From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 376

Chapter 376 Last stroke


I don’t know which round of the siege troops rushed up. Lin Dengwan, covered in gunpowder and blood, was holding an exquisite Tang knife in his hand, which he once took away from his hometown in the Western Regions. He’s souvenirs, which he thought could be used as his own collection for the rest of his life, have now become a killer weapon in his hands.

Lin Dengwan knew that after he was defeated, neither his land wealth nor his wives and concubines in the Ottoman Empire could escape. He no longer had any concerns, and the only thing left was to fight to the end!

“Stand up for me who can still breathe, and kill the dog!”

“Kill the dog!”

Under Lin Dengwan’s cry, a weak response came from the surroundings. The number of corpses on the wall has exceeded the number of living people. This is still on the premise that the living people are exhausted and unable to clean the corpses!

In an atmosphere of decisive death, facing the successive attacks of the low morale of the auxiliary army, the last remnants of the Semen led by Lin Denwan resisted for three days and three nights. Under the condition of lack of weapons and weapons, the enemy who has an absolute advantage can defeat them. With an earth fortified city wall guarded to this point, Lin Dengwan was proud of it!

It is a pity that Ming Guo, who is in the position of a victor, will never record Lin Dengwan’s heroic deeds against Ming in the annals of history. If Lin Dengwan is not discredited, it will be regarded as Richard’s conscience discovery…

No matter how tragic and heroic the Semu people of Lin Dengwan tribe, they will be recorded in history as vicious alien invaders and betrayers of East Asian civilization in the end.

Of course, now Linden Wan can’t think of that much anymore, and only less than 10% of the Semu soldiers can stand up. Although the number of auxiliary troops in the corpses on the ground far exceeds that of the Semu soldiers, failure is inevitable… …

However, Linden was able to resist for so long, and part of the credit should be counted on the auxiliary army on the opposing attack. On the first day of the offensive and defensive war in Dashi Town, the offensive echelon of the more than 2,000 auxiliary army in the first round of attack had mutiny and mutiny. Continue to spread to other teams in the offensive echelon.

As a result, for most of the first day, Lin Dengwan and his Semu soldiers stood on the front of the city and watched the Ming army repressive and mutiny troops fighting each other outside the city. The’Ottomans’ who belonged to the auxiliary army killed each other. Blood flows into a river…

Unfortunately, this kind of good thing only happened on the first day. Although there were mutinies in the remaining two days of offensive, because the Ming army strengthened its supervision, the mutiny was extinguished, and the progress of the siege was not delayed too much.

Facts have proved that Dashi Town is not a good defensive stronghold, even after the temporary reinforcement of Linden Wan’s Semumen, it still cannot serve as a barrier to the army’s offensive.

After a series of fierce battles, the current auxiliary army has already exhausted its ammunition. Due to the poor performance of the auxiliary army, after they exhausted all the loot reserves, Richard stopped supplying the auxiliary army with black powder and lead ammunition.

Therefore, the auxiliary forces attacking Dashi Town are all pure cold weapons, but they are on the same level with the Lin Deng Wansuo, whose ammunition has long been exhausted…

In the hoarse fight, after paying the price of nearly a thousand people to repel the offensive echelon of the auxiliary army, Linden would sit on the corpse and pant violently, and then lay on the head of the city and watched the undead soldiers outside the city would retreat. The returning auxiliary army gathered together, collected weapons, and drew one out of every ten people in front of everyone, and executed the eleven smash law!

This is the price paid by the auxiliary army team that failed the siege!

It is precisely because of this cruel system that the auxiliary soldiers dare not speak, but can only act as siege cannon fodder, and desperate soldiers continue to initiate suicide mutinies!

The surrounding area of ​​Dashi Town was already covered with corpses. In order to prevent the outbreak of the plague, the offensive and defending parties had to set fire to the corpses.

There is only one gainer in this battle-Genevieve!

A large number of human soldiers who died in battle allowed Genevieve’s magic power reserve to rise, and at the same time all the defects of the abandoned grave guard during this period of time were filled!

You know, the main force to suppress the mutiny of the auxiliary army is Richard’s system soldiers and the undead army, the fifth army battalion infantry and the Shenji battalion infantry are so defeated!

The grave guards of the Undead Legion naturally lost a lot of money, but the huge base of corpses made up for these losses…

Lin Deng watched boredly at the heads of the Ottomans in a row of auxiliary troops, and couldn’t help but laugh at himself: “I really did Richard a favor.”

However, Lin Dengwan knew in his heart that most of the things he killed were auxiliary troops, but he still wouldn’t raise his hand to surrender, because he now doesn’t expect to win Richard, but just wants to pull as many people as possible before he dies. Go to hell!

After this eleventh slam killing law, the size of the auxiliary army has shrunk to two thousand people, and only one attack echelon can be organized!

Li Cha also completely lost his patience with Dashi Town. He did not expect that the auxiliary army of more than 20,000 people would be consumed by a small Dashi Town (nearly half of them were killed by Li Cha’s people…)!

At this time, there are only less than 500 Semu people who can afford weapons in Dashi Town But when more than 2,000 desperate auxiliary soldiers were rushed up by guards from thousands of deserted graves. , The Semu soldiers who were less than 500 were immediately resurrected on the spot full of blood, armed with weapons that I didn’t know how many times they had to fight with the enemy soldiers who had climbed the city!

However, although the city walls of Dashi Town are small and occupy a small area, the soldiers who guard the city can no longer cover the entire city wall.

Auxiliary soldiers soon boarded the unguarded city wall.

As more and more auxiliary soldiers stepped onto the city, the disadvantage of the number of Semu soldiers was gradually magnified. Even if they worked hard, they couldn’t hold back the number of auxiliary soldiers!

Moreover, under the **** of thousands of deserted grave guards, the auxiliary soldiers did not even have the opportunity to mutiny. The predecessors who had been slaughtered in several mutinies had already let the surviving auxiliary soldiers understand that they must not confront the gang of deserted grave guards!

Gradually, the number of Semu people was only less than three digits, and the guard position also moved from the city wall to the city.

This is not the first time that the walls of Dashi Town have been broken, but it is the last time!

Because Lin Dengwan no longer has a reserve team to invest in the defense line of the city wall to regain the city head!

Under the protection of the last dozens of Semumen, Lin Denwan and his party fought and retreated, retreating all the way to the guard mansion.

At this time, Dashi Town is a completely empty city. The people in it either died in battle or fled. Naturally, there was nothing for the auxiliary soldiers to fight for…

After seeing the great contribution of Lin Dengwan retreating into the guard mansion, the auxiliary soldiers immediately swarmed into the guard mansion. For some reason, the Semu soldiers did not close the gate of the guard mansion…

However, after hundreds of auxiliary soldiers rushed in, a loud roar lifted the entire guard mansion!


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