From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 365

Chapter 365 Datang is restored

“Oh? You mean, there are some people in Ming Dynasty who are very dissatisfied with Richard’s rule, and even have blood feuds?”

You An, who has lived for hundreds of years, naturally knows what the word “class” means!

It does not represent a group of people or even an organization, but an entire interest group!

No matter what kind of interest group, a large number of people will be involved!

One can imagine how many of the interest groups that were violently eliminated…

When so many people are involved, even the feudal court of this era cannot kill them. The landlord gentry class Dark Elf Youan knew when he invaded the Western Regions of the Ming Kingdom, he was the manor owner of the Ottoman Empire!

Human Pasha is a big landlord squire in Mingguo’s words!

It’s just that the human Pasha of the Ottoman Empire not only owns land and serfs, but also has his own private armed forces.

If the dark elves dare to eradicate the human Pasha class, the seemingly stable foundation of the Ottoman Empire will collapse immediately, and the dark elves will fall into endless suppression and rebellion, and the entire empire will overturn if you are not careful…

Although it shows that the similar landlord and gentry class of the country does not have large-scale private soldiers, You An is well aware of the energy contained in this group of manor owners who have a large amount of land and population.

The Hundred-legged Worm is dead but not stiff, even if Richard overthrows this landlord gentry class, there will definitely be a lot of people caught and survived.

If there were really indiscriminate massacres, Ming’s population would almost be emptied…

After all, every family of the landlord gentry has a large number of relatives and friends, many of whom are poor civilians. If they are involved, the coverage will be too wide, and it is not conducive to the rule of the court.

The remnants of the landlord gentry class were naturally all obedient people when the Ming Dynasty was strong, but what if the Ottoman Empire found them a strong backing?

Will the ruthless landlord and gentry class who became ordinary people because Richard lost his wealth? Will they do something to make the Ottoman Empire happy?

The most important thing is that the resources consumed by You An to foster a puppet regime are very low. After all, they have plundered a large number of young and strong Han slaves, and it is enough for those traitors to toss a system team by themselves.

If it can really cause a trend of uprisings in Ming State, it will be a great happy event, and it can even reverse the current situation in an instant!

“That’s natural. At the beginning, many landlords and squires in the Western Regions formed private soldiers to fight against Richard’s tyranny. Richard killed a lot of people. The two sides have already accumulated blood feuds, but the landlords and squires are gone, so the Ming country has established a stable rule.

But much of the wealth of the Ming country comes from the Han landlord and gentry class. As long as they have the opportunity, they will certainly not be content to be oppressed and ruled by Richard! ”

Lin Deng, who was born in Ming Dynasty, explained clearly.

“Well, very good. If there are cracks in Mingguo, even if it is just ordinary people’s riots, it will help us tremendously.

We not only want to establish a Han puppet regime, but also increase our strength to contact people who are dissatisfied with Richard’s rule in Mingguo. It is best to instigate an uprising. We can support weapons, food and other resources, so that they can slowly reconcile. Country consumption.

As long as the uprising is not suppressed in a short period of time, those ‘good people’ within Ming will see the weak nature of Ming, and uprisings will appear one after another! ”

As a veteran of the Ottoman Empire, Youan was too aware of the laws of popular uprisings.

Uprisings all have a leading role and a blind obedience effect. As long as the first team that dared to rebel and has not been quickly suppressed appears in a region, other insurgents will rise like spring bamboo after the rain.

Therefore, the Ottoman Empire has been quite resolute in its attitude and intensity towards the suppression of human uprisings in the country, and has been striving for a situation in which the uprising is stifled.

It’s just that the Ottoman Empire’s own alien ruling system is flawed and cannot resolve the fundamental contradiction between the underlying humans and the ruling class. No matter how strong the pressure of the Ottoman Empire is, there will still be so-called ‘popular riots’ every year.

Yes, in the Ottoman Empire, as long as the rebel army did not occupy a large city, it would be defined as a popular riot, otherwise the historical records would be too ugly…

This is also a commonly used method in the feudal dynasty. As long as the scale of the uprising is small and the big city is not occupied, it will be defined as an ordinary civil riot or civil rebellion, not a rebellion of the rebels!

As for those rebels that revolve around, they will be officially defined as large groups of bandits and bandits.

Not to mention the Ottoman Empire, a country dominated by foreign races, even if it is the Ming Kingdom established by Richard, there will be several bandits and civil disturbances with bad influence every year.

The wandering warriors who were suppressed by the Ming State or the brutality of the power of the clan have been lurking in the territory of the Ming State, and when they saw the opportunity, they came up to do damage.

After all, Mingguo has been fighting abroad, and it will always make some people feel that there is an opportunity…

Especially when the Western Region was pushed by the Ottoman Expeditionary Army all the way to the west of Congling In the Northwest region, 6 civil unrest was suppressed in just six months!

Richard does not need to dispatch regular troops at all, he only needs local patrols and a small number of local garrisons to be enough…

This year, if you have dozens of people in your hands, you dare to be king, and if you have hundreds of people, you dare to rob the town!

After obtaining You An’s consent, Long Liguo, who was still staying in the Anguo Mansion, quickly got the news, and with a group of traitors who had no way out of retreat, who had already gathered around him, began to draft and form a new regime-Datang!

Yes, in the official propaganda of the Ottoman Expeditionary Army, the traditional Chinese dynasty Tang was restored!

The country was restored in the hands of a founding father of the Ming Dynasty…

No way, who told us that all the famous figures of Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions died?

Anyway, more than ten years have passed, and a whole generation of people have grown old. Most of the people in the Western Regions have a far greater impression of Long Liguo than the old Tang Guoan Xiduhu…

With the full support of the Ottoman Empire, the Datang directly designated Anguo Mansion as the temporary capital. The reason why it was’temporary’ was because Long Liguo, the Tang king, called on all Han loyal to the Tang Dynasty to counterattack the pseudo-Ming court and restore the Tang Dynasty. Orthodox, even shouting the slogan to call back to Chang’an…

Long Liguo didn’t ask Lupi to answer or not!

In any case, the slogan must be loud. Anyway, the flow of civil information in this era is very slow and backward. Many civilians in the Western Regions don’t know about East Asia and Central Plains. Those who know that the Ming army is fighting the greenskins are people with unobstructed information.

Farmers who occupy the majority have never even been out of their own county in their lives. How can they know what is happening in Chang’an, thousands of miles away?


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