From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 5 cabinet ministers

Recently, the people of Kuuci City discovered that the aloof King Daming became a bit abnormal. Starting from the complete recovery of the Yanqi area in March of Daming, King Daming first built construction projects in the city of Kucha. The barracks racecourse in the city was renovated.

Moreover, strict regulations and drawings were made during the renovation. Many regulations are a waste of money in the eyes of the designers responsible for the construction, and they are very rigid…

However, under the strict orders of Richard and the supervision of the Taoist soldiers, the progress of the renovation was very fast. By June of Ming Dynasty, because it was rebuilt on the original building, coupled with the mobilization of a large amount of manpower and material resources, it had all been in accordance with Richard’s requirements. Finished.

However, Richard then made a complete change of the central cabinet of the Ming Dynasty.

The old cabinet elders Song Zhicheng, Yin Liren, Xiahou Yucheng, Tao Anbang, Han Li, Long Liguo, etc., who followed Richard to fight the world, have been transferred from the cabinet positions, and the positions of the cabinet ministers have also been further subdivided and added. !

The most important thing is that the newly appointed cabinet leaders in charge of critical departments are all people who have never heard of the people of the Western Regions!

The newly appointed chief and auxiliary minister of the cabinet, in charge of the administrative power of the entire Ming dynasty, is implicitly the head of the cabinet, and a position with greater power than the previous Song Zhicheng, was handed over to Zhuge Liang, an unknown unknown person by Richard.

Richard knows that the historical trend of this different world is completely different from the previous earth history, so people in this world have never heard of Zhuge Liang’s name.

The first and second minister of the cabinet, a position equivalent to one person under the 10,000 people of the Ming Dynasty, was suddenly parachuted by Zhuge Liang, which naturally caused widespread dissatisfaction among the officials below.

In the officialdom, seniority must be emphasized. This Zhuge Liang didn’t have the merits of fighting the world, and he didn’t have any achievements. Why should he be the first and second minister of the cabinet?

On Zhuge Liang’s first day in office, the snow-like impeachment papers were full of Richard’s table.

However, after Zhuge Liang opened the Imperial Era panel, he rebuilt the system minister given by the administrative center. He must be loyal and loyal, and his ability is not much worse than that of Zhuge Liang in history. How could Richard change because of the following people?

At this moment, the Ming dynasty was centralized and Richard’s authority as the founding monarch showed his eloquent authority. With the order of the monarch, the bureaucrats below did not dare to raise objections no matter how resentful they were in their hearts…

On the contrary, many flexible-minded bureaucrats began to inquire about this Zhuge Liang, intending to do what they wanted to pave the way for their official career. There is no fool who can be an official. After they understand Richard’s intentions, they know that Zhuge Liang will not be defeated, and of course they want to curry favor. other side.

However, Zhuge Liang was just a starting point. The next series of appointments numbed the entire Daming officialdom…

Richard’s arrogant name spread throughout the Western Regions!

Not only did he hand over the important position of the Minister of the Cabinet to an unknown Zhuge Liang, he also handed the top priority to the position of Minister of Finance to a middle-aged man named Zhang Juzheng!

What the **** is Zhang Ju, how can He De take care of Daming’s money bag?

Before the bureaucrats’ impeachment papers were handed over, one by one, the most explosive news came.

The Minister of Justice, who was in charge of Daming’s judicial and punishment power, let a person who was also named Jia Xu take it.

The power has been greatly improved, and the Secretary of the Army who merged with the General Staff of the Army asked a man named Qi Jiguang to take it off!

Next, it is not big news for Confucius to take the additional minister of enlightenment…

Five new people have taken the position of the five cabinet ministers who are in charge of the cabinet. As for the original minister from the dragon, Song Zhicheng has been replaced by the newly constructed minister of public security who is responsible for coordinating the patrol house in the Western Regions. Yin Liren has no real power. But the Minister of Industry who has to suffer.

Xia Hou Yucheng has become the boss of the new department, the civic division, and now his main responsibility is to manage and restrain the serfs of Semu.

Seven ministers and one director constitute the current cabinet. The power of the first five ministers is really rare. It is no exaggeration to say that the power of the first five cabinet ministers who have no reputation can completely control Li Watch overhead!

The Minister of the Cabinet Zhuge Liang is in charge of the people, and the Minister of Justice Jia Xu is in charge of judicial punishment and all legal matters. The Minister of Finance Zhang Juzheng is in charge of Richard’s money bag, including taxes and various expenditures!

The power of the Secretary of the Army Qi Jiguang is terrible. The three field regiments and the auxiliary army of more than 60,000 are all under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Army. Except for Li Cha’s Dao soldiers, Qi Jiguang can arbitrarily transfer and train the 100,000 regular troops under the Ming Dynasty. !

The Secretary of the Army is definitely the actual holder of military power. In theory, as long as Qi Jiguang lays his foundation in the officialdom develops the senior officials of the three major field corps and auxiliary army into his own people, he can launch a battle. The coup was replaced by Richard!

People in the officialdom of Daming really didn’t understand why Richard, who had very strict control over military power, gave Qi Jiguang all the troops except the Dao soldiers?

Is it possible that Qi Jiguang is Richard’s hidden biological father?

It’s no wonder that those officials have this idea. After all, in this era, holding such a large military power will not be betrayed. There are almost only relatives at the parent level of the other party…

Of course, this kind of statement is completely nonsense. The old people who followed Richard can prove that Richard’s parents were all killed by the jackals as early as the stage of Dashi Town…

It also included some of Richard’s brothers and sisters, and in the end only the single seedling of Richard was left.

As for the least valued Minister of Education, Confucius, in fact, has a lot of power. He is in charge of the education and official examination system of the entire Western Regions, as well as the propaganda of the Ming Dynasty internally and externally!

Let alone education and propaganda. Most people in this era don’t realize how terrible these two rights are. After all, this is an era where illiteracy is everywhere and intellectual property rights are in the hands of a few people.

As for the propaganda, because of the backwardness of hardware facilities, it is basically spread by word of mouth. Whether true or not, the notices issued by the government represent authority in this era. There is no such thing as propaganda that can compete with the court.

However, it is very terrible for officials to assess this point, which is equivalent to part of the function of the official book of the ancient court of the earth!

One of the officials selected by the Ming Dynasty is the recommendation system, and the other is the imperial examination. The imperial examination is naturally not a stereotype. Unless Richard specifically requests it, otherwise it will be Confucius, the Minister of Education.

In the Ming Dynasty, Confucius determined the first threshold for whether you could be an official!

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