From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 248

Chapter 248 Military aristocracy

Nowadays, Richard is no longer a newcomer who relies on Qiyun coins to earn violent soldiers. The emergence of the empire-era panel has given him another source of troops. The expansion of the Ming Dynasty’s sphere of influence has occupied a large area of ​​East Asia. It also allowed Richard to have a sufficient Han population to form a new indigenous army!

While quelling the Buddhist and peasant uprisings, Richard also personally took the system soldiers to capture the legacy left by the Yan Kingdom, in order to expand the territory, gain more population, and increase his own army.

The army in the cold weapon era is directly linked to the population, because everyone is playing with swords and guns, and the cost of building an army is much lower than in the industrial era.

If it is the kind of barbarians who are naturally warlike, even military training can be saved. The men who fight all day can go to the battlefield with a knife, and they often perform better than soldiers trained by ordinary farmers!

Cold weapon war is an era that advocates the strong. There is a rabble led by one or a group of warriors, and it can even fight against the regular army that has experienced the war and has undergone rigorous training!

The reason is simple. No matter how tight the military formation is, as long as a few warriors break the tortoise shell, the mobs behind will swarm in, and the regular army will be pulled to the same level of the melee…

Once you enter the melee, you are more concerned about individual martial arts rather than strict military formation…

This is also the reason why morale and courage of soldiers are often more important than training in the cold weapon era.

The nomads are half-soldier and half-civilian, and they are quite effective on the battlefield without much military training.

In the ancient cold weapon battlefield, there are often farmers who have been trained on the battlefield in just a few months, because this era does not have high requirements for military literacy!

The strength of those elite cold-arms troops is often reflected in their personal bravery and morale. A long spear phalanx can stand tall when facing cavalry charges, not because the lance phalanx is tight enough, but because the spearmen are brave enough. Not even afraid of death!

As for the phalanx of long spears that collapsed in a single blow, it was not that the queue was not tight enough, but that the soldiers were not **** enough, and they immediately turned into soft-footed shrimps when they encountered ten thousand horses.

In the era of cold weapons, the queues were comparable to the guards of honor of later generations, and teams abounded when they were on the battlefield.

This is also the root reason why many fierce generals do not pay attention to queues.

It was not until the emergence of line tactics that queues became the decisive factor on the battlefield.

Therefore, the time to train an army in the cold weapon era is really short, and the elite of the cold weapon era have never come out of training, they are all killed on the battlefield!

Training alone can only reach the ranks of the Datang regular army at best, lacking the military spirit of the Datang regular army.

Of course, in the shrinking Datang dynasty nowadays, the spirit of the regular army is almost consumed. Especially when facing Anlu Mountain, many regular troops of the Tang Dynasty have little fighting spirit, and even have a natural attitude towards Anlu Mountain. Share fear.

This is all typed out…

Otherwise, Datang Zhengtong would not be crushed and beaten by a rebel leader.

At this time, in the various state capitals of the Northwest, the local government had already started the recruiting mode.

This time, Richard made a small innovation. Instead of letting the three field regiments recruit themselves, he assigned the right of recruiting and training to the army minister, Qi Jiguang, who is the absolute center.

All newly established Ming Ting government offices are all recruited under the cooperation of the War Department under the command of the Secretary of the Army.

The enlistment adopted a voluntary mode, but the method of military merits was not adopted.

Now that Daming is on the right track, Richard can no longer take out the limited field to divide the soldiers.

The main reason is that in Richard’s future army expansion plan, the land is not enough to be divided…

However, Richard did not completely cut off his military meritorious policy, but raised the threshold.

Originally, as long as you become a Ming Zhengbing and you are a Han Chinese, you can get the lowest 5 acres of military merit field. As your military rank increases, you can gradually increase the area of ​​military merit field.

Now Richard does not plan to grant military merits to the grassroots of the army anymore, instead, he has adopted the method of accumulating military merits in exchange for a large area of ​​military merits, trying to create a group of military merit nobles!

Whether it is an officer or a soldier, there is a set of corresponding methods for obtaining military merit. After the accumulation reaches a certain level, it can be exchanged for a certain area of ​​military merit field on the newly occupied land.

There is an upper limit on the maximum area of ​​military exploits, but as long as there are enough military exploits, it is still possible to exchange a few hundred acres of land.

The most important thing is that all the military exploits that Richard has divided are mature fields, which means that after the division is finished, someone will cultivate them, and there will be harvest in the next year!

Hundreds of acres of land are enough to become a landlord in East Asia, and the upper limit of military exploits prevents the army from producing large landlords with thousands of hectares of fertile land!

Of course, there is a title award on the military merit field, but it is very difficult to obtain the title. This kind of title is not an honorary title. The title is linked to the area of ​​the fief field The lowest lord guarantee has thousands of Acres of land!

Up the Lord is the baron, the viscount, the earl, the marquis, the duke.

Each title is divided into three classes, and each class has a corresponding area of ​​fiefdom.

However, the nobles’ fiefs also need to pay taxes, and all military nobles are not allowed to raise private soldiers in their fields.

These titles are mainly prepared for those high-ranking indigenous military officers, and only a big victory in a battle can produce titles.

If you don’t accumulate enough credit, even the commander of a legion can’t get the title.

In order to limit the expansion of military aristocracy, the land acquired through knighthood is not allowed to be sold and traded privately to prevent land mergers. If the management is not good or the land is not desired, it can be sold to the Ming court.

Ming Ting will purchase at market price.

Although the acres that middle and low-level officers and ordinary soldiers exchange for military merit, although private transactions are allowed, they will not enjoy the preferential tax policies of military merit after the transaction.

In Ming Dynasty law, military fields are different from civilian fields, and military fields can enjoy general tax incentives.

Of course, the large amount of land acquired through knighthood cannot enjoy the preferential tax policies for military field. As a compensation, even the lowest lord can obtain an additional piece of undeveloped wasteland in addition to the fixed land property.

However, the nobles of the Ming Dynasty only had the right to collect land rent for their own fiefs, and other rights such as administrative power and judicial power were restricted.

Richard did not want to create a group of feudal lords in his territory.

However, even if there is only a share of fiscal revenue such as land rent, it is enough to make military aristocrats crazy!

This is the foundation that can be passed down!


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