From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 229

Chapter 229 Defeat the Long Family Army

The defeated garrison soldiers walked through the streets and alleys like a tide, and fled towards the inner city along the main street!

Among them, most of the soldiers of the Long Family Army did not abandon the weapons in their hands, and they were able to keep their weapons in the defeat, and they did not throw away and escape with all their strength, which is enough to show the elite quality of the Long Family Army.

In addition, the soldiers of the Long Family were not fleeing indiscriminately, but fleeing towards the inner city with a very clear goal, trying to find their backbone, Long Letian.

On the other hand, the local government soldiers and government officials in Xizhou fled in chaos. Not only did they lose the thing that hindered the way, many people also took off their robes that represented their identity and poured into the streets of the outer city. Hiding towards his house, he immediately turned into an ordinary citizen…

After seeing the undead monsters tonight, these government soldiers who had been demoralized had completely abandoned the Long Family. In their eyes, the Long Family’s rule was far from worthy of their lives to maintain.

The dead walking corpses are not good at climbing, so they only swarm in after the city gates are opened. Apart from their terrifying appearance and body, they behave like human professional soldiers in a long queue. He rushed into the outer city with his weapons, and ran towards the important warehouse barracks in the outer city under the control of Genevieve.

The entire streets of the outer city of Xizhou are like a night of a hundred ghosts. The people in the houses along the street saw the deadly walking corpses that looked indistinguishable from the ghosts. They all closed the doors and windows and hid at home shivering, praying for themselves. I can’t remember the name of the god.

Even the soldiers who are used to seeing the dead and fighting for the first time are scared when they see the Undead Legion, let alone ordinary civilians…

As a result, the outer city of Xizhou, which had just broken the city, was very safe. The ruffian who wanted to take the opportunity to get a ticket saw the horrible walking dead and skeleton warriors, and immediately went into hiding. There were even a lot of timid people. Scared to pee in the pants and run wildly all over the street…

The ruffians who dare to take to the streets are just like going out and hitting ghosts in the middle of the night. It’s not bad if you don’t get scared…

Richard looked at the orderly undead army when he entered the city and nodded with satisfaction, while Genevieve stood there quietly with his eyes closed next to him, trying his best to control the undead army.

This is the natural ability of vampires, and they can even act as their own vision through the eyes of individual frontline undead soldiers.

It can be said that a vampire commander is equivalent to the entire undead army.

Facing the impact of tens of thousands of undead legions, the Long Family Army in the outer city had no ability to organize effective resistance. After waking up, Long Letian issued a series of orders urgently and sent more than a dozen backbone members of the Long Family to support.

After finally leading the troops to gather some of the defeated troops, the undead army that came from the array quickly collided with the Long Family Army in the streets and alleys.

After the two sides started a short and fierce melee in the streets and alleys of the outer city, the Long Family Army was completely defeated!

This time it was not only because of the fear of the soldiers, but also because of the undead legion.

The overall combat power of the Undead Legion is not worse than that of the Long Family Army. It also has a visual advantage at night. Every undead soldier is like a machine part, and executes Genevieve’s orders without fear of death. , The strength of the troops does not occupy the advantage, and it is even strange that the Long Family Army, which is difficult to organize a united front at night, can win…

This round of fighting had a fatal blow to the morale of the Long Family Army, because the Long Family Army soldiers had just overcome their fear of undead monsters, and they were underestimated by their powerful combat power.

Many soldiers of the Long Family Army who were defeated even had the idea that undead monsters could not defeat them.

In the end, part of the Long Family Army broke into the inner city, and the rest were either killed in battle or became prisoners…

When the defeated Long Family Army soldiers discovered that the undead monsters would not kill or swallow the living, they immediately surrendered in pieces.

If Long Letian knew that this night battle would break the backbone of the Long Family Army, perhaps he would not send the main force of the Long Family Army to try to recapture the outer city of Xizhou.

Unfortunately, everything is too late…

When the dawn came, under the disappointed eyes of the Long Family Army in the inner city, a large number of undead army did not fear the sun as they thought, but instead surrounded the inner city group!

This is in serious conflict with ordinary people’s impression that ghosts are afraid of light…

Naturally, Richard didn’t know the disappointment of the Dragon family in the inner city. After the sky was bright, Richard drove into the outer city of Xizhou under the protection of the infantry of the fifth army battalion under his command and the Western Region Army.

The Han soldiers from the auxiliary army and the field army were not allowed to enter, mainly because the city had not been restored to order shortly after the fighting in the city, and they did not want to let those living soldiers into the city to have robbery incidents.

Xizhou City is the capital of the entire Xizhou, and it is also the richest city. Compared with the great cities of the Central Plains, Xizhou is of course nothing, but here in Xizhou, it is definitely the most important city. Richard intends to use Xizhou as To invade a fulcrum of the Kingdom of Yan, to establish an effective rule, naturally cannot allow the subordinates to robbery to reduce people’s sentiment and cause meaningless property losses As for the resulting decline in the morale of the auxiliary and field corps The problem, Richard doesn’t care at all. Richard has always regarded Dao soldiers as the foundation of his kingly way.

Genevieve’s Undead Legion is now added.

Genevieve has a systematic slave print control, and Richard can use it with confidence-in any sense!

Richard was riding a tall horse into the city surrounded by many Taoist soldiers, while listening to Genevieve next to him reporting the capture of the outer city to him.

A large amount of food and military supplies are stored in the warehouses of the outer city. Except for the iron armor, which is not found, ordinary weapons such as knives, guns, swords and shields are all available, enough to arm tens of thousands of people!

In fact, these were all prepared by Long Letian for Xizhou Minyong, but it is a pity that Xizhou Minyong was overwhelmed and regained his coolie status, and the weapons were naturally put away and stored in the warehouse.

Long Letian didn’t expect that the outer city would be thrown away overnight, and the contents of the warehouse would naturally not be transported into the inner city.

This is why Long Letian hurriedly sent the main force of the Long Family Army to try to retake the outer city when he learned that the outer city wall was lost.

Whether it is food or military supplies, it is one of the important guarantees for Xizhou to stick to it.

After the undead army entered the city, it quickly divided the tasks to guard the official’s property, and the remaining undead soldiers went to the inner city and surrounded it.

After all, Genevieve cannot always maintain a high-intensity ‘micro-management’ mental consumption, even if the vampire’s mental power is much higher than that of humans, it cannot be so overdrawn.

In the non-combat period, Genevieve carried out rough and shallow control of the undead army, that is, let them be responsible for the defense and security of a region, and so on.

This is also the main reason why the Undead Army cannot be used for public security.


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