From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Qi Jiguang’s Judgment

“My lord, the battlefield of Great Yan from Anlu Mountain against Datang has always been on the fringe of the Central Plains, far away from the nest of Anlu Mountain, so the persecution of Great Yan from the war is very slight.

At this time, An Lushan’s main force was either on the front line against Greenskins or used to prevent Datang from tearing up the armistice agreement. The defense force against us was very weak. If we sent troops to Dayan at this time, we could rush straight into Dayan’s hinterland. If coupled with the necromantic army under the control of Miss Genevieve, which does not need to be supplied, it is completely possible to use the first-hand advantage to occupy the entire Anlu Mountain’s long-run nest alone.

At that time, we will be able to obtain abundant land and population at a very small price, and the army of Anlu Mountain is lost because of the old nest, and the soldiers’ families are under our control. Morale will inevitably drop significantly. We only need to cooperate with the green With Pi and attacking Anlu Mountain together, he is bound to be completely defeated within a year!

This is the most time-saving and labor-saving method. If you wait until An Lushan recovers and put a good defense in front of us, it won’t be so easy to start. ”

Qi Jiguang pointed to the map drawn by the Ming Dynasty alone.

Richard has not yet proclaimed himself emperor, and his subordinate officials have not called him his majesty.

After Richard settled in the Western Regions, his personal prestige has greatly increased, and the original title of prince is naturally not applicable. Therefore, the title of king is added, which means that the prince is superior.

If Richard went one step further, he would be lonely.

In fact, now Richard has the foundation for enthronment. Now no one in the Western Regions can shake the foundation of Richard’s rule. The prerequisites for him to claim the emperor are already in place. It’s just a bit of a bad name, and there won’t be any political bonuses. At the same time, it will also attract hatred from the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains.

Therefore, Richard now prefers to be the king of the Western Regions. He doesn’t value fame too much. In the eyes of Richard, the most important thing is practical interests.

What you eat in your mouth is the real fruit.

After listening to Qi Jiguang’s analysis, Richard felt quite reasonable, but…

“According to what you said, it may not be difficult for us to defeat An Lu Mountain, but without An Lu Mountain, the Yan Kingdom is in front. It is our Da Ming who faces the army of millions of green skins.”

Richard said the thing that worries him most.

Greenskin is the most unscientific species found by Richard in the world except for the undead.

Asexual reproduction grows out of the ground to be able to fight. Among them, the big green-skinned orcs are also war-threatening. Once on the battlefield, no one wants to bring them back, either victory or death!

Who doesn’t have a headache for this terrifying species that is not afraid of death and has strong physical fitness?

Didn’t you see that the barbaric nomads in Beiting Duhu Mansion were almost wiped out by green skins?

The nomads in the Beiting Duhu Mansion are all equipped with horses to come and go like the wind…horse bandits!

Although Richard did not know why the nomads who had the advantage of maneuvering had to smash themselves with Greenskins, and almost knocked themselves out, he could still see that the young nomads who fled southward were even less than the original two. …

If Richard knew that it was the result of Thrall’s refueling tactics in order to reduce the population of the green-skinned orcs, I don’t know how he would feel…

“Green Leather?”

When Qi Jiguang heard Richard’s worry, he was startled at first, and then he asked, “Only the orc species in the greenskins is still a bit threatening. They have neither organization nor discipline. The equipment is basically seized, and the productivity is still at the level of primitive tribes. Knowing the swarms of rushes, this kind of enemy shouldn’t become a climate…”

After Qi Jiguang came to this world, as the Secretary of the Army, he was always ready for war. He naturally investigated and understood the species of green skin. Because of this, Qi Jiguang looked down on green skin…

Fighting is not just about people judging the victory or defeat, otherwise there will be no war in this world. Everyone counts people out. Who listens to who can save trouble?

The green-skinned orc’s militant and fearless personality is not only an advantage in Qi Jiguang’s eyes, it is also a great flaw. This species that only knows to rush and fight can easily seduce and arrange an ambush. Thousands of thousands.

If there are a lot of green-skinned people, it is a big deal to come several times, is this kind of ethnic group that has no long memory of being beaten, worthy of the boss’s attention?

Qi Jiguang’s thinking is the same as that of most rulers of this era. Although Green Skin is a trouble, it has never formally entered the eyes of the ruling class as a threat. Their organizational discipline is really bad!

However, now that millions of green skins have gone south and the Beiting Duhu Mansion has been wiped out into a piece of white ground, whether it is Datang, Anlu Mountain, and some neighboring Jiedian forces, they have re-acquainted with green skins. Look at it again.

“A single green-skin tribe is naturally not terrible, but don’t you think that allowing millions of green-skins to gather together without breaking out their own internal fighting means unusual in itself?

The militant nature of green skins makes them consume in cannibalism before there is no absolute supreme leader . This is also the advantage of green skins in numbers, and all the people are soldiers but they cannot produce the human kingdom. The cause of the fatal threat.

But the greenskins that descend from the snowy plains of the Great North of Siberia are conservatively estimated to have a scale of one million. This is just a count of the number of greenskin orcs, and the accompanying farts and goblins are too many to count.

This is no longer a problem of the union of several or even dozens of green skin tribes. It is very likely that the green skins of the entire northern snowfield of Siberia have been unified by a certain green skin leader!

Only in this way can we explain the reason why Green Leather does not fight inwardly!

If there was a unified leader, would everyone think that Green Leather would still be the kind of stupid hat with no organization and discipline who only knows to give people a head?

The level of Anlushan, everyone knows after reading his battles. To tell the truth, the generals of Datang are really not the opponents of Anlushan. It is clear that Datang has more population and army, but they are crushed by Anlushan. As a result, the Jade Envoys in remote areas began to have the courage not to obey Chang’an’s orders.

However, it is such a character who has personally led the main force to return to the northern defense line for several months, and the war situation has not changed significantly. The green-skinned orcs seem to be endless, and they can’t be killed!

If it’s exhausting, I don’t think human beings are qualified to fight against the green skin that grows from the ground, not to mention that human beings are far from reaching the point where all the people are soldiers! ”

Richard righteously expressed his concerns. Richard is still self-aware of his command level. If he hadn’t opened up, there would be no such situation. Just talking about command ability, Richard gave An Lushan. No shoes fit…

Of course, Richard’s self-knowledge is just the opposite of rumors from the outside world. Who would call Richard’s record a mess?

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