From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 456

Chapter 455 Ottoman’s stubbornness

With a strong military force, but also willing to accept the local hegemonic Brahmanism, and even himself will join this sect to become Brahman and Kshatriya!

Although Richard has become the “Noble Brahman” as the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, it is not in line with the teachings of Brahmans, but the teachings are all made by people, and of course they can be changed artificially.

Especially the changes made under the cannon bayonet of the Ming army!

Although Richard admitted to Brahmanism, he has actually completely tampered with traditional Brahmanism.

The biggest change is that the Brahmin rank is no longer the identity of the clergyman, but has become a status symbol of the Ming Dynasty and the Han Dynasty.

Of course, Richard couldn’t let the teaching power overwhelm the secular authority. Instead, he used crude methods to complete the ‘****’.

Richard asked those leaders of the Brahman religion who had taken refuge in him to canonize himself as the leader of Brahmanism, that is, the noblest Brahman.

It also requires that all Kshatriya must be loyal to themselves, otherwise they will be deprived of all privileges, and there will be no chance of being demoted to Sudra!

After all, the sudras are all black-skinned Indians, and President Richard cannot change the white Kshatriya into sudras, which would break the original social hierarchy.

Fundamentally rejected the Brahman doctrine that determines class by birth!

The reason why Richard accepts Brahmanism is the doctrine that his birth and skin color determine his social class!

In this way, no matter what the upper Brahman and Kshatriya look like, the lower Sudra will do his own work indifferently and silently support the upper class.

This is equivalent to reducing Richard’s conquest of the Indian subcontinent by 80% less enemies!

Yes, the weird Indian subcontinent now accounts for 80% of the total population!

Of the remaining 20%, more than half are handicraftsmen with similar status as freedmen, merchants and peddlers, and other commoners such as Vaishyas, which is the third rank in Brahmanism.

Compared to Sudra, whose life is worthless, the Vaisha is an individual at any rate. It is similar to the common people of the Ming Dynasty, and needs to pay taxes to support the upper-level Kshatriya and Brahmins.

The real population of Kshatriya and Brahmins is less than a city in the entire Indian subcontinent!

The Brahmin class holds the final interpretation power of the religious power, while the Kshatriya holds the secular kingship and army.

Brahmins control people’s thoughts, and Kshatriya controls people’s belly.

Of course, the nature that controls the mind is better than the cow that controls the belly…

However, with the continuous rise of secular rights, Brahmins have rarely interfered in internal affairs. Otherwise, it is easy to get involved. In order to make themselves more noble, the Kshatriya in power will often make some deals with the Brahmin leaders to make Become a higher Brahman.

Therefore, in the Indian subcontinent, there are inexhaustible links between Brahman and Kshatriya, who holds kingship. Although there are internal struggles, they are not two opposing classes.

On the contrary, they cooperated with each other, perfectly suppressing the exploitation of the Vaisha and Sudra below.

At any rate, Vaisha still has a chance to stand up. Sudra will be a slave for a lifetime, unless he initiates a slave uprising to change his ‘blood’!

Yes, in the history of the Indian subcontinent, it is not a case of Sudra without a counterattack. After all, Sudra has suffered too much oppression. Even if there is religious brainwashing, faith cannot be eaten!

In the face of hunger, people can even eat their own children, let alone an ethereal god?

However, the rebel leader of the Sudra was eventually “digested and absorbed” by the Brahmin and Kshatriya families, usually through marriage.

As long as they can marry, it is equivalent to joining the big family of Brahmin and Kshatriya. This is the most coveted desire of Indians born in Sudra!

On weekdays, marriages between different levels are absolutely not allowed, even between the closely related Brahman and Kshatriya, the number of marriages is not many, and the Indian powers place great importance on blood lineage.

This is also the reason why the level of bleeding can be seen from the skin color.

If the skin color of people born from Kshatriya or Brahmin is not correct, they cannot inherit the identity of Kshatriya and Brahmin, unless it is a special case!

Richard’s method of joining the Brahman sect can be described as politically hitting the seven inches of the Marathon alliance.

Although the Marat League has a unified leader, it is just a group of loose Tubang princes, who do not belong to each other, and they often fight civil wars!

Otherwise, given the population of the Indian subcontinent, the Ottoman Expeditionary Forces simply cannot crush the Marathon Alliance!

Yes, in the war between the Marathon Alliance and the Ottoman Empire, the Marathon Alliance wins less and loses more. This is the reason why the Ottoman Empire did not send the elites composed of dark elves to participate in the war!

After all, the main defense object of the Ottoman Empire is the European powers, and the expansion of the East can only be regarded as a secondary goal, so the human servant army has always been the main force.

Even so, it can still hold an absolute advantage over its forces The Marathon Alliance, which also has popular support, beats fiercely.

The reason why the expansion of the Ottoman Empire was not fast was mainly because it was held back on religious issues.

Every time a piece of land was laid, the Ottoman Empire had to carry out religious reforms in order to stabilize the place, that is, to replace the native sects of the Indian subcontinent with Crescentism.

Brahmin and Buddhist temples have been banned and confiscated. Not to mention, all Indians who do not believe in Crescentism need to pay an additional religious tax calculated according to the head!

Religious taxes are high enough to bankrupt ordinary Indian families!

In other words, forcing Indians to convert to Crescent Church!

It’s not so strange if it doesn’t attract people’s resentment…

In addition, the Marat Alliance, which is not reconciled to failure, continues to make small actions behind the scenes, such as sending various cheap firearms and ammunition supplies to the rebels in the Ottoman occupied area, and even sending professional military personnel to help train ordinary farmers to convert the resistance. military!

On the frontal battlefield, the Marat Alliance is not an opponent of the Ottomans, but in terms of guerrilla warfare and instigating religious uprisings, what the Marat Alliance has done is smooth.

As a result, the larger the Indian subcontinent invaded by the Ottoman Empire, the greater the disturbance. The levels of uprisings caused by religious issues are endless. Although the suppression is easy, it suppresses the uprising on the other side…

The occupying forces of the Ottoman Empire were all held back by the uprising, so naturally they did not have the energy to continue beating the Marat Alliance!

This is the reason why the Marat League can survive to this day!

The system is solidified and the dark elves, who despise humans, don’t care about the religious uprisings in the Indian subcontinent. Anyway, the dead are all humans, and the dark elves have nothing to lose…

Therefore, the religious reform that was strongly resisted has never been abandoned by the Ottoman occupying forces!


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