From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 371

Chapter 371 Fudge into an enemy

“Kill these aliens!”

“For the land!”

“Wife, daughter, I will avenge you!”


The auxiliary army that relied on its strength and firepower to attack the outer wall of the An Guo Mansion did not end the battle as powerfully as imagined.

The Tang army composed of those Han farmers was like crazy and used its own weapons to rely on various buildings and debris to resist the auxiliary army.

Ordinary people in this era generally have ‘face blindness’ towards ‘foreigners’. The Han Chinese in the Tang Army have all experienced the ‘lucky ones’ who have been ravaged by foreign soldiers from the Middle East and Central Asia in the Ottoman Expeditionary Army.

Especially under the tactics of strong walls and clearing the fields, each of these Han Chinese had been separated from their families by soldiers of the Ottoman Expeditionary Army.

Of course, these Han people have firmly remembered the faces of the enemies who made their hands.

These Tang army Han people were simple and ignorant. When they saw that the auxiliary army under the banner of the Ming army were all ‘Ottomans’ from Huohuo’s hometown, their hatred was immediately drawn out.

The hatred of these ruined lower-class Han people is blind and radical, which is why You An has been afraid to fill them into the cannon fodder of the Ottoman Expeditionary Army.

No matter how politically the pseudo-Tang regime kneels and licks in front of the Ottoman Empire, the pseudo-Tang regime under the leadership of the folks Long Liguo will naturally not promote itself as a dogleg of the Ottoman Empire. Instead, it often uses the revival of the Tang Dynasty as a politically correct slogan, and tries to downplay it. The concept of a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire.

This is the prerequisite for the entrapped Han farmers who are willing to join the Tang army to eat a meal!

Regardless of the fact that there is no difference between the Tang army under the pseudo-Tang regime and the human servant army of the Ottoman Expeditionary Army, they are completely two concepts in politics.

The main function is to fool these trapped Han farmers!

This group of news is blocked, most of the Tang Jun farmers living in the military camp dormitory, in fact, many people do not know that they are fighting for the Ottoman Expeditionary Army.

The propaganda caliber of the pseudo-Tang regime against them was to fight the Ming State for the revival of the Tang Dynasty. Since Tang State and the Ottoman Empire share a common enemy, it is an ‘ally relationship’.

Obviously, this kind of propaganda has taken great care of the emotions of these Han farmers. It is not that the pseudo-Tang regime is shameless and shameless, but that in this era of underdeveloped communications, the court officials are so foolish of the common people. Who can tell the government to control 90%? What about Nine’s publicity channels?

In this era, let alone the Internet, the folks don’t even have a common way of delivering news like newspapers. There are only two paths for all sources of news together:

First, word of mouth.

Second, the government’s propaganda…

For this reason, if the imperial government wants to block information in a region, it can be done!

Wherever it is like Richard’s previous life, even if the national government conducts a large-scale network blockade, you can learn some unknown gossip in the foreign media by crossing the national firewall.

Therefore, even an ordinary person in Richard’s previous life can know a lot of news on the dark side of society as long as he has the heart. No matter where he is like ordinary people in this era, he basically has his own village and town, but his eyes are blank…

Long Liguo, as a founding father of the country, who was influential in the officialdom, the rationale of this propaganda caliber was naturally clear. Before the formation of the Tang army, these entrapped Han Chinese were isolated from the Ottoman Expeditionary Army. And restrict their flow.

Then, behind closed doors, all kinds of brainwashing propaganda, to build momentum for the revival of Tang Dynasty!

Under the flicker of propaganda and the policy of dividing the land, most of the Han Chinese Tang Jun already believed that they were fighting for themselves!

When Long Liguo learned that the Ming army used a large number of Ottoman prisoners as auxiliary cannon fodder, he even intensified. He carried out ugly propaganda against the Ming army, propagating the “Ottomans” in the auxiliary army as the bandit soldiers who burned and looted their hometown. .

How can these trapped Han people distinguish the differences between the Middle Eastern and Central Asian faces?

They had never been in contact with the Middle Eastern and Central Asian races before, and the races under the Ottoman Empire were not the same as the Semu races in the Western Regions. Of course, the Han soldiers of the Tang Army saw the Middle East and Central Asian races in the auxiliary army. Just’misunderstood’…

On the battlefield, no one would explain to the soldiers of the Tang Army. The soldiers of the Tang Army were extremely jealous when they saw the auxiliary army’s enemies. Under the support of the vengeance, their morale went up awkwardly!

This surprised the high officials of the pseudo-Tang court in Anguo Mansion!

It also surprised Richard who had just discussed the philosophy of life with Genevieve!

He didn’t even stay at Anguo Mansion that night!

A group of peasant soldiers who had been trained for a few months, with their weapons and equipment at a disadvantage, had no wall as a cover, and even drove out the successive attacking auxiliary troops, and they also achieved a battle loss ratio close to 1 to 1!

It would not be surprising if the Han soldiers of the Ming Army made this battle loss. After all, it was a war to defend the country against foreign invasion The morale of the Han soldiers of the Ming Army was very high.

But the Tang army under the pseudo-Tang regime was a slave who worked for the Ottoman Expeditionary Army. Why did they fight so desperately?

Later, through a level-by-level tracing, Richard learned from the frontline officers and soldiers of the auxiliary army that the puppet Tang soldiers mistook the auxiliary army soldiers for their enemies…

As for what kind of hatred everyone knows, the Ottoman Expeditionary Army has almost turned the west of Congling in the Western Regions into white ground, and this hatred has already reached its peak…

However, if I know that I know, Richard has no good solution. I can’t use the loudspeaker to go to the city of Anguo to speak and explain…

What’s more, there is no loudspeaker now!

When you arrive at Anguo Palace, you don’t need to shout, it is estimated that Tang Jun will be shot into a sieve!

Fighting for a whole day, the two sides have long been inextricably killed, and their nerves are very tense.

However, the bravery of the pseudo-Tang soldiers could not be the reason for the failure of the auxiliary army. Richard has always been rewarded and punished. Since the auxiliary army performed too poorly, he would naturally be punished.

Today, all the auxiliary army teams that were defeated from the front line in the daytime were pulled out, and Richard was in front of the whole army and asked the undead soldiers to smash them by 11!

Within an hour, thousands of people landed on the ground with their heads brushed, and Genevieve instantly credited thousands of undamaged souls…

After the eleventh smash law was implemented, all the erring auxiliary army teams were merged together to serve as the first ascending death camp for the next day’s attack!

Only by rushing into the city of An Guo Mansion can they wash away their guilt and restore their original treatment!

Under the awe of Scarlet Butcher, the auxiliary army launched a general offensive again in the early morning of the next day.


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