From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 246

Chapter 246 Put down the rebellion

Under the banner of Juntian Debt Relief, the Ming Dynasty’s popularity was very high, so that when the Ming army was suppressed and suppressed, the Ming army won the support of the people. Although they could not directly participate in the war, the information provided by the rebel army alone was enough to make the Ming army. never fail.

The rebels of the tantric organization initially relied on the friendly assistance of a large number of tantric sorcerers, ordinary Buddhist disciples, and Tianshan school disciples, which actually caused a lot of harm to the field army and auxiliary army.

The most glorious one completely defeated and annihilated tens of thousands of auxiliary troops, and directly allowed the auxiliary army to form a legion to ban it!

However, as the war progressed and a large number of tantric sorcerers and Buddhist disciples were killed in battle, the Tianshan Sect could not sustain the consumption of the war.

Obviously, neither Buddhism Tantra nor Tianshan School expected that the war would be so long and so cruel!

Cultivating a Buddhist disciple is not easy, let alone cultivating a tantric sorcerer, it depends entirely on luck and talent!

When these people died in large numbers, the rebel army began to go downhill.

Under Richard’s order, the auxiliary army was often escorted to the battlefield by the field corps regardless of casualties, and spent time with the Buddhist rebels. Over time, it was natural that the court had an advantage.

After the death of a large number of tantric sorcerers, the high-level Buddhism tantra, the Buddhism tantra gradually realized the reality, but the Ming army was determined to eradicate the Buddhist tantra belief in the northwest, and the two sides have become an endless relationship.

As a result, after the Tianshan Sect could not hold back the loss of the disciples and withdrew, the Buddhism Tantric still had to gritted his teeth and persisted. In the end, after the entire 50,000 auxiliary army was defeated, it was glorious.

The auxiliary army consisted of 5 legions with more than 60,000 people. After the Tantric rebellion was put down in October of the Ming Dynasty, only one legion was merged and merged with more than 10,000 people…

Originally, Zhao Li died of all his superiors because of luck, and, together with the identity of the Han, he was promoted to the only commander of the auxiliary army…

In addition, the losses of the three field legions are not small, basically all the increased strength of the thousands of dragon family troops that have been annexed and digested are vomited out…

Fortunately, this time the counterinsurgency war completely lost faith in Tantric Buddhism among the people suffering from wars. Coupled with all the censorship of temples, Buddhism Tantra has almost been artificially uprooted from the northwestern region, even if it is left. The few tantric bald donkeys in this area were not a climate and could not pose a threat to the Ming army.

Even the surviving Tantric disciples didn’t even dare to explode their door numbers, because the Ming army had begun publicly offering rewards for the heads of Tantric disciples!

The price is clearly marked and the children are not deceived…

The loss of Buddhism Tantra to the Ming army was too great, comparable to the number of casualties during the fight against the Long Family Army!

Of course, the effort to fight the rebellion is not only the merit of the Buddhism Tantra, but also the scattered armed forces of the landlords, but Buddhism Tantra is the one with the strongest combat effectiveness and the greatest loss to the Ming army.

The Buddhism Tantra was destroyed and the auxiliary army almost disappeared. This result was acceptable to Richard.

After all, Richard has always felt that the lesser the auxiliary army, an army of pure foreigners, the better.

Now Richard’s strategy has shifted to the East Asian continent. The most indispensable here are the Han people. According to the recent Datang statistics before the Anlu Mountain rebellion, the number of Han people registered has exceeded 100 million!

Although many nomads and Nanbans are counted among them, it is enough to illustrate the dominance of the Han ethnic group in East Asia!

What’s more, the big landlords in this era often conceal the number of their tenants for their own benefit, and many Han people of pure blood will not be registered by the government.

In this way, tenants can save a head tax, and landlords can collect more rent.

The backward statistical methods and the ethics of the landlords and squires of this era are just like that. The census can only be used as reference data. In fact, more data are recorded by the way when taxes are collected.

After all, there is no feudal dynasty who would like to look up and find out how many households there are…

It is not that the court does not want to, but that the cost is too high to justify the loss!

Of course, the East Asian continent is now in constant chaos, and no one can tell exactly how many people there are…

In the past six months, there have been many counter-insurgency battles, and the confrontation with more than 10,000 people has exceeded double digits. However, after the counter-insurgency, the system gave Richard a unified reward and evaluation, only 20,000 air luck coins…

Coupled with the 10,000 Qi Luck Coins obtained by a group of landlord armed forces that Richard led by his own army to raid the Great Northwest City, Richard’s accumulated Qi Luck Coins now reached 1.05 million.

【Name: Richard 16

Personal realm: ordinary people

Reputation rating: 18 stars

Lottery Permission: Elementary (100)

Can recruit Tier 1 soldiers: Guardian Militia (1)

Can recruit Tier 2 soldiers: Ming Army Pikemen (2), Ming Army Archers (2)

Can recruit Tier 3 soldiers: Ming army heavy infantry (5), Ming army heavy crossbowmen (5), Ming army light cavalry (5)

Tier 4 soldiers can be recruited: Ming Dynasty Fifth Army Battalion Infantry (10), Ming Army Fire Gunner (10), Ming Dynasty Frontier Army Elite Cavalry (10)

Can recruit Tier 5 soldiers: Ming Dynasty Shenji Battalion Infantry (20), Ming Dynasty Shenji Battalion Cavalry (20), Ming Dynasty Three Thousand Battalion Jingqi (20)

Can recruit Tier 6 soldiers: Liaodong Iron Cavalry (50), Shangzhi Guardian Army (50)

Can recruit 7-tier soldiers: Jin Yiwei (100)

Can recruit Tier 8 soldiers: elite factory guards (200)

Can recruit Tier 9 soldiers: Commander Jin Yiwei (1000)

Subordinate System Soldiers: Ming Dynasty Frontier Army Jingqi Ming Dynasty Shenji Battalion Infantry 100+, 5th Army Battalion Infantry 1000+

Qiyun Coin: 1.05 million

Prestige task: Capture Chang’an, the capital of Datang, and increase prestige level after completion.

Remarks: Please complete the prestige task as soon as possible to upgrade to the prestige level. Tier 10 soldiers will be the highest level of the Ming Dynasty system. You will get other surprises if you continue to increase the prestige level after opening. 】

Li Cha directly ignored the nonsense in the remarks, and frowned deeply when he watched the price of the rank nine soldiers.

The 9th-order Jinyiwei Commander has reached the level of the acquired level, which is already the standard of the first-class masters in the world, but the price is 5 times that of the 8th-order soldiers!

Although in theory 5 rank 8 soldiers can’t beat a rank 9 soldier, it is only theoretically. There are not only open and honest face-to-face duels in arena fights, but also methods such as yin hands abound…

“Forget it, the EQ gap of the system soldiers is not big, and they are not afraid of death. Let’s start purely from the cost-effectiveness.

Since I want to get a warrior team, naturally I want to get the best! ”

After thinking for a moment, Richard fixed his gaze on the commander of the ninth-order soldier Jin Yiwei.

But now Richard has no plans to recruit. He is responsible for eating and drinking Lazar when he is recruited. It is best to recruit on the spot.

“Now that the Great Northwest region has been calmed down, it is time to contact the Lingjiu Palace and destroy the Tianshan School. I should also laugh at the method of making the life and death talisman. At that time, it will be the time for me to completely control the warriors of the rivers and lakes!

Hmph, this time I suffered a loss in the Great Northwest region, and I will never repeat it in the future! ”

This Buddhism Tantric rebellion gave Richard a vivid lesson. The warriors who controlled East Asia had been added to the strategic plan by Richard.


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