From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 437

Chapter 436 One hundred to one battle damage

The early days of Richard’s Northern Expedition were as smooth as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. The sporadic green-skinned tribes were unable to cause damage to the Ming army with gunfire. Even the army of reserve soldiers equipped with arquebuses could wipe out a large number of green-skinned orcs. !

In front of the musket, the physical advantage of the green-skinned orc was infinitely lowered.

Originally in the era of cold weapons, a green-skinned orc that the most elite and heavy-armored soldiers could not single-handedly defeat, now only needs an ordinary person to shoot and kill with a musket!

Because of this, the Greenskins were defeated in the battle with the forwards of the Ming army.

Even if the green-skinned orcs were not afraid of death, they did not have much threat to the Ming army armed with guns before they formed a quantitative advantage.

Richard originally thought that the battle of the Northern Expedition would be spent in this relaxed and happy atmosphere. After all, he didn’t know that Green Skin had been unified by a powerful leader.

Before Thrall took the initiative to abandon the main force of the green skins, the green skin army became torn apart, and it also gave Richard the illusion that the green skins did not have a unified leader.

It was not until he encountered the main force of Green Leather that Richard was surprised to find that Green Leather had a unified leader!

If it were not for Green Leather to have a unified leader, Green Leather would never gather an army of hundreds of thousands of Green Leather Orcs and Beastmen!

Most importantly, everyone knows that Beastmen and Greenskins are hostile creatures. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to unite together to form an army!

It is a pity that the lack of intelligence on Greenskins led Richard to underestimate the enemy, and finally caused his own army to fall into the large-scale outbursts of the Greenskins army!

The Ming army led by Li Cha didn’t understand the fact that he was surrounded until the logistics line was cut off by a troop composed of more than 10,000 green-skinned orcs.

It’s not that the Ming Army’s reconnaissance ability is too weak, but because they don’t understand the terrain of East Siberia, and the encirclement set by Thrall is too wide…

With the compression of the encirclement, Richard gradually understood the layout of the green leather.

To the north is the main force of the green-skinned army, and the scouts of the Ming army discovered the tauren, the most powerful race among the beasts.

At the same time, a large number of big orcs, wild orcs and even black orcs were discovered!

Obviously, the green leather in the north is very strong!

The army on the east and west is composed of green goblin farts and a small number of green skin orcs, plus a large number of gnolls, a fighting group of wild orcs.

The combat effectiveness looks relatively weak, but the number is terribly large. So far, Richard has not figured out how many there are.

When the scout reported, the sky was full of green-skin goblins and wolves standing all over the wasteland. Their simple open-air camps were everywhere, and they couldn’t see the end at a glance…

To the south is a team of pure green-skinned orcs. This team is also the one that Richard knows the most, and the opposing commander is a black orc warlord!

The most important thing is that this green-skinned unit to the south is equipped with a large number of human armor and weapons. It is the best-equipped one of the surrounding units!

After discovering this, Richard had to give up and continue north, not because he was worried that he would not be able to defeat the seemingly green-skinned main force in the north, but his army could not fight without logistics.

If the ammunition runs out and the Green Leather has not been killed, wouldn’t it be necessary to fight the Green Leather with a bayonet?

Richard doesn’t want to use the precious Guards system soldiers to fight with the green skin!

Although the encircling circle has been formed, the mobilization of Richard’s army is still relatively flexible due to the large interval.

In mid-July 17 of the Ming Dynasty, Richard’s main system army and the main green leather force that cut off logistics in the south broke out.

Not surprisingly, the green-skinned orcs equipped with armors were still very fragile in front of the guns. The exploding shrapnel swept a group of green-skinned orcs into a sieve. The ground was soaked with the blood of the green-skinned orcs, and even gathered together. Streams!

The corpses were so tragic that there was no way to describe the tragic casualties of the green-skinned orcs. The two sides fought blood for 5 days and 5 nights. The corpses of the green-skinned orcs were tiled for dozens of miles, and the casualties on both sides reached a terrifying 100 to 1!

At least 100 green-skinned orcs can be exchanged for the life of a human soldier!

The most important thing is that the human soldiers that are exchanged are not necessarily Richard’s system soldiers!

It is true that in order to reduce the casualties of the system soldiers, Richard also brought tens of thousands of ‘armed civilians’ who accompanied the army to the battlefield.

They are equipped with matchlock guns and broad swords and spears, which can provide a lot of fire support on the battlefield.

However, after 5 days and 5 nights of **** battle, even if there were 100 to 1 casualties, Richard still suffered a lot!

More than half of the tens of thousands of reserve armed civilians were casualties, and nearly 10,000 of the guards were killed!

Nearly two thousand Lancers were wiped out, and only less than 10% of the artillery shells were left…

The more than 10,000 green-skinned orcs in the south turned out to be just a cover. Thrall took the human army’s mind and saw through the nature of the Ming army’s reliance on logistics, and then laid a suspicion in the south.

Using a large number of unusable green-skin goblin farts plus the old and weak in the Jackal tribe to disguise the east and west army, with a small amount of elites to block the north face and disguise as the main green skin, Richard misjudged Hit the real green leather main force!

It’s a pity that Thrall’s tactics are better than that. No matter how he slaps Richard on his strategy, he finally lost in the strength of the army…

Millions of wild orcs and green-skinned orcs died under Richard’s guns. Thrall’s tactics were successful, but he was defeated strategically…

Because Greenskin and Beastman’s family assets were all lost in this battle!

The brawny and powerful warriors of the Tauren clan are all destroyed except those who follow Thrall!

Jackal was originally the most numerous of wild orcs, but after World War I was beaten into an endangered species…

Only a group of old and weak are still alive…

As for the main force of the green-skinned orcs, it has been wiped out, leaving only a few elites who Thrall placed in the north to bluff!

Although Thrall still has tens of thousands of elites around him, his strength has shrunk more than ten times compared to the previous green-skinned army?

Richard, who won the battle, again received logistical supplies.

Moreover, the Ming army also learned that the main force of the green leather was destroyed, and the next battle was almost a defeated situation!

Because Thrall already knew how vulnerable the green-skinned orcs armed with cold weapons were in front of guns!

Now that he was doomed to fail, Thrall would naturally not continue to smash with Richard in the Great Plains of East Siberia. Before Richard had finished supplying ammunition, he would head west with the last of his talents.

Those useless green-skinned goblins and wolves were old and weak. They were abandoned. Under Thrall’s orders, they stupidly scattered in the eastern Siberian plains to **** the human army’s control of the eastern Siberian plains. .

Thrall’s strategy was naturally successful, and it was these huge numbers of green-skin goblin farts and jackals who were old and weak, wasting a lot of the Ming army’s time and losing the last opportunity to pursue Thrall.


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