From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 270

Chapter 270 Volunteer army

The concentration camp garrisons adapted from the garrison corps face little danger, so they are set to Class C under the new army standards.

However, the Han Chinese who were mobilized during the war did long-term training in accordance with the standards of the second-class army and became the new defenders of the Western Regions!

However, they are military troops, that is to say, they are busy farming under unified dispatch and command, and they conduct high-intensity military training during the slack season to achieve self-sufficiency in food!

The role of this unit is mainly to guard the Western Regions and to defend the capital of Kucha, so it is trained in accordance with the standards of the second-class unit.

Of course, it is still unknown whether it can achieve the combat effectiveness of the second-class troops.

Although the three levels of A, B, and C are a generalization of combat effectiveness, in actual operation they only concern the treatment of soldiers and equipment, and of course the control of officers and ideological education.

For example, the C-class troops guarding the concentration camps in various places will basically not be equipped with a ‘loyal instructor’, that is, a deputy to military attaches at all levels.

Weapons and equipment were originally owned by them, and a few spoils. As long as no large-scale battles occur, they basically don’t want to replace them with new equipment.

It’s just a group of slaves. How much treatment do you want?

What’s more, detaining slaves is not hard work. The Semu slaves in the concentration camps do not have the slightest human rights. The Semu women inside only need to look at the detention officers and soldiers, and they will not be taken care of. As long as they don’t make trouble, they won’t cause death. event!

This is inevitable even for the highest-ranked **** slaves. In addition to good accommodation and food, high-rank **** slaves can serve as managers of a farm in a concentration camp and become an oppressor from heavy manual labor.

It is conceivable that there are so few slaves of this highest level of sex…

In concentration camps, pure civilian personnel are very rare, and officers and soldiers are directly responsible for almost 90% of the affairs.

Slaves of Semu will be flogged as long as they resist and violate the rules, and those with serious circumstances will be directly hanged in public.

The hanged corpses will be buried in a large cemetery at the request of Genevieve. According to Genevieve, after a large number of grieving corpses were buried in this cemetery, after a long time, there are more corpses. It is very possible to form a natural corpse breeding ground!

For vampires, a natural corpse breeding ground can dig a lot of value.

Of course, this requires the accumulation of dead bodies and time. It is a long-term job…

As for whether it is moral…

Talking to a group of Semu people who slaughtered Han people would be killed in the Western Regions!

If it hadn’t been ordered by Richard, it is estimated that these slaves would not even be able to stay in the concentration camps, and they would be massacred by the enraged Han people!

In contrast, the family members of the auxiliary army, who are also Semu people, received very good treatment after the rebellion.

The living family members of the auxiliary army were allowed to join the Han nationality on the spot, and have since become a superior Han race!

Although people will still be discriminated against because of their appearance, they are at least legally equal to Han Chinese.

The family members of the auxiliary army who died in the war were treated as military burials by the Han soldiers. Richard also specially set up a cemetery of 10,000 people specifically allocated to the family members of the auxiliary army who died fighting the rebels, so that future generations can use it. Pay tribute to the glory of their sacrifice for the country…

I have to say that in terms of honor, Richard has achieved the ultimate, and at the same time, it has also indirectly led to the fact that the soldiers of the auxiliary army in the northwestern region who were fighting against the green skin immediately burst out of fighting morale. In the end tens of thousands of auxiliary army soldiers were fighting too much. Desperately, in the end all was exhausted in the battle with Greenskin…

Of course, these are all things to do. Now, because the number of green leathers going south in the Great Northwest Region is not large, the consumption rate of both sides is not fast.

After more than three months, there were only tens of thousands of casualties…

This is just the casualties of the field army and the auxiliary army. The greenskin casualties have to be at least doubled or three times. After all, the Ming army is holding on to the city. Even if the greenskin orcs can easily crush human soldiers, they will be fought in a sad battle. Loss ratio…

This is also one of the reasons why Anlu Mountain can block a million green skins from going south.

For the green-skinned orcs who lack effective siege equipment, the casualties of the siege are too great.

It happened that under Thrall’s leadership, wishing that the green-skinned orcs would consume a lot, they kept sending them to Jiancheng. It was also said that the city is full of fat human meat steaks, and everyone can enjoy it after taking it down!

I have to say that this kind of superficial and brain-dead bewitching is just the appetite of the green-skinned orcs!

The most important thing is that they have a battle to fight, which is very waaaaaaa——

After the suppression of the rebellion, the promotion of meritocracy to the meritocracy set a precedent in the Western Regions. Although many people opposed it, because the family members of the auxiliary army died for this, the voice of opposition was not high.

This feat gave the Semu slaves in the concentration camp new hope If they could join the army and contribute to the Ming State, they might be able to get rid of their status as slaves!

As for the price and risk paid for this, it has become insignificant in the cruel living environment of the concentration camp…

As for rebelling against Ming Dynasty, after experiencing the fiasco of the Great Uprising of the Western Regions, the flames of revenge of the Semu people were completely extinguished.

They found that the power gap between themselves and Ming was too great!

Even the last pillar of the rebel army was driven out of the Western Regions and disappeared into the desert and Gobi for hundreds of miles. Who would dare to clamor with the Richard regime?

After the creation of the concentration camp farms and the Semu nationality transfer system, there were no inferior people in the entire Western Regions. The slaves stayed in the concentration camps. The Semu people who were not slaves also became Han nationality, so naturally there would be no inferior people. , The so-called class antagonism has naturally disappeared artificially…

After all, concentration camps are small societies, separated from the folks, and the inside and outside of the walls are completely different worlds.

As for the Han Chinese in the Western Regions, their lives are not very good. Except for a few Han bureaucrats and business people, including the remaining Han squires and landlords, every household needs males to join the army, and the compulsory military service system is truly realized!

And Ming Ting also took this opportunity to finalize the compulsory military service system in a legal situation!

Of course, this is only implemented in the Western Regions, and the large northwestern region with ample population does not need it.

However, this compulsory military service system is different from that of later generations. Male soldiers who join the army belong to the army, and they have to be farmers and soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is naturally incomparable with true professional soldiers.

Richard did this mainly because the population composition of the Western Regions lost a large number of Semenites, and the remaining Han must all be mobilized to defend the Western Regions. After all, he could not keep the Western Regions Legion here unmoved. The guarding work of the Western Regions can only be done with obligations. The army soldiers came to take charge.

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