From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 222

Chapter 222 Political packaging

“Such a high wall, how many people will die this time to fill it up…”

Zhao Li, who had been promoted to the commander of the auxiliary army and commanded thousands of soldiers under his hand, looked at the city wall in the distance and sighed.

At this moment, a messenger came to him on a war horse and stopped and asked, “Are you the commander of the auxiliary army in charge of the forward, Zhao Li?”

“it’s me.”

Zhao Li straightened his body, causing a clattering sound from the thick iron armor on his body, and replied with a serious tone.

Naturally, this armor was not equipped by the Ming Dynasty, which was not financially rich, but Zhao Li privately created it through the spoils and salaries he seized. In fact, it is a kind of chain armor. It is breathable and light, and has a protective effect. Compared with ordinary light locks. Zi Jia was so powerful when he was anti-arrows.

Of course, even if the commander of the auxiliary army is not valued, Zhao Li still armed himself as much as possible. This is mainly reflected in the armor. In addition to the outer chain armor, Zhao Li also wears a set of iron studs inside. Cloth face armor.

This thing is inspired by the craftsmen of the Western Regions based on the armor of the Taoist soldiers of Richard’s. The cloth visor that is imitated has the advantages of low cost and light weight. It is very good for those who have small surplus and can’t afford medium-sized iron armor. use.

And because the cloth visor is not very procrastinating, you can wear it inside, and add a layer of iron armor on the outside, so that it can barely achieve some of the protection capabilities of medium-sized iron armor.

Especially the protection against arrow clusters is quite gratifying.

Therefore, cloth visors are particularly popular with field army and auxiliary army officers and soldiers. After Richard discovered the low cost of cloth visors, he also began to popularize them. Field army officers and front-row dead soldiers can get free cloth visors. Of course, maintenance costs need to be paid for by themselves.

The auxiliary army can only buy it by itself.

Because the soldiers of the auxiliary army are professional soldiers, they know that they will basically spend their entire lives in the barracks before they get old. Armed up, they will never leave their hands. When Richard was fighting against the landlords in the Western Regions, he made a lot of money. Therefore, The equipment of the current auxiliary army officers and soldiers is much better than before.

Even the armor rate of ordinary soldiers has reached 10%!

You know, the soldiers of the auxiliary army were originally from the bottom of society and prisoners of war, and they had no personal wealth at all!

And because of the frequent wars in this era, the price of a suit of armor is often more valuable than the land!

After Zhao Li listened to Lingbing’s words, he took Lingjian from him, and then arranged several subordinate officers to go to a designated place to accept the young and strong civilians who had attacked the city.

Zhao Li looked at the young and strong people carrying large and small bags, and couldn’t help sighing that one day he could crush others to death instead of being crushed to death by others…

There are actually only 8,000 young people handed over to Zhao Li, the front-line commander. Xizhou has a large territory, and the population density is better than that of the Western Regions. If Richard, who already accounts for more than half of Xizhou, would really open up to arrest people. , Not to mention 10,000, even hundreds of thousands of people can catch it!

Of course, the people here include old, weak, women and children…

The reason why Richard only caught eight thousand cannon fodder this time was because he did not act on the Han people in Xizhou.

After invading Xizhou, Richard immediately slogans to liberate the Han people and even the land.

There is no tax exemption, only the equal land. After all, the land tax is the most important tax in this era, and there is no one!

If you shout the slogan of equalization and exemption, like Li Zicheng, you would really cheat yourself. Without the land tax, you can even use the landowners and gentry who are able to do business in the land, and lay down the huge land. Richard will also take a fart. tax!

And now Richard’s Daming has adopted a more advanced method of sharing acres, instead of collecting taxes based on per capita, it is naturally impossible to go back and collect poll tax.

Therefore, Richard’s banner was only to liberate the Han people and give the Han people equal land.

As the enemy, Anlu Mountain was promoted by Richard’s people as Turkic, which is a kind of Semu people, saying that Anlu Mountain is a hybrid descendant of the Semu people, unworthy to rule the supreme Han, etc…

Specifically, no one will go to verify that, in the occupied area of ​​Richard, there is no possibility of a second voice to oppose. The literary prison of this era is going to kill people!

In fact, Richard’s propaganda is not all made up. Anlushan is indeed a mixed race of Hu and Han. Hu people are the collective name of the northern peoples of the Han people, including Turks. As for whether Anlushan belongs to the Turkic with color purpose. Naturally, it is impossible to prove it.

But Richard can grasp the fact that Anlu Mountain has non-Han blood, and criticize it vigorously!

Political propaganda is like this. To seize a little bit of truth, the rest depends on editing. As long as the editing seems reasonable and reasonable, it is enough. Anyway, the people below are not capable or in the mood to verify, let alone ask An Lushan for a birth. prove……

After entering the territory of the Han people in East Asia, Richard cannot be as reckless as the Western Regions. The Western Regions are a minority ruling class. Richard does not need any propaganda As long as he chooses his own ethnic position, he can get a minority of Han people. Support, and then everyone enslaves the Semu people together.

However, the place where the Han people live is different. There are a large number of Han people living here. Naturally, they can no longer kill as they did in the past. These Han people themselves are a huge wealth. Whether it is to lay down Xizhou for farming or recruiting soldiers in the future, it is impossible How can the essential foundation be consumed casually?

Therefore, Richard created himself an image of a liberator of the Han people. After all, Anlu Mountain is not orthodox. It has only been a few years since the decline of the Tang Dynasty. The orthodox influence of the Han family has not dissipated, and Anlu Mountain has been taken by many people. Be a national traitor.

If An Lushan did not rebel, why would Datang be so fragmented?

Therefore, Richard just simply wraps himself up, and then vigorously promotes, he can step on the top of Anlu Mountain to occupy the moral high ground.

Coupled with Jun Tian, ​​the most eager killer of the Han people, to appease the local Han people Baixin with practical benefits, is enough to allow the intruder Richard to quickly gain a foothold in the local area.

The actual effect was indeed as expected by Richard. The Han people in Xizhou basically did not jump out to fight against Richard for the Long Family. Many prefectures, counties and cities were surrendered without a fight because of the Long Family’s shrinking forces.

The landlord class did not have the courage and the strength to resist Richard, while ordinary people eagerly awaited Richard’s Juntian slogan, and naturally they would not be hostile.

The common people are the most simple group of people, whoever gives them a bite to eat, they are willing to be the lamb of paying taxes!

As for Juntian’s slogan frightened the landlord class, it made Richard an extra class enemy, not to mention nothing. Richard’s deeds in the Western Regions are not much worse than Juntian…


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