From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 416

Chapter 416 The battle is not over yet

It was really helpless for Yue Fei to see his own army become like this. After all, they had personally fought against the Ming army, and it was difficult to be deceived.

Because of this, the previous first and second echelon Yue Fei did not send out the strongest Beiwei army, but let them always act as a reserve team to hold the line.

Under the indiscriminate shelling of the Ming army and the impact of 5000 Lancers, the second echelon was finally defeated.

Then came the very familiar cover-up!

At this time, Yue Fei wisely did not choose to retreat. Now the Yue Family Army’s momentum has fallen, and the main force of the Yue Family Army is infantry, but the Ming Army still has 5,000 Lancers not entering the arena. At this time, if the Ming Army withdraws, the Ming Army only needs to dispatch the rest. 5000 Lancers can turn the retreat of the Yue Family Army into a rout!

In the Great Plains where the infantry was defeated and faced with the chase of the cavalry, it was only a matter of time before the entire army was wiped out…

Therefore, Yue Fei kept sending out soldiers to roam between the various army formations to cheer up. He himself also took the flag-bearing soldiers to pass in front of the reserve army formations, constantly filling those soldiers with ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’.

The effect of Yue Fei’s behavior is very significant. Outsiders can’t imagine Yue Fei’s position in the hearts of the Yue family’s officers and soldiers. The general who can eat, live, and even train with the soldiers is absolutely unique in the Southern Song Dynasty!

Is there any reason for officers and soldiers of this kind not to give up their lives?

What’s more, even if Yue Fei took out his personal wealth, he wouldn’t let his soldiers lack a share of the army’s salary. This kind of responsibility alone was enough to make those soldiers of the Yue Family Army who didn’t know how to write a lot of words.

Thanks to Yue Fei’s efforts, the sluggish morale caused by the defeat of tens of thousands of people in the two echelons has rebounded, but Yue Fei can do nothing more.

When the two echelons of defeated troops escaped from the gap in the square formed by the reserve team, the large group of Yuejia army officers and soldiers who saw the Lancers following behind became nervous again.

Afterwards, the Lancers who had no long spears slammed into the Yue Family Army’s phalanx!

At the same time, the cavalry artillery and Parker artillery moving forward also returned to their positions. When the Lancers were massacred by the Yuejia Army reserve team in front, they aimed their guns at the enemy!

The sacrifice of the Lancers attracted the attention of all the Yuejia Army reserve teams. Even Yue Fei did not have the extra energy to send troops to stop the Ming Army’s artillery team from approaching, because he needed to continuously issue military orders to adjust the array to plug the gaps and the worst. Important morale boost!

For Yue Fei, what could be more morale boosting than being on the front line?

It was Yue Fei who constantly appeared in the field of vision of the frontline soldiers at the risk of the fact that the Yuejia Army reserve team firmly blocked the impact of the remnants of the Lancers!

However, when the first wave of Lancers was exhausted, Richard’s system artillery team was also completed.

Then the Yuejia Army Reserve, which had just been relieved from the impact of the Lancers, was saturated with the Parker guns at close range, 6-pounder cavalry guns and 6-inch howitzers at mid-range, and Congreve rockets at long range. bombing!

It has to be said that the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods, and these artillery firepower broke out again after only a short period of heat dissipation.

The tragedy is that in order to resist the impact of the Lancers, the Yuejia Army Reserve is the tightest formation at this time. When the tight infantry phalanx encounters a saturated bombardment with superior artillery firepower, what will happen?

Facts have proved that no matter how elite the feudal era army encounters such a situation, it will collapse!

Yue Jiajun’s performance was not bad, there was no avalanche for the first time, but the formation spontaneously loosened and scattered.

The officers and soldiers of the Yue Family Army instinctively started to disperse and avoid the shelling. They were not rookies who had not experienced shelling. They all knew that the enemy artillery likes to bombard the crowded places!

Among them is the Beiwei Army who suffers from phobia…

After the Ming Army’s artillery team carried out several rounds of rapid shooting to disperse the last reserve team of the Yuejia Army, Richard dispatched the remaining 5000 Lancers.

When the 5000 Lancers were divided into several directions and rushed towards the Yuejia Army Reserve, Yue Fei knew that they had lost this battle…

After all, manpower cannot withstand the power of artillery!

Knowing that he could not escape, Yue Fei decided to fight back and took his own troops to take the initiative to face the Ming Lancers who rushed into his square.

Shuai Qi was behind Yue Fei, so most of the Yue Family Army discovered this behavior of Yue Fei.

Yue Fei’s suicidal counterattack once again inspired the Yue Jiajun’s surging patriotism. Many soldiers shouted the slogan “Follow the general to the death” and swarmed with the Lancers who had the advantage of the battle!

Even if the infantry of the Yue Family Army has lost the tight phalanx, it is difficult to fight back in front of the Lancers!

Richard at the rear raised his single-scope, frowning as he watched in the distance once again sinking into an anxious battle.

The performance of the Yue Family Army was once again beyond Richard’s expectation. They actually fought with the Lancers in the charge in a loose infantry group!

In Richard’s field of vision alone, there were no fewer than dozens of Yuejia Army infantrymen who took the initiative to slam their bodies into the high-speed lancers just to reduce the speed of the lancers!

This style of play is normal for system soldiers, but it’s awe-inspiring to appear on living human soldiers!

After the saturated bombardment, Richard’s artillery team fell into silence again. Only the Parker cannon was still on standby, guarding the artillery position with only more than 500 guards and infantry.

Without the artillery shooting, the casualties of the Yue Family Army were finally no longer so shocking. Although deserters appeared all the time, there were still more Yue Family Army soldiers bravely following the Shuai Qishe who represented Yue Fei and forgot to die.

Even if you are tired and panting, even if your body has been soaked with blood from yourself and your enemies, even if there is only a hoarse roar in your throat!

At this moment, Richard witnessed the greatness of human nature!

It’s a pity that these great people stood on the enemy’s side!

The military advantage of the Yue Family Army is really too great, even if the casualties are much higher than that of the Ming Army, and many soldiers have fled, the Yue Family Army on the battlefield is still much more than the Lancers!

As a result, under the counterattack of the Yue Family Army, the Lancers who repeatedly charged and killed gradually fell into a decline. This was not because the Lancers did not work hard, but because the number of them was too small to completely defeat the Yue Family Army.

However, as soon as the Lancers showed signs of decline, Richard’s artillery team once again tilted a large amount of ammunition, and all aimed at the constantly moving Yue Fei Shuaiqi flag!

Obviously, covering the area where the Shuaiqi is located is much easier than covering the entire enemy army. In just two rounds of shelling, Yue Fei’s Shuaiqi fell into the flames!

At this moment, the faith in the hearts of the officers and soldiers of the Yue Family Army collapsed!

However, even so, the battle is not over!


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