From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 1 way west

In early June of Daming, more than three months have passed since Richard personally led his troops into the Western Regions to counter the rebellion. Lin Dengwan, who had just completed the’liberation’ in Dashi Town, where Richard was born, finally looked at him and fell behind him. In the raging flames of Dashi Town, he sighed and brought the rebels of the Brotherhood of Luster to the west to’strategic turn in’.

Since Richard led his troops into the Western Regions to counter the rebellion, the Semu Rebels in the Western Regions have become vulnerable. Richard led the troops to integrate the garrison regiments in various places, while slaughtering the Semu Rebels everywhere, and fought big and small battles. Hundreds of games, without a single defeat!

When the number of people did not differ by more than ten times, the Semu People’s Mud-legged Rebels, who could not even defeat the garrison in the field battle, would naturally take three steps against the intrepid and intrepid system of the Western Regions Legion.

Discover the enemy-collapse at the touch of a touch-accept the slaughter…

No Semu Rebel army can survive a round of assault by the Western Region Legion, and the two sides are not at the same level at all!

The slaughter of the Semu Rebels was not very rewarding for Richard. After all, the Semu Rebels’ evaluation in the system was too low, and they could get a thousand or eight hundred Qiyun coins if they slaughtered tens of thousands of people…

Fortunately, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat, and the hands of these Semu Rebels are stained with the blood of Han Chinese gentry and their families. Even the families of the officers and soldiers of the local garrison, as well as the families of the field corps and the auxiliary army, have been poisoned by many.

It is precisely this fierce slaughter policy of the Semu Rebels that made the Han people of the Ming country work together to cleanse the Semu Rebels!

Even the sporadic Virgin Mary’s “Knowledge” dare not stand up at this time to condemn this upright genocide policy, otherwise the angry army and the victimized Han will immediately be labeled as traitors.

Once you are named a traitor, it’s really hard to die…

Because the losses of the garrison were not replenished, and Richard was frequently mobilized and rectified in the name of war needs, the’local nature’ of the garrison had been completely wiped out. At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, local soldiers and local gentry were used to save costs. The local military forces of the children guarding the homeland have also completely disappeared.

Richard did this so easily, not only because of the impact of this war, but also because of the fact that the local garrison took root for too short a time and did not form a huge and complicated chain of interests.

It can be said that this rebellion provided Richard with a very good reason to take action.

In this era where there is no telegraph and other timely communication equipment, once the local powerful factions have a knife in their hands, it is easy to form a situation where the tail is too big, which is a big blow to the centralized rule.

Even in the history of the earth in Richard’s previous life, the seemingly centralized and unified dynasty, local power has always existed.

For example, explain the chieftains in various places in the dynasty, the Muwangfu of Yunnan, and the Donglin Party in the southeast.

These local forces seem to belong to the Ming Dynasty, but with the exception of the Ming Dynasty emperors who founded the country, the emperors of the middle and late Ming Dynasty were basically unable to eliminate them.

This was also the main reason for the financial collapse in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

In the history of the earth, the Ming Dynasty was prosperous and the country was weak. The fundamental reason was that the local officials and the gentry were too powerful, and they used various methods to blatantly cut their heads and even refused to collect taxes from the central court.

As a result, the central government of the Ming Dynasty has been in a state of financial loss…

As for the separatist rule of the Tang Dynasty, not to mention…

Even in the early days of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the strong local military power was a big threat to the central court. Wasn’t the Jianwen chaos in the early Ming Dynasty caused by a paper-cut feudal decree?

With an absolutely loyal systematic army in his hands, Richard will naturally not allow the development of local forces. Even if he offends local interest groups for this, he has enough confidence!

This is why the Western Regions Ming Guo has always been in a centralized high-pressure mode, and it is still as stable as Mount Tai.

The seemingly large-scale uprising of the Semu People’s Congress broke out after Richard transferred all the main field forces. When Richard returned his troops, it was basically a quelling and quelling of the rebellion…

It’s just that the local gentry class and some of the city’s broken local government have suffered unpredictable disasters, and were basically killed by the Semu volunteers…

Among the many ferocious Semu rebels, the Semu Brothers led by Lin Dengwan became very pleasing to the ordinary Han people when they were often online. Even Richard did not regard Lin Dengwan as the first target to be eliminated. , But slashed the knife directly at those Semu Rebels who slaughtered all Han Chinese indiscriminately.

The more ruthless the rebels tended to die out, and in many cases they would be annihilated by the raging garrison and the militia mobilized by ordinary Han people without Richard’s own hands.

After more than three months of suppression, UU Reading was slaughtered by the slaughtered Semu people, and the losses of the Han gentry class were also terrible. In areas where the city was attacked, the Han gentry class and even the richer landlords. None of the merchants were spared.

The two sides seem to be in a massacre…

Of course, there are far more Semu people in the Western Regions than Han people. Ninety percent of the massacred people were Semu people…

After Lin Dengwan dispatched a rabble to tentatively collide with Richard’s team, he was completely frightened. Then the Semu Brotherhood was like most of the rebels who were panicked by the Ming army. The lambs are generally chased westward.

Among them, the one who lags behind is naturally dead. If you don’t resist and surrender, you can still leave a life, and Richard will be used as siege cannon fodder and coolies.

As long as the Semu Rebels resist a little bit, they will be massacred!

This approach of the Ming Army caused the rampant Semu Rebels to quickly collapse. In addition to the Semu Brotherhood, which has been preserving its strength and carried out internal reforms, it has not collapsed. In the westward pursuit, many Semu Rebels broke up on their own. …

Some became bandits, some chose to surrender because of fear of the Ming army, and the largest of them was annexed by the most well-organized Brotherhood of Semu.

Because of this, although the Semu Brotherhood was constantly bitten by the tail and swallowed by the Ming army during the’Long March’, the number was steadily increasing!

In addition, Lin Dengwan also used a large number of newly joined Semu rebels as pawns to attack those cities. After the siege battle, regardless of casualties, the veterans who can survive are basically…

The Semu who joined the rebels were basically serfs, and had a bad life. As long as they could win, no matter how many deaths Lindenwan could die, they could be suppressed by his huge personal reputation.

Who told the Ming army to be like a living Hades in the back **** and was always forcing his eyes on people?

:. :

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