From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 397

Chapter 397 Adapted Prisoners of War

In addition to more than 80,000 Song Army prisoners of war in this battle, Richard also seized a large amount of belongings that originally belonged to the Song Army.

These materials will not last long compared to the 100,000 Song army, but it is indeed a huge gain for the Ming army with less than 30,000.

Originally relying on these seized materials alone, Richard didn’t need any logistical supplies to regain all the lost ground, but after more than 80,000 mouths were opened, Richard was distressed to find that he could not continue the rapid and aggressive attack…

In the following days, the main task of Richard’s Department was to screen and settle more than 80,000 prisoners of war.

Since these more than 80,000 prisoners of war are all Han people, they belong to the same cultural nation and are easy to integrate, so Richard did not use harsh methods.

After removing the military attachés from the Song Army prisoners of war and putting them in solitary confinement, they began to recruit the low-level soldiers and small-level leaders.

The conditions for solicitation are all on the surface.

Those who are willing to continue to serve as soldiers and eat food, put on the uniforms of the Ming army and continue to fight with Richard, and those who are unwilling will move into the less populated Western Regions and rush into the no-man’s land west of Congling to open up wasteland.

It’s not easy to come back when you arrive in the Western Regions…

However, Richard’s land reclamation conditions are quite superior. As long as he diligently planted the land for 5 years, the allocated land will belong to him permanently, and there will be tax reduction policies and interest-free leases for the first year of cultivation. Kind of farm tools.

Mingguo’s financial situation has been very bad, so it is naturally impossible to give away farm tools for free!

Even these farm tools were captured when the Ottoman Expeditionary Forces swept the area before…

However, even if Richard’s conditions were good, there was no suspicion of deliberately squeezing these prisoners of war, but because the Western Regions were too far away for these prisoners of war in central and southern East Asia, I had never heard of them in my life, so I chose to open up wasteland There are very few people in the land.

Finally, after removing the military attachés from the Song Army prisoners of war, there are still more than 70,000 people who are willing to become the Ming Army!

This scene is something Richard did not expect!

In the past, when Major General Richard was short of soldiers, his favorite was to turn prisoners of war into his own cannon fodder on a large scale, but now that there are elite soldiers with the full-scale war system, Richard has not much demand for cannon fodder.

Even the logistical and heavy transportation are carried out by garrison troops such as the local militia, and cavalry can be sent to **** along the way, so there is no intention to expand the army.

Of course, the main reason why Richard didn’t want to expand his army was because he had no money…

Originally, Richard thought that after these prisoners of war had gone through the tragic battlefield, most people would choose to go to the Western Regions to farm and live a stable life. Unexpectedly, the number of people just turned upside down…

It is a good thing to have more than 70,000 more cannon fodder volunteers to serve as soldiers. These people choose to serve as soldiers and eat food, which is far easier to use than those forced to be strong, and these people are originally veterans who have experienced several battles and are armed. It can be directly on the battlefield.


Richard really doesn’t have much surplus food to support them now!

Why did Richard specialize in high-priced elites when recruiting systematic troops?

It is not to reduce personnel and reduce food consumption without affecting combat power!

But this is the end of the matter. Richard can’t force these soldiers to be sent to the Western Regions. In that case, these resentful veterans still need a group of troops to prevent riots!

Today, Mingguo’s military system has been simplified into two sets. One is the local garrison forces, which are actually militia forces and security patrols.

The other type is the main force of the system led by Richard Richards. This kind of military system minimizes military expenditures.

The expenses of the local garrison troops are borne by the local government, and Richard’s system army does not need to pay military pay at all, but only needs to pay for it.

But at the same time it also caused the polarization of the combat effectiveness of the Ming state’s military system.

How effective is the military expenditure allocated by the local government and the local garrison provided by the military field?

Under the tuntian system, soldiers are more concerned about the output of the military fields than military training. In the past, Ming’s standing army used to exercise three days, one day, one day, and one small exercise. However, the local garrison troops were qualified if they were able to train once a month. Up…

As for patrols, it has nothing to do with military training. After all, they are used to catch thieves, not fight wars!

Under this system, even if he was originally a veteran, his combat effectiveness would decline extremely after being a garrison for a long time. Richard was really worried about whether he would suppress the tens of thousands of Song Army veteran prisoners of war.

If something goes wrong during the escort, it will be called picking up a rock and hitting one’s own feet!

Therefore, even if he had no money or food, Richard could only grit his teeth to accept the more than 70,000 Song Army prisoners who were willing to serve as soldiers.

As for the military attachés of the Song Army, they also conducted a series of screenings. If they are willing to serve the Ming country, they will be sent to the capital of the Western Regions, Qiuci City, enter the military academy sponsored by Qi Jiguang, and then conduct ideological reform education and military theory guidance.

As long as he completes his graduation exam, he will be a proper military attaché.

If you don’t want to, then I’m sorry, your military attache treatment will be completely gone will go all the way westward with the prisoners of war who voluntarily go to the Western Regions to farm.

After all, these military attaches of the Song state are middle and high-level officers, and they are not many in number, but they are extremely prestigious in the Song army. If they are directly scattered into the army of prisoners of war, it is easy to cause repeated mutiny.

Since these 70,000 prisoners of war were reorganized and refurbished in Shazhou, Richard named them the Shazhou Army.

Among them, the middle and high-level military attaches were all high-achieving students who graduated from the Ming State Military Academy. Richard didn’t know the actual combat abilities of these graduates, but their loyalty made him very relieved.

Although Ming State’s Military Academy has a military name, political and ideological education is actually the most important part of it. All courses inevitably shout slogans of loyalty and patriotism. Richard even introduced some brainwashing knowledge in MLM in it!

In addition, the military academy recruits innocent civilian children, without the messy connections of officialdom, it is more pure and natural, and it is easier to be implanted with loyalty and patriotic thoughts.

In fact, Mingguo’s Military Academy is Richard’s officer reserve. Although Richard gave up the recruitment of indigenous soldiers, he did not give up training for the officer corps. Instead, he invested more resources to expand the recruitment and recruitment efforts. The intensity of the review!

These people are the backbone managers in Richard’s conquest.

The military academy not only has military textbooks, but also teaches some key points of civil administration, so that they will not be ignorant of civil affairs.

After the senior graduates who entered the military academy served as intermediate and high-level officers of the Shazhou Army, the grassroots officers still appointed the original Song Army leader.

After all, these grassroots officers have only 5 people, 10 people at most dozens, and their power is very low, so there is no need to worry about them rebelling.


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