From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 231

Chapter 231 Long Family Jun Mie

Richard doesn’t care about the thoughts of the Semu people. After all, the Semu people in the Western Regions do not even have the right to be educated, and they will never be a threat to his rule.

Richard’s most important purpose for shaping his own brilliant image is to enter the Central Plains and better rule the East Asian continent in the future.

Comparing heart to heart, no one likes that the emperor above his head is a tyrant, and everyone hopes that his boss is a benevolent one.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, at least let the people believe that they are a benevolent and just emperor, not just a tyrant who ordered thousands of heads down…

Truth is a weak girl, and the state apparatus is a strong man. If you want to **** truth, you only need to send out an iron fist…

Regardless of whether it is religion or the court, what I like most is to distort the truth and lean toward the side that is good for one’s own interests, just like the slogans shouted by the modern earth-truth is always within the range of a cannon.

For the current Richard, the truth is always within the scope of his sword!

For such a “prince of benevolence” who was kind to the demotion and pushed all the way as a justice and liberator, the grassroots bureaucrats in Xizhou are naturally eager to open the door and surrender. It is best not to fight the inner city guard war, otherwise there will be no swords. Eyes, if the Ming army rushed in and even clicked together, it would be more wrong to die…

“Everyone also knows the situation in the inner city of Xizhou. If you want to ensure a smooth breakthrough, one or two people staying behind will not be able to suppress those who are unpredictable.”

Naturally, Long Letian knew that after the battle of last night, the balance in the hearts of the Xizhou officials in the inner city had been seriously tilted, and even the big landlords who faced Richard Juntian’s stick did not dare to continue to confront the Ming army, let alone other people. ?

If it weren’t for the Long Family Army who can fight in the inner city of Xizhou, then the inner city of Xizhou would have united with the Ming army outside the city a long time ago!

No one thought that the Long Family Army, who was beaten into the outer city by the Ming army overnight, could defend the inner city of Xizhou…

The weird silence in the lobby was planned by a sudden report. A Long Family Army messenger rushed in with a letter and presented it to Long Letian in front of everyone.

Dare to do so, only to show that this letter is important to the outcome of this battle…Although everyone knows in their hearts that the outcome of the battle is set…

However, there are many different types of defeats. Now, including the Dragon family members, they are not concerned with the question of victory or defeat, but the question of how far they can be defeated.

The bottom line in everyone’s heart is to keep the basic floating wealth and the safety of themselves and their relatives. As for the Long Family Army and the Long Family’s real estate, if they can change their lives, 90% of the people present will cheer!

Long Letian did not evade, and opened the envelope in front of everyone. Not surprisingly, this is a letter of persuasion to surrender…

Last night’s battle only defeated Xizhou City’s government soldiers and officials’ servants, as well as nearly half of the Long Family Army. There were more than half of the Long Family Army in the inner city. This army was no less than the Tang Dynasty at its peak. The troops of the regular army rely on inner city defense, and if they attack by force, many people will still die.

If you can persuade the opponent to lay down their weapons, why not do it?

The most important thing is that Richard has already taken a look at these Long Family soldiers. Their combat literacy is much stronger than that of the auxiliary army. If they can be pulled over and reorganized, at least half of the army of the Han field army can be sent out.

With the vast territory of Xizhou, Richard can also feed more Han soldiers.

The loyalty of small soldiers in this era is very low. The strong cohesion of the Long Family Army is based on a solid rule. If the Long Family has no money and are defeated, the low-level small soldiers will not be buried for the Long Family. It is the middle and high-level Long Family. Military officers may be buried with Long Letian.

Most of the loyalty of the Long Family Army also comes from the loyalty of its officers.

After all, the small soldiers of the Long Family Army are also very complicated. There are soldiers from various subdivisions of the Western Regions, and soldiers from the regular field army of the Anxi Duhu Mansion. There are also a large number of enemy troops who have descended and even promoted to the mansion. Bing county soldiers and so on.

War is a melting pot, which will continuously eliminate and merge the low-level soldiers…

No one cares about the loyalty of an ordinary soldier. If a military commander surrenders twice or twice, perhaps no one dares to accept it, but let alone a soldier who changes camps three times or five times, no one will remember him even if he is a slave of a hundred. !

Civil servants and military commanders of this era pay attention to fame, but commoner soldiers do not have this saying, and even people who work for foreign races abound.

Isn’t the current auxiliary army soldiers a national traitor who served for Richard, the Han king who enslaved the Semu people?

However, the Semu soldiers in the auxiliary army, not only did not have the consciousness of being a traitor, but were complacent and felt that they were living better than their fellow serfs, and even regarded themselves as half of the Han, actively motivated and wanted to do more to kill the enemy. Get more promotion opportunities and rewards.

When most people in a nation are willing to work for the foreign race, it is the real meaning of subjugation of the country and species!

Looking at the letter of persuasion to surrender, Long Letian’s face was gloomy at first but in the end, he was relieved and did not say much. He directly circulated the letter of persuasion to the clansmen in the lobby.

Soon, someone read out Richard’s letter of persuasion to surrender aloud.

After persuading the faith to surrender, everyone’s expressions became grateful and depressed.

Fortunately, this time he could save his life, but what was disappointed was that the Long Family was about to lose its greatest support.

Richard’s request is very simple. If you hand over Xizhou and the Long Family Army, you can let the Long Family Army’s middle and high-ranking officials and the Long Family members leave with a little floating wealth.

Of course, all Tang coins must be kept!

This condition is pretty good in this environment, at least it hasn’t broken the bottom limit of most of the dragon family members present, even Long Letian has acquiesced to this treaty of persuasive surrender.

He was not furious, but passed the letter of persuasion to others to read, which in itself represented an attitude.

At the end of the 6th year of the Ming Dynasty, the Long Family Army officially surrendered to Richard and handed over the inner city of Xizhou to the Ming Army intact. Long Letian left with the Long Family members and a few senior officers of the Long Family Army who were willing to continue to follow the Long Family. .

Those who left were counted as the servants of the Long family, but there were only a few hundred people. This was mainly caused by Richard’s restrictions.

If the Long Family brought all the servants, servants, and even the guards of the family, a few thousand people would be able to come together!

In the Long Family Army that surrendered, all officers above the superior were forced to retire. Richard did not kill them. That was not in line with his status as a justice and liberator, and there was no benefit…

These people regained their status as free people, and were smashed into ordinary people.

As for the small soldiers of the Long Family Army and the low-level officers including Shi Chang, they all became soldiers of a uniform level, and they were disrupted and organized into three field legions!


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