From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 386

Chapter 386 artillery

“Infantry is mainly composed of grenadiers, hunters, and guards. The hunters are responsible for shooting and killing the enemy at long distances. The guards and grenadiers are the main body of the army. The grenadiers are the main offensive and defensive forces.

The cavalry is mainly composed of Lancers and Dragoons, together with some mixed light cavalry for auxiliary reconnaissance. Cuirassiers can form a single regiment. At the end, the Royal Guard will see how many remaining Qiyun coins are left. If you have enough coins, you can exchange some for my personal guard. ”

After reading the introduction of the cavalry infantry, Li Cha decided on the composition of the future Ming Dynasty standing army.

Subsequently, he opened the artillery interface.

[6-pound cavalry artillery: 18 men and 3 6-pound cavalry artillery, dragged by 18 horses, the exchange price is 1000 Luck Coins.

Concept: Unlike ordinary artillery, the cavalry gun has a small caliber (6 pounds), and it is pulled by multiple horses to ensure its mobility. Cavalry artillery gunners are also selected from veterans who can deploy artillery proficiently to ensure that they can be deployed in the right position to exert their firepower in the shortest time. Napoleon did not hesitate to let the cavalry units fight on foot to ensure the supply of horses for the cavalry artillery when there was a shortage of horses in the latter part of the war.

Applicable ammunition: solid shells, light grape shells.

Artillery equipment: 6-pound cavalry cannon, cannon igniter, push rod, self-defense sabre, barrel brush, multiple war horses.

Artillery clothing: high-tube military cap with feathers, black military uniform, short riding boots.

Advantages: Good mobility, able to quickly support other troops on the battlefield.

Remarks: It has good maneuverability, but lacks firepower, and the horses equipped must be war horses that can adapt to guns. Only in this way can the horses be guaranteed not to be frightened and move quickly on the artillery battlefield, because each team of cavalry The horses attached to the artillery are far more than other artillery arms, so the recruitment and maintenance costs are relatively high. 】

After seeing the introduction of the cavalry artillery, Li Cha immediately regarded it as one of the main artillery in the future.

Artillery pursues not only firepower and caliber, but mobility also allows artillery to achieve many advantages on the battlefield, and can even cause a devastating blow to the enemy’s moving infantry and cavalry!

[12-pound infantry field artillery: a team of 12 men and 2 12-pound infantry artillery, towed by 12 horses, exchanged for 1000 Luck Coins.

Concept: The main force of the artillery is much more powerful than the 6-pound infantry artillery, and it is the main long-range fire support in the field!

Applicable ammunition: solid shells, light grapes, and heavy grapes.

Artillery equipment: 12-pound infantry field gun, cannon igniter, push rod, self-defense sabre, binoculars, barrel brush.

Artillery clothing: high-tube military cap, blue and white uniform, black boots with buckle.

Advantages: attacking enemy soldiers, suppressing enemy artillery, and effectively bombarding fortifications such as city walls.

Remarks: After actual combat verification, this caliber and weight infantry gun is the main artillery weapon with very good overall performance in the field. In the era when the artillery transportation is still dragged by the horses and horses, the 12-pound infantry gun is undoubtedly the main artillery of choice for the generals in the field. . It can be said that it is more inconvenient to transport than its firepower, and its more mobile firepower is not enough. This is the reason why the 12-pounder field gun is widely used in field and mobile warfare.

“With the 12-pounder infantry field gun and the 6-pounder cavalry gun, I should no longer need the 6-pounder infantry field gun.

It just so happened that the cavalry artillery acted as the mobile artillery firepower, and the 12-pound infantry field artillery acted as the main artillery suppressing firepower. ”

Richard smiled and gave the 6-pound infantry field gun an X in his heart, even if the 6-pound infantry field gun is cheaper!

Now Richard only chooses the good ones, not the cheap ones!

[20-pound unicorn siege guns: 6 people and a team of 20-pound unicorn siege guns, the exchange price is 1000 Luck Coins.

Concept: This is an impressive artillery unit, named after the unicorn pattern on its gun body. Any city wall is as fragile as paper in front of them.

Applicable ammunition: solid shells, light grapes, and heavy grapes.

Artillery equipment: unicorn siege gun, cannon igniter, push rod, self-defense sabre, binoculars, barrel brush.

Artillery clothing: boat cap, black and white military uniform, black military boots with buckle.

Advantage: Attack the city walls and enemy soldiers.

Remarks: Their bulky size makes them only suitable for defense and siege. The bombardment power of the 12-pound infantry gun is its biggest highlight. Please note that the personnel are only gunners responsible for shooting, not for transportation.

24-pound siege artillery: 6 people and 1 24-pound siege artillery can be exchanged for 1000 Luck Coins.

Concept: It has twice the power of ordinary artillery units. The 24-pound siege cannon has carried forward the power of the cannons that line up to be shot to the extreme. It is also the largest caliber siege artillery that can be transported on land. If you want to use it, first you It is necessary to train a group of artillery units with sufficient operational skills.

Applicable ammunition: solid shells, light grapes, and heavy grapes.

Advantages: suppress enemy artillery, siege the city.

Remarks: The body is bulky and huge, and it moves slowly on the battlefield. It is best not to change its artillery position easily. A large amount of manpower and material support is required for transportation, which will greatly delay the marching speed of the entire army. It is not recommended to treat it as a conventional one. Field artillery is used in the face of strong fortresses and fortifications. It is the best place for it to exert its power In the field, due to its huge lethality, it is easy to be attacked by enemy cavalry. It is best to send a few Team infantry to protect! 】

“The former of these two siege guns consumes less manpower, but is not as powerful as the latter, which gives me one more choice on the battlefield.”

[6 inch howitzer: 6 people and 1 6 inch howitzer team, dragged by 6 horses, the exchange price is 1000 Luck Coins.

Concept: A gun with a short barrel, high firing angle, and curved trajectory. Because of its special trajectory, it is less affected by the terrain and can cause damage to the enemy personnel behind the bunker or the city wall. Generally launching grenade or incendiary bombs, hot air balloons can be sent into the air to observe the impact of the shells, and they are primitive artillery observers.

Applicable ammunition: grenade bomb (flower bomb), incendiary bomb, lime bomb.

Artillery equipment: 6-inch howitzer, cannon igniter, push rod, self-defense sabre, barrel brush, binoculars.

Artillery clothing: high-tube military cap with pattern, dark blue military uniform, white military boots with buckle.

Advantage: Siege of the city, killing and wounding the enemy in a large area, which is equivalent to an upgraded version of the mortar.

Remarks: It can cause damage to the enemy with cover, and the range is closer than that of infantry artillery of the same caliber, but the damage to personnel is very impressive. If a grenade is shot into the center of the enemy’s queue, it can directly destroy the enemy’s entire team The combat effectiveness of most of the soldiers in the phalanx, as long as the enemy army hit is not an elite unit with high morale, the company directly hit is likely to retreat! The biggest advantage of this 6-inch howitzer over the original mortar is not in the range, but in accuracy. In order to pursue the hit rate, the 6-inch howitzer has a shorter range than the old mortar, but the shells can only hit people. To be effective. 】


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