From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 454

Chapter 453 Marat League

In January 20th of Ming Dynasty, Richard finally waited for the tax of 100,000 Qiyun coins!

Of course, another round of army expansion has begun!

Although Ming State’s finances are bad now, the number of the Guards is very small, only more than 20,000 men, and the Guards still don’t get paid. Given that the size of Ming State can be doubled several times.

As for the artillery, Richard did not expand, still only retained the original 40 6-inch howitzers and 30 6-pounder cavalry guns.

The original 10-door Congreve rocket launcher was completely scrapped due to excessive use, so Richard no longer used Congreve rockets.

In terms of the quality of use, this thing is not comparable to artillery, and it has a longer range, which has a greater impact on the morale of the enemy.

Now Richard has figured out the usefulness of the various artillery pieces of the Total War System to him.

During the expedition, the best use is undoubtedly the 6-inch howitzer and the 6-pounder cavalry gun.

The biggest advantage lies in the convenient transportation, and the transportation of shells saves time and effort!

The two 20-pound unicorn siege guns have made Richard depressed for a long time. The manpower and material resources consumed to transport to the front line are a terrifying figure, and it is also very difficult to transport the exclusive large artillery shells.

Transporting 6-pound shells and transporting 20-pound shells are completely two concepts, especially during expeditions!

Therefore, now Richard doesn’t even bother to recruit 12-pound field guns. With the combat power of the system guards, even if the enemy has the advantage of artillery, he can still use infantry to rush up. No matter how powerful the artillery is, he can’t hold the infantry. charge!

Compared with the cost of artillery and supply artillery for expeditions, Richard prefers to recruit a large number of Guards infantry for expeditions.

As the distance of external expansion is getting farther and farther, Richard’s consideration of military expeditions is no longer limited to unilateral data such as the power of artillery, but logistics as a very important indicator. This is also Richard’s commitment to developing the navy to seize control of the sea. s reason.

However, the Marat Alliance is still in the era of cold weapons. Although a small part of the Marat Alliance’s troops are equipped with muskets through outsourcing and other means, the original imitation artillery can be seen, but the artillery is bulky. Not as powerful as Richard’s 6-pounder cavalry gun…

Richard’s 6-pounder cavalry artillery is more advanced than the artillery left over from the Ottoman Empire’s original expedition, not to mention the Marathon Alliance, which is inferior to the Ottoman Empire.

Richard had used 100,000 gas coins to recruit all 50,000 guards and infantry. He recruited 40,000 guards, and the original 27,000 guards increased the number of guards to 67,000!

Subsequently, 10,000 Qi Luck Coins were exchanged for a 5,000-man Lancer team, which was used as a shock cavalry.

The 13,800 air luck coins were exchanged for 6,900 dragoon troops and used as a million gold oil troops.

There are large plains in the Indian subcontinent, and there are not enough cavalry units and guards to fight.

In addition, 10,000 Qi Luck Coins were exchanged for 8,000 hunting soldiers. This was Richard’s decision after absorbing the experience of mountain warfare.

Richard found that in mountain warfare, the performance of the Guards infantry was not very satisfactory, because the Guards infantry used muskets. Although they were all high-quality muskets, they couldn’t be equipped with muskets. Than precision.

In areas where the terrain is complex and large-scale bayonet charges cannot be launched, the bravery and powerful melee capabilities of the guards are often difficult to exert, and the power of platoon guns will be greatly weakened by the complex terrain.

At this time, a force that shoots the enemy with precision is needed to make up for the shortcomings.

Therefore, Richard spent 10,000 Qi Luck Coins in exchange for 8,000 hunting soldiers, specially used as mountain jungle arms!

The hunters themselves are hunters, and they are very familiar in complex environments. Their concealment ability and marksmanship are enough to ensure the victory of killing and wounding the enemy in a large area.

Richard also left 50,000 air luck coins as a guarantee, which can be used for emergency relief if the war ahead is not going well.

As for the navy, at least he will have to wait until next year before he has enough money to recruit and exchange.

After the army expansion was completed, Richard brought with him more than 60,000 infantry guards (7,000 remained guarded in the Southeast Asian peninsula), 600 light cavalry scouts, 5,000 lancers, 6,900 dragoons, 40 six-inch howitzers, and 30 cavalry artillery. Dang to the Bangladesh region.

In addition, there are two slow 20-pound unicorn siege guns following up in the rear, specially used to attack the fortress.

Richard’s army was a catastrophic coming to the Marathon Alliance.

In addition to the core force of the system, Richard also recruited more than 200,000 young men from the Southeast Asian peninsula.

Almost all the young men in the Southeast Asian peninsula!

Some of these young men are used as cannon fodder, and some are logistics civilians, and the coolies that supply the army fall on these young men’s shoulders.

Therefore, the Ming army is known to the outside world as a 300,000 army!

This is also a terrifying number for the Marathon Alliance, which likes to use human tactics!

The vanguard forces of the Ming army quickly fought against the main forces of the Tuban coalition forces in the Bangladesh area. The two sides only fought for less than a day, and the actual receiving time did not exceed an hour. The equipment was backward, the morale was low, and the low organization of the Bangladesh Tubian coalition forces fell apart!

Known as the 100,000 army, the Bangladeshi Tuban coalition was annihilated by the Ming army No more than 5,000 people were killed and more than 80,000 prisoners!

Subsequently, these captives became a new cannon fodder servant army, and the indigenous people originally from the Southeast Asian peninsula could finally be oppressed!

In this way, the Ming army quickly overthrew the local rule of the princes of Bangladesh. After overthrowing the superstructure, the Ming army began to establish administrative rule in Bangladesh in accordance with the Ming state.

At the same time, it began to suppress the spiritual foundation of the Marat Alliance-Brahmanism!

In this era, Buddhism was not mainstream in the Indian subcontinent. The Ottoman Empire’s Crescentism occupied the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, while Brahmanism ruled the central and southern parts of the Indian subcontinent. Buddhism was only the third-ranked sect.

The reason why Buddhism can develop is mainly because Buddhism’s exquisite reincarnation theory is very conducive to the rule of Tubang princes.

To put it bluntly, the purpose of Buddhism is to appoint the people at the bottom and convince them that your destiny cannot be changed. You will suffer for a lifetime when you are born in a low-level family. Any attempt to change will be hit. You will suffer a lot in this life, but in the next life. Can be reborn in a good family…

This religious ideology does not conflict with Brahmanism, and of course it will be welcomed by Indian princes!

If the bottom races are appointed and exploited by the upper-class dignitaries, wouldn’t it be the country and the people?

Isn’t the common people most liked by the ruling class the one appointed to be unmotivated?

If all the people below are thinking about the princes and generals, it would be a bad thing!

The idea of ​​Buddhism is to educate people to believe in fate, and attribute one’s life achievements to the identity at birth!


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