From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 414

Chapter 414 Shot dead

Neither Richard’s Legion of Undead nor the two-headed giant appeared.

It’s not that Richard was incapable of hiding, but that Richard was afraid to scare away Yue Jiajun…

The Undead Legion has more than 1,000 barren grave guards. As long as Yue Fei has his brain, he will never fight the Undead Legion head-on!

As for the artillery, it is not a big threat to the current Yue Family Army.

Because today’s Yue Family Army has experienced the baptism of artillery fire before, and has become accustomed to the battlefield with endless artillery fire, and is no longer a rookie who has just encountered artillery washing the ground, and has lost its measure by the artillery fire.

Everything has a place to adapt. The Yue Family Army and the Ming Army suffered a lot of casualties in the battle, but at the same time they also learned a lot of valuable practical experience, especially the resistance to shelling!

If the current Yue family army is equipped with flintlocks and artillery, and if it takes time to conduct modern military training, it will not take long for the Yue family army to grow into a modern army no less than the European infantry!

It’s a pity that Richard couldn’t give the Yue Jiajun a chance to catch up again, and he wouldn’t give the Southern Song Dynasty the opportunity to slowly imitate the flintlock to achieve mass production.

In fact, the two sides fought so many times, in addition to the artillery, samples of flintlock guns have already been shipped back to the hinterland of the Southern Song Dynasty in large quantities for imitation research and development.

This kind of individual weapon cannot be completely eliminated on the battlefield, not to mention that the Beiwei army led by Yue Fei has won a battle.

With the sample, the spring of the flintlock gun, the biggest technical problem that plagued the Southern Song Dynasty, was solved.

The generation of weapons in this era is very low, and they can be knocked out by hand, so imitation is relatively easy. If the level of technology before the First World War is reached, it is impossible to imitate large-scale installations without two industrial revolutions to obtain samples.

Therefore, if Richard does not use this war to completely destroy the Southern Song Dynasty, and give the Southern Song a few years to develop, the Southern Song Dynasty can completely carry out a military reform and fully deploy flintlocks!

After all, the industrial chain of firearms workshops in the Southern Song Dynasty was very developed. As long as the technical barriers are broken, mass production is quite easy.

Sixty thousand Yue Family Army vs. 10,000 Doming Army, this is why Yue Fei dared to fight this decisive battle.

Yue Fei believes that with the veteran capabilities of his men who have adapted to the artillery battlefield, they can definitely use their number advantage to pile up the Ming army on the opposite side, even if the opposite Ming army is not afraid of death!

As soon as the battle between the two sides began, Yue Fei charged the Ming army’s artillery positions with several large phalanxes imitating Spain.

It was a charge in the true sense, even with the Yue Family Army’s sharpness, there were varying degrees of looseness during the charge.

Of course, it is impossible to maintain a perfect formation in this kind of charge, as long as it maintains a general density and a complete system to rush forward.

The artillery position of the Ming Army only had more than 2,000 infantry and 100 cavalry guards composed of 100 Royal Guards. As long as they rushed into the hand-to-hand combat, the artillery position of the Ming Army was abolished.

Without artillery, the Ming Army could not beat the Yue Family Army by relying on the 10,000 cavalry alone!

Not to mention that the Yue family’s army are all infantrymen, but they have a wealth of experience in fighting against cavalry.

After the Yue Jiajun charge was launched, a feast of artillery fire quickly ushered in.

First, the long-distance Congreve rockets, blooming flowers of flames around the Yue Family Army’s front line.

However, the only 10 Congreve rockets did not disrupt the Yue Jiajun’s charging formation. This thing would have a great impact on morale, but if the number is not sufficient, the damage is far inferior to the shrapnel.

Then came the solid round of 30 cavalry guns.

The Yue Family Army has become accustomed to being bombarded by solid artillery, the first echelon’s assault array can still barely maintain the integrity of the formation, although a whole row of infantry is often taken away by a solid bullet…

The casualties of the Yue Family Army are increasing. Yue Fei in the rear looked blankly, but he was bleeding in his heart. All the veterans who died in the battle were all veterans who had been with him for many years!

All of these veterans are good at hand-to-hand combat, but they were taken away without waiting for the enemy to come into contact with them on the battlefield today!

After the solid bullet is the most lethal grenade bullet, this is also the biggest test for the Yue Family Army!

The lethality of 20 6-inch howitzers is far more powerful than 30 cavalry guns!

One by one, bright exploding fireworks bloomed above or around the Yuejia military formation, taking away several or even dozens of lives!

Finally, the stable Yue Family Army formation began to loosen and become chaotic. Many square formations could no longer be maintained, but the overall momentum still continued!

In other words, the Yue Family Army can do this, and when it is replaced by the army of the ordinary cold weapon era, it has already begun to rout in a large area…

When the first echelon rushed into the range of the howitzer, the Yuejia Army of the second echelon also set off. They will serve as a finalist, or continue to rush towards the enemy’s artillery position after the first echelon collapses.

However, as soon as the second echelon set off, the front line burst into a bean-popping sound, and the ten Parker cannons lived up to expectations and once again dealt a devastating blow to the Yue Family Army!

The Yuejia army in the front row was almost completely lost under the fire of the guards’ infantry and Parker guns!

The gritty soldiers of the Yue Family Army shouted, “Being faithful and loyal to the country to start a charge without selflessness. Many soldiers even shed tears while rushing, replaying in their minds Yue Fei standing on a high platform before the battle and approaching them. Show the scene of four blood characters behind!

The boy was born in the world, and it is his duty to defend his family and the country!

In the eyes of the soldiers of the Yuejia Army, Beiming is the invader, they are the victims, and their war represents justice!

Finally, the first echelon and the most elite of the Yue Family Army officers and soldiers successfully smashed in front of the Guards Infantry Defense Line, and then the Yue Family Army, who suffered heavy losses, fought with more than 2,000 Guards Fronts!

Then came the most terrible scene. All the artillery behind did not stop firing without being entangled with the infantry on both sides. The curved artillery was fine, but the direct-fired artillery such as the cavalry artillery had all been replaced with shotguns, and aimed specifically at the Yuejia Army. Bombard in the direction of many soldiers, no matter where there are friendly troops or not!

In this way, it is equivalent to the Guards blocking the advancement of the Yue Family Army and staying in place to be shot!

This scene was unexpected by Yue Fei. He knew that Richard was ruthless, but he didn’t guess that Richard would not even let him go!

The spirit of those guards who were still struggling to fight even if they were accidentally injured by a friendly army behind their backs greatly shocked the Yue Family Army!

Finally, the Yue Family Army couldn’t carry it for the first time. They were living people, and of course they couldn’t stand the pain of continuous shelling at close range…

At the time of the collapse of the first echelon of the Yue Family Army, the 5000 Lancers that had been prepared for a long time set off, using the collapsed first echelon Yue Family Army as a precursor like a trunk lamb, and fiercely inserted into the Yue Family Army in the second attack wave. In the line!

And the artillery of the Ming army came as scheduled, and the lancers and the Yuejia army, which had an absolute advantage in number, were shrouded in it!

Regarding the degree of desperation, the Yue Family Army lost…

:. :

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