From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 363

Chapter 363 1 chase 1 escape

You An has successively sent tens of thousands of human servants to serve as cannon fodder behind the palace, and the effect is still very good, and he has given plenty of time to solidify the walls and clear the fields.

Small materials were robbed directly, young and strong populations were forcibly coerced, and those who could not be taken and useless were disposed of on the spot!

This is not the first time the Ottoman army has done this kind of thing, so it is very skilled.

As a result, what Richard’s Ming army reaped was nothing but ruins and a large tract of unowned land…

Fortunately, the fertile land is very difficult to destroy, and the Ottoman army cannot spend a lot of time destroying the fields. At most, a fire will burn the unharvested seedlings.

This land will become more fertile in the next planting season!

Therefore, the more than 30,000 auxiliary military officers and soldiers, whether they are Ottomans or Hans, feel joy from the bottom of their hearts, and only a very small number of Hans whose families are in the enemy-occupied areas feel worried.

However, the Han people living in the east of Congling have very few relatives and friends in the west of Congling. After all, a Congling is enough to isolate the vast majority of Han people. What’s more, Mingguo, which implements the feudal land division policy, does not support the free circulation of people. Although it is not as strict as the restrictions in the history of the earth, due to factors such as cost and road, the floating population is very small.

Anyway, the Western Regions are vast and sparsely populated, and there is no contradiction between more land and fewer people. After the Ming Dynasty’s policy reforms, the landlord and gentry class that oppresses the masses of the people have completely kneeled. The common people have land to grow fruit belly and desire to travel far away. Naturally, it will decrease infinitely.

This made the west of Congling washed into white ground by the Ottoman Expeditionary Army, the Han officers in the auxiliary army were not affected too much. They were more in the anger of their compatriots being slaughtered, rather than the hatred of their family members and friends being slaughtered. .

There is a fundamental difference between the two.

In this way, You An led the troops to retreat to the rear. You An was really psychologically overshadowed by Richard. Originally, the main force of more than 100,000 could not defeat Richard’s army of less than 10,000, but now You An is in his hands. There are less than 100,000 people in the second-line logistics unit, so how can you have the courage to confront Richard?

As for guarding the city, in You An’s eyes, he is seeking his own way.

He knew very well the power of the dozens of artillery that Richard had seized, and he also understood how vulnerable the backward cities of Mingguo in the Western Regions were to artillery bombardment!

After all, the Ottoman Expeditionary Army used artillery to break through the city one after another.

No matter how stubborn the Ming army resisted, they could not stop the artillery siege tactics of the Ottoman Expeditionary Army.

Now that the situation on both sides has reversed, You An naturally has no confidence in relying on city defense against the Ming army’s artillery siege tactics…

The remnants of the Ottoman Expeditionary Army in Yu’an’s hands did not even have the courage and determination of the Ming army to resist, and their morale was so low that they couldn’t fight a tough battle at all.

As a result, as soon as the two sides chased and fled, You An would drop a human servant army to harass every time when Richard’s soldiers were about to catch up. Finally, Richard’s army logistics line became longer and longer…

Because the Ming army occupied no man’s land, it was impossible to get supplies on the spot. As the supply line stretched, the speed of pursuit would naturally decrease!

Richard needs to constantly build new supply lines, and even to prevent the small groups of Ottoman expeditionary forces from harassing him, he also needs to allocate a part of the auxiliary army **** supplies!

As a result, the Ming army won a big victory on the bright side, and continued to win along the way. The Ottoman Expeditionary Army was like a dog of the bereavement, and could only cut off its tail to prevent the Ming army from pursuing it. Losing the city and losing ground has become a daily life…

But the strength of the Ming army’s advance is getting weaker and weaker!

The most important thing is that as a large number of fertile fields west of Congling Mountain were recovered, the auxiliary army gradually began to say that the land was divided. Now that the land is all in hand, it is time to fulfill the promise.

The auxiliary army officers and soldiers didn’t get the land and didn’t work for the Ming country, but they divided the land a day earlier and hired tenants to plow the land and enjoy the beautiful days of rent collection!

Starting with a minimum of 50 acres of fertile land, almost every soldier in the auxiliary army can become a small landlord, and he can hire a tenant to cultivate the land for himself. By then, it will be enough to split the rent with the tenants half and half!

After all, what Richard promised is good fertile land, and the output is very good. But if Richard does that, it will take a lot of time to check the land. The division of the land is not a matter of signing a few orders. This requires a lot of time. Manpower to execute!

Yiming’s bureaucracy in the Western Regions simply cannot complete such a large-scale investigation, and it will inevitably require the participation of auxiliary military officers and soldiers.

When the time comes, the auxiliary army will naturally be unable to continue attacking the escaped Youan team…

Therefore, Richard intends to recapture the entire Western Regions and distribute fields to the auxiliary army.

This is not only a matter of the face of the country, Richard wants to clear out all the strongholds established by the Ottoman Expeditionary Army in the Western Regions!

Once the Ottoman Expeditionary Forces are completely driven out of the Western Regions, their supply lines will be stretched again You should know that many materials of the Ottoman Expeditionary Forces are not transported from the mainland, so they will consume the most food. As far as supplies are concerned, they are all obtained in the occupied areas of the Western Regions.

Because of this, the Ottoman Expeditionary Force has achieved a strategic advantage that its supply line is shorter than that of the Ming Army.

It is also the core reason why Euan firmly implemented the tactics of firm wall and clear field.

Once the Ming army stops, You An can take a breath, and then slowly wait for reinforcements from the Ottoman Empire to arrive, and then rectify the defeated soldiers that have been hunted down all the way, so that they can regain the power of World War I, and More thorough search and supplement of military supplies in the occupied areas of the Western Regions.

Even You An intends to organize some young Han Chinese into a cannon fodder army for frontline battles with the Ming army.

You An had heard from Lin Dengwan a long time ago that when Richard rose up, the main force was the Sermons of Semu. It was the large number of Semu cannon fodder that laid the foundation for Richard’s rise and brought the Han Chinese who ruled the Western Regions at that time. The warlords and Tufan were defeated one after another.

But there is one thing that makes You An a little scrupulous. The Ottoman Expeditionary Force was too vicious against the Han people before. You An was worried that the formation of a Han cannon fodder force would easily turn around on the battlefield…

Therefore, the formation of the Han cannon fodder army must establish a strict officer supervision system, so that the people loyal to the Ottoman Empire can be devolved to the level of ten or even five officers in order to control the Han cannon fodder army and prevent rebellion.

Obviously, this method is very time-consuming, and it will be impossible for a while.

What You An can see, Richard can naturally also see, so he will never allow the Ottoman Expeditionary Army to stay in the Western Regions to reorganize!

After all, there is a strong empire behind them!


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