From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 384

Chapter 384 select

Because of this, what Richard needs to care about most now is the only factor limiting the system’s soldiers-the issue of food.

In order to reduce the mouth for eating as much as possible, Richard naturally tends to recruit fewer but more elite troops at the same price.

If you have a small number of people, you can use a lot of Qi Luck Coins to exchange for a few more companies. Otherwise, you can’t keep a lot of Qi Luck Coins because you can’t guarantee the army’s food.

Richard clicked on the next arms information while thinking. He needed to understand the pros and cons of each arms in depth, so that he could decide which arms would constitute the main body of the standing army in the future, which arms can only be recruited in small amounts, and there is no need to spend any air for all arms or a company. Recruiting coins.

[Jiebing: Each company has 80 people, and the exchange price is 100 Qi Luck Coins.

Concept: Generally recruited from professional hunters (this is why they are called hunters). Years of hunting behavior gives them rich shooting experience. They use rifle rifles with rifling, and they have strong survivability and endurance in the wild. They are also veterans who have experienced the baptism of war. Unlike the light infantry, the hunters are better at using scattered formations. In addition to the light infantry, the main task is to attack the enemy’s flanks, guerrilla harassment, arrange traps (such as sharpened wooden poles against cavalry), and kill the opposing commander, but because of the lack of effective melee training and The bayonet cannot be installed on the rifle, so there is almost no survival rate when encountering melee or cavalry.

Weapons: front mounted rifle with rifling (without bayonet), military sabre.

Clothing: high tube military cap, green military uniform, black military shoes.

Advantages: good shooting, high morale, proficient in skirmish tactics and jungle mountain guerrilla tactics, good at using terrain to hide from enemy cavalry.

Remarks: Marksmanship is better than light infantry, and the use of rifling rifles has a longer effective range. It is a good hand for officers. This is an elite unit that gives up melee combat and specializes in shooting. Therefore, whether it is melee with line infantry or cavalry In hand-to-hand combat, hunters without a bayonet are very difficult to win. However, they can shoot farther and more accurately than light infantry. They are good at concealing themselves to protect themselves. They are good fire supporters for jungle and mountain warfare. They can be used on specific occasions. It exerts a battlefield effect far beyond the light infantry; but because of the rifled barrier in the barrel of the front-mounted rifle, it is more difficult to load than a shotgun, and it even requires a small hammer to slowly smash the lead bullet into the bottom of the barrel. Therefore, the shooting frequency of the hunting soldiers is much lower than that of the ordinary line infantry. Even so, the accuracy of the front-mounted rifled rifle is much higher than the accuracy of the musket, which is enough to make up for this deficiency. The rifling is matched with elite soldiers who specialize in shooting. The concept of “No bullets” first appeared in the era of queuing to shoot!

Cavalry and line infantry are enough for hand-to-hand combat, so hunters who specialize in shooting only need to do their job. Since all hunters have a tough will to fight, even if they are accidentally separated from the large units, Often they will take the initiative to find a sequence for the large forces to reinvest as the commander-in-chief. 】

“Sure enough, this chaser is an enhanced version of the light infantry. It can completely replace the light infantry and become one of the main arms of the standing army in the future.”

After seeing the introduction of the hunting soldiers, Richard decisively classified the light infantry into the ranks of non-recruitment.

At least when the standing army is sufficient and there is no shortage of Qiyun coins, the light infantry and line infantry Richard intends not to recruit for the time being.

[Hussars: 60 people in each company, the exchange price is 100 Qi Luck Coins.

Concept: As a light cavalry, its mobility is unparalleled, using a scimitar. But the light cavalry had little effect when attacking the well-arranged infantry. Therefore, light cavalry is generally used for inter-corps communication, infiltration, attacking supply lines and local messengers.

Equipment: Cavalry Sabre

Clothing: black and white high-tube military cap with red feathers, sky blue military uniform with white texture, riding boots

Advantages: harass the enemy, chase down the disabled enemy and reap the ruined soldiers to expand the results of the battle.

Remarks: They are mobile scouts on the battlefield and the first choice for messengers. An army must have at least one light cavalry in order to effectively convey its orders and detect enemy conditions. In this regard, they are definitely better than those temporarily sufficient. There are so many professional horse militias! However, please do not let them go to the frontal battlefield. The light cavalry lacking strict discipline and phalanx training will definitely be easily defeated by the enemy’s infantry platoon guns or cavalry wall-shaped bursts. Historically, the Cossack hussars of the Russian Empire have given them all The modern cavalry unit of China took an impressive actual combat course. Don’t let the seemingly brave hussars go head-on with the modernized regular cavalry and infantry, otherwise they will die miserably! Of course, using them to deal with the backward feudal army, the effect is still good, at least their courage is commendable. 】

“This unit is quite useful.”

[Dragon Cavalry: 50 people in each company, the exchange price is 100 Qi Luck Coins.

Concept: an elite cavalry trained in infantry and cavalry. Equipped with a saber and a carbine (short version of the musket), it can be used as a cavalry when riding, and can be used as a line infantry at a designated position according to the needs of the battlefield With the cavalry cannon, it is very convenient and flexible to deploy firepower. They can be additionally equipped with throwing grenades to become horse-mounted grenadiers. This is a panacea-like elite unit, and they have received almost all military training with weapons. This omnipotent elite unit was awarded the title of ‘dragon’ for their outstanding performance, so they were called dragoons.

Weapons: Carbines, Sabres.

Clothing: brass helmet, blue and white military uniform, white pants, riding boots.

Advantages: It can be used as a horse-riding musketeer, but also can be dismounted at a designated place to form a line, like a synchronized soldier, and it is convenient and flexible to deploy firepower points quickly.

Remarks: Armaments like panacea are equivalent to fast-moving line infantry. They are still very practical. When facing the enemy, it is best to dismount them to fight in order to maximize their combat advantages. Every dragoon They are all veterans, and their morale is much higher than that of ordinary troops. They can be inserted into key positions to reverse the situation according to the situation. Of course, you need to have a sufficient number of advantages!

When the number of dragoons has accumulated to a point where the quantity has changed to a qualitative change, congratulations, you have an elite force that can attack the weak points of the enemy from any direction. After all, some battlefield environments are not suitable for cavalry to charge around. This It’s time for the Dragoons to play their unique role!

Of course, dragoons can also harass the enemy with a longer-range carbine immediately, but please note that even the improved cavalry carbine is not as long as the long-barreled musket used by the infantry. Now, the dragoons’ melee combat ability is also very good. 】


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