From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 441

Chapter 440 Kingdom of Siam

Obviously, this kind of recruitment conditions completely violated the interests of the chieftains.

The Ming court did not guarantee their right to be officials from generation to generation, which means that after the death of the older generation of chieftain chieftains, the family of chieftain chieftains will face decline!

Although it shows that the state has a fair imperial examination system, the children of the chieftain’s family can rely on the examination to continue to serve as officials.

But because this test system is too fair, it has become unfair to the local chieftain family!

Isn’t this bullying for a group of sparsely populated chieftains to compete with the Han people as officials?

The chieftains are not stupid. They naturally understand how embarrassing their children would be to lose if they really competed fairly with the foreign Han for officials…

Therefore, many chieftain chieftains knew at a glance that Ming Guo was going to completely cut off their hereditary wealth!

After knowing this, even if the Ming army is higher than himself in terms of strength, weapons and equipment, and morale, the chieftains of the chieftain still unite and plan to make a final resistance.

They couldn’t give up their original rights just because of the Ming Ting’s edict, even if the Ming army came with guns and cannons!

Thus, the vigorous Southwest Chieftain War broke out!

This war was all small-scale due to the terrain. Although the chieftains formed a nominal alliance against Ming, they were also limited by the terrain and became only a nominal anti-Ming alliance…

In this kind of combat, Richard would naturally not use the Guards infantry as the main offensive force. Even if the chieftain only had bows and arrows and broadswords and spears, he would still cause damage to the Guards infantry depending on the terrain.

Therefore, the main combat force was replaced by the Southwest Advance Army.

The strength of these tens of thousands of Southwest advance troops is more than all the Tusi fighters combined. The harsh living environment and backward production methods doomed the Southwest Tusi will not have a large population. Even if all the young and strong are armed, it is more than the number of people. Far inferior to the Ming Army…

There can be hundreds of armed men, even if it is a powerful chieftain.

Many small chieftains only have dozens of young and strong armed forces!

Therefore, this duel has already been decided at the beginning. It is impossible for the chieftain to defeat the Ming army, but the local environment!

Not surprisingly, the number of soldiers who died of illness in the Southwest Advance Army was much higher than the number of soldiers who died in battle, even more than twice the number!

The officers and soldiers of the Southwest Advance Army did not fear the chieftain, but instead feared the mountains and jungles.

Of course, none of this worked well in front of Richard.

How did Daming get rich?

The bayonets of more than 20,000 Guards infantry are being held in the back. As long as no more than half of the people die of illness, they are not allowed to leave the front line!

However, Richard did not simply let the Southwest advance army equipped with arquebuses attack. He used howitzers in many easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack locations, allowing the chieftains to see what is called a ‘modern war’.

The huge grenade shells only require a volley of fire, and the tusi armed forces collapsed without seeing what the shells looked like…

Therefore, although the Southwest Advance Army suffered serious non-combat deaths, the speed of the war advancement was very stable.

The chieftain did not have the ability to resist the Ming army at all, and they couldn’t even be brave. No matter how brave the chieftain was, it couldn’t be compared with the green-skinned orcs.

Even the green-skinned orcs are corpses everywhere under the guns, let alone the mere chieftains armed?

However, the smooth advancement does not mean that Richard’s marching speed is fast. The undeveloped mountain roads in the southwest are far more difficult than Richard imagined, especially for large armies.

This Tusi war lasted until the end of June 18th.

It ended not because all the chieftains were beaten again, but because the stubborn chieftains in the front were repeatedly defeated, and the scene of the Ming army’s mass murder frightened those who did not fight in the back, and took the initiative to surrender to Ming.

In the face of **** reality, the surviving chieftain of the chieftain understood how to make a correct choice between being ransacked and annihilated and becoming a rich man…

The original local chiefs wanted to rely on the terrain and diseases to make the Ming army retreat, but they found that no matter how many people died of illness, the Ming army marched steadfastly and fearlessly, and killed the rebellious chieftain tribes thoroughly.

Anyone who stubbornly resists to the end will kill the whole cottage!

After the chieftains saw Richard’s determination and the Ming army’s terrorist fighting capacity, they naturally had no ambition to resist and surrendered one after another.

With the surrender of a large number of chieftain chieftains, although the path of the Southwest Peninsula is difficult to follow, at least there are a large number of leading parties, which speeds up the progress a lot.

At this moment, Richard’s East Asia and Northern Region Administrative Center and the military factory were also completed. Taxation of 30,000 Qiyun Coins cost 1,200 Qiyun Coins, and the remaining Qiyun Coins were used to recruit troops.

With the completion of the Court of Appeal in the North of East Asia, the tax was increased to 35,000 Qiyun coins.

Richard used 28,800 air luck coins to recruit 20 six-inch howitzers, expanding the scale of six-inch howitzers to 40!

This is a very terrifying number in today’s era!

The reason why the subsequent battle against the Tusi went so smoothly is because the number of howitzers doubled, and the parabola was used to explode those Tusi warriors to death. Many times they collapsed before fighting the Tusi warriors… …

The cavalry artillery did not play any role in the battle of the Southwest Peninsula, so it was not expanded.

The siege guns couldn’t be shipped in, and Richard’s army of the southern expedition didn’t bring them at all.

The remaining 8,800 air transport coins, Richard, are all used to recruit guards infantry. The use of infantry in mountain operations is still very important. There may be battlefields where small groups of cavalry can play, but large groups of cavalry can’t move at all. The southwest mountainous area immediately degraded to the infantry holding the war horse.

8800 Qiyun Coins recruited 88 guards companies, a total of 7040 people, after being added to the original guards, the total number exceeded 27,000!

Since the attackers were all the Southwest Advance Army, the loss of the Guards infantry was completely negligible.

The environment of the southwest mountainous area is terrible to the indigenous humans, but it is nothing to the infantry of the Guards, and their adaptability is even better than that of the locals!

Because the Guards infantry will not get sick because of the environment!

It is precisely that no one of the Guards infantry falls ill, so that they can always control the southwest advance army, which is more than oneself in number, and press them forward as cannon fodder…

Of course, the combat effectiveness of the cannon fodder of the Southwest Advance Army is much stronger than that of the Southwest Chieftain…

However, when the chieftains battle ended and most of the southwest chiefs surrendered, Richard got a message from the southwest chiefs:

The cultivated plains and coastal areas of the Southeast Asian peninsula were completely occupied by the recent rise of the Kingdom of Siam.

And the king of Siam is still Richard’s old acquaintance-Songtsan Gambo!


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