From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 374

Chapter 374 New air transportation system promotion

The four characters ‘religious crisis’ began to enter the eyes of the Ming dynasty high-level officials. There is no doubt that this discovery made Richard even more determined to thoroughly purify the auxiliary army after the war!

It doesn’t matter if the national customs and the language are different, but if the thoughts are synchronized with the enemy country, this is a shit!

Fortunately, the alien soldiers of the auxiliary army are not those crescent cult enthusiasts. Their religion is just a lifestyle habit, and they don’t have to fight to the death for the dark elves.

In fact, the civilians at the bottom of the Ottoman Empire who believed in Crescentism did not regard the sole ruler of Crescentism as the ancestor of the dark elves, the moon goddess, but called it God.

God, who crosses races, knows and is omnipotent.

So believing in the Crescent Church does not mean being loyal to the Dark Elves!

Why did the dark elves have been oppressing human civilians?

The Ottoman Empire was full of human serfs, and there were only a handful of free people. Manors and cities formed the ruling foundation of the dark elves of the Ottoman Empire. The Crescent Church was nothing more than the spiritual sustenance of the low-level human civilians.

The dark elves naturally also know that the problem of the common people’s belief in God is slightly different from the nature of their New Moon religion spreading, but the dark elves ruling class also knows that its oppressive rule cannot make most humans really believe in a dark elves as a prototype. The gods, simply let the common people believe in God.

If it weren’t for the enlightened approach of the dark elves, the Crescent Church would not have expanded so rapidly in the Ottoman Empire and penetrated into all aspects of society.

Theoretically, the Semu Army under Lyndon Wan also believes in the Crescent Church, and the soldiers on both sides can actually be regarded as ‘believers’, but they themselves don’t think so…

In this way, the auxiliary army and the Semu Army launched a long tug of war in the territory of the An Guo Mansion!

As the general who understands Richard’s army’s superiority best, Lin Tengwan would naturally not choose to fight head-on with the Ming army. Lin Tengwan once studied the history of Richard’s rise and knew that the Ming army led by Richard did not have it. Fought and lost a main battle!

Naturally, Lin Dengwan wouldn’t let his Semu Army and the Ming Army launch a main battle.

The production capacity and transportation capacity of this era are very backward, so if you concentrate your forces on the main force in a short period of time, you will win the battle and you can save the country’s power to the greatest extent.

However, this is not to say that there are no other ways of warfare in this era except for the main confrontation.

For example, the common nomadic harassment of logistics operations divides the main force into a stream of continuous harassment and delays the enemy’s main force and logistics line, and ultimately consumes the enemy’s main force to achieve strategic victory.

However, this method of combat has extremely high requirements on the terrain and environment. First of all, you must have a powerful all-cavalry mobile corps, and you must be able to crush the enemy’s cavalry corps!

Secondly, the terrain must be flat and suitable for the large-scale mobile operations of the cavalry, such as plains and grasslands. If you encounter areas with dense water nets or mountains and jungles, nomadic harassment operations will go bankrupt before they start…

In addition to the main battle and nomadic harassment strategy, the most commonly used tactic in the Cold Weapons era is the tactic of ‘fixing the hard to fight in a daze.’

To put it bluntly, it means to continue to build military fortresses and build a small fortress at a short distance. The small fortress group surrounds a large fortress. Finally, cities are used as material fulcrums to support each other and transport combat materials, and fight the enemy for long-term consumption. war!

The invasion of the Greenskin Army in the Southern Song Dynasty was a victory achieved by this tactic.

Because the military fortresses are built too densely, it is impossible for the army to completely bypass it. They can only fight one by one, and naturally a war of attrition will be formed…

This style of play is very beneficial to the defensive side, but it is also a huge consumption of financial and manpower for the defensive side. Fortunately, the defense area that Linden Wan is responsible for is only half of the Anguo Mansion, and the guarded area is not large. Naturally, the number doesn’t have to be as terrifying as the Southern Song Dynasty.

The large tracts of mountains and deserts around Anguo Mansion are natural barriers, and there are only a few official roads that can be taken. It is enough to build fortresses on these official roads to form a network of military strongholds.

This is the situation encountered by the auxiliary army at this time…

Each fortress is not far apart. If you attack one place alone, other fortress reinforcements will swarm out to attack the flanks and even the rear of the siege troops, and they may even be surrounded unknowingly!

Therefore, it is not feasible to attack a fortress alone. You must attack all the fortresses in an area at the same time to ensure the safety of the army!

In this way, the offensive force is undoubtedly dispersed into one unit, and Lin Dengwan’s consumption tug-of-war strategy has succeeded!

Since the Semu Legion does not need to be concentrated in one place, there is no need to fight the main battle, even if one fortress or even ten fortresses are lost, it will not be lost.

Of course, after all, the auxiliary army occupies the superiority in strength. As long as Richard is cruel, he is willing to pay huge casualties many fortresses can be defeated.

After all, these fortresses are not permanent military fortresses, they are all military strongholds of soil fortifications, otherwise it would not be possible to build them in such a short period of time.

As for Richard’s determination, Lin Dengwan never doubted it!

What’s more, the auxiliary army is still a group of foreign soldiers, and Richard will not be heartbroken for many deaths!

However, the real reason why Lindenwan established this fortress defense line is to delay his time in the Western Regions as much as possible. It has been used by Youan as a bridgehead to enter the Western Regions, and the support of the Ottoman Empire will continue to arrive. Now the forces of both sides In contrast, over time, with the national power of the Ottoman Empire, Linden Wan believes that he will be the one who will win in the end!

As long as the Ming army is not completely driven out of the Western Regions, the Ottoman Expeditionary Force will not be a complete failure. The extremely aggressive Ottoman Empire will continue to invest forces and strategic resources in the Expeditionary Force. Will become a sinner and be confiscated by the Ottoman Empire!

It is true that the reason why Lin Denwan worked so hard to build the fortress defense line, using the life of the Semu Legion to spend with the auxiliary army, was because of his own value in the eyes of the Ottoman Empire.

As a traditional aristocratic general of the dark elves, You An has been defeated and returned to the country and received some punishments, but Lin Dengwan, a human Pasha who has just taken refuge in the near future, will definitely become the bearer of the failure of this expedition!

After all, Lin Dengwan’s status is enough to hold this **** pot…

Therefore, in any case, Lin Dengwan must get his heels in the An Guo Mansion!

However, Linden never imagined that when he was about to completely defeat the Ottoman Expeditionary Army, Richard got another promotion route from the air transport system!


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