s opponent in the heads-up, Thrall will be consumed sooner or later in a group fight in this low-magic world.

So he chose the path of the Greenskin Warlord.

Then everything became taken for granted. Civil wars between the green-skinned tribes would break out every once in a while, and Thrall, the green-skinned warlord, had to lead his tribal warriors to fight in order to survive.

And he must win, otherwise he will be cut off by the enemy like his predecessor, and his body will be used as fodder for the mushroom field!

Under the blessing of Thrall’s shaman witchcraft, the green-skin tribe he led was invincible and invincible, and soon became the most powerful green-skin tribe in the nearby area. The green-skin tribes of the green-skin tribe he defeated took the initiative. Invest in the tribe led by Thrall.

However, the greenskins are a tribe that gets more and more arrogant, and the victory under Thrall has swelled the entire greenskin tribe.

As a result, Thrall became the one who was engulfed by the greenskin tribe. He had to accept most of the greenskin’s proposals and continue to initiate wars with the outside world, otherwise he would not be a “greenskin”!

Thrall once tried to rely on his personal prestige to forcibly curb the desire of the Greenskin tribe to expand abroad, but that only attempt led to a riot in the Greenskin tribe. Hundreds of greenskin orcs who felt insulted launched an attack on Thrall. In the end, Thrall managed to suppress the tribal rebellion at the expense of injury!

From then on, Thrall never dared to suppress the desire of greenskins to fight, especially those powerful greenskin orcs’ desire to fight!

War is inevitable, and defeat means death. Ordinary members of the defeated greenskin tribe can survive, but the greenskin warlord as the leader must die!


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