From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 399

Chapter 399 Back Wei

After discovering that the Sichuan defense line was relying on the mountain fortress to guard against death, he stopped his rapid advance and began to improve the original logistics system.

First, rely on the various towns and traffic fulcrums passing by the official road to establish a material reserve battle.

Since the confrontation has entered, it is naturally impossible to feed on the spot, and food and other materials have to rely heavily on logistics.

Compared with ammunition, the logistics transportation pressure of food is the greatest!

After all, the transportation of logistics materials on land in this era is all dependent on the capacity of livestock, not to mention the slowness of people eating horses and chewing materials along the way.

Therefore, it is necessary to build more grain stations along the way.

The transport convoy was fully loaded at the time of departure, but after a day of walking, the consumption of the transport convoy itself can reduce the load of the convoy. Of course, a group of civilians and horses will begin to transport empty vehicles.

It is obviously a waste to continue to let these empty trucks follow the transportation team, and the people and livestock transporting the empty trucks also need to eat!

Therefore, there will be a grain station or a town at a certain distance as a transit point, and people and livestock transporting empty vehicles will leave here, reducing the burden of food on the transport fleet.

Moreover, there are often arable land near towns and grain stations where grain can be collected. When the transport convoy arrives, a batch of grain and grass for transport personnel and livestock can be collected on the spot to reduce the consumption of the grain and grass itself.

This kind of saving once or twice is not too much, but once the transportation distance is long, it becomes very necessary. Otherwise, it is not bad that 10% of the grain is shipped to the destination with a surplus of 10%!

This is a huge waste for Mingguo, whose financial burden is extremely heavy!

This is also the reason why logistics lines are often established in areas with convenient transportation and a large number of people.

If Richard chooses the Central Plains route to go south, he will face the dilemma of thousands of miles of uninhabited people. The transportation convoy can only eat the transported grain while walking. How much grain and grass can be left on the front line?

Originally, there was a transportation route behind Richard, but because the advance was very fast, there was no fighting along the way. Therefore, the transit stations on the transportation route were the original towns and villages, and they did not properly manage and store food.

Now that the Sichuan defense line established in the Southern Song Dynasty cannot be broken for a while, Richard naturally wants to improve the efficiency of logistics transportation.

Not only do we need to run the towns on the logistics routes, we will send people to collect local grain and grass to supply and transport people’s husbands, but we must also build small grain stations in areas where there are no cities and towns, and pull people to grow crops that are easy to mature around the grain stations to support the grain stations. The staff and supplementary transportation team’s food and grass consumption.

This logistical route is not only useful for the current Ming army, even if Richard later invades Sichuan, this logistical route will become the only way for the northwestern region to transport materials to the front line.

In other words, as long as the Southern Song Dynasty has not been destroyed, the many grain stations established will not be abandoned!

Of course, these grain stands seem to be stable at the rear, but they are actually very fragile. Any enemy cavalry can destroy the grain stand.

After all, it is impossible for Richard to build all the grain stations into fortresses. Without that time and money…

Therefore, to ensure that the logistics routes are not disturbed, what Richard needs to do first is to completely control the battlefield deployment.

To put it bluntly, it means to annihilate the main force of the enemy cavalry and let your cavalry block the entire battlefield!

This is similar to the previous battle for the field of vision of scouts, except that the pioneers of the 100,000 Song Army did not have a large cavalry team. After the scouts were defeated, there was no large cavalry to regain control of the battlefield. Become a blind man.

But now it is different. Although the Southern Song Dynasty lacked horses, the Yue Family Army had an elite cavalry famous in the Southern Song Dynasty!

It is the famous Beiwei army!

The Beiwei Army is not a pure cavalry force, it is Yue Fei’s direct relatives, and it is also the army with the strongest combat effectiveness.

The selection of sergeants in Beiwei is extremely strict: when the sergeant competes in the military, the winning sergeants are registered in the register. Once low-level officers such as the flag head and the **** team were killed, they were quickly recruited with these outstanding soldiers. These registered brave pawns will also go through multiple selections and determine the winners. Once the generals at all levels have casualties and need to fill the vacancies, they will be selected from these winners. These people are likely to enter the Beiwei army.

As long as the soldiers who enter the Beiwei army establishment enjoy the same respect as the Yuejia army at all levels, the rewards are also extremely rich.

Therefore, this Beiwei army is quite effective. Whenever the battle is stuck, the Yuejia army will definitely join the Beiwei army to open up the situation and win every battle. Therefore, in the fierce battle, the Beiwei army is often used as a commando or death squad.

The Beiwei Army has the only large-scale cavalry unit in the Yuejia Army, with more than 8,000 people. This is also one of the reasons why the Beiwei Army has the strongest combat effectiveness among the Yuejia Army.

As long as the cavalry corps of the Beiwei Army are still there, Richard’s scouts will never be able to completely close the battlefield, because the cavalry of the Beiwei Army is enough to expel all the Licha scouts!

Therefore, Richard must remove Yue Fei’s army from the back to ensure the safety of the logistics line For this, Richard has made a lot of arrangements…

If you want to get rid of the cavalry behind the Wei army, you must first lure them out.

Yue Fei and his generals are not fools, and they will never use the elite cavalry of the Wei army to fight with the dominant Ming cavalry. If you want to achieve your goal, sacrifice is inevitable…

During the standoff, Richard also deliberately purchased two 20-pound unicorn siege guns from the total war system.

The account on the personal panel suddenly dropped to 400 qiyun coins…

The reason for the exchange is the 20-pound unicorn siege gun instead of the 24-pound siege cannon. There is no other reason, the transportation cost issue.

Regardless of the two, it is only 4 pounds more, but the pound here refers to the weight of the cannonball rather than the weight of the artillery itself!

The caliber and hardness of the artillery will be greatly increased when the shell is 4 pounds heavier. The increase in weight is very terrible!

This is why the 12-pound field gun is only twice as heavier than the 6-pound field gun shell, but the mobility has been reduced several times.

As for the siege artillery, the battlefield mobility is basically negligible. It takes a lot of time to erect the artillery. During this time, let alone the enemy infantry array, even the artillery position is enough to shift and avoid the muzzle.

Therefore, large-caliber artillery is most suitable for bombarding cities with fixed targets, rather than moving field troops, unless the enemy does not know the location of the siege guns in advance.

Even if the two 20-pound unicorn siege guns were recruited from the capitals of the Northwest Territories, it would take a long time to reach the front lines, but Richard would not be idle during this time.

In fact, Richard’s army arrived on the third day, and the first round of offensive began.


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