From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 470

Chapter 469 So-called national thinking

At the beginning of the division of the human empire established by the Sigma emperor, the Habsburg family that obtained imperial power through marriage was not recognized by the human dignitaries in the Warhammer world and failed to inherit the legacy of the Sigma emperor, leading to the entire empire torn apart.

In the end, the largest piece of cake was finally separated from it, occupying almost the entire Holy Roman Empire in Central Europe. However, because of the constraints of various forces, the Holy Roman Empire was a purely enfeoffment country where it was established, and the autonomy of the nobles and the nobles of the enfeoffment was very high. Big.

Among them, there are even many free trade cities established following the example of the Republic of the Netherlands.

In order to cut the Holy Roman Empire into more fragments, this kind of free city, which was originally impossible, and politically dominated by the Chamber of Commerce, appeared one after another on the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, which can be regarded as a feature…

This kind of republic without a monarch established by the merchant alliance is not liked by the goddess of the lake (because the merchant’s belief is not pious), but this republic is born in a state of opposition to the traditional feudal monarchy countries all over the continent, and the divine power suppresses the monarchy. good helper.

The most important thing is that merchant republics are profit-seeking, and will not establish a centralized system. Naturally, there is no big threat to theocratic power. If the faith is not pious, it is better than the secular power to suppress theocratic power.

What’s more, those kings and great nobles, many people are not very pious, otherwise, how could the empire established by the Sigma Emperor fall apart so quickly?

The more people who stand at a higher position, the greater the ambition in the hearts of the people. Although the goddess in the lake has a word of god, it is actually no different from the “angel” falling into the mortal world. The suppression of the rules of the low magic world is enough to make the goddess in the lake ten To become the strength to get rid of 90%…

Of course, the goddess of the lake was also forced to come into this world. The world of Warhammer has been almost destroyed by the forces of chaos, and there is no soil for her to survive in orderly creatures!

The reason why the races of the Warhammer world have emigrated to the new world are actually driven over. The chaos in the original Warhammer world has achieved a decisive victory, and the order of intelligent creatures has collapsed, and it will continue to be wiped out by the forces of chaos. There is only time left. problem.

The followers of the Four Chaos Evil Gods are unreasonable. They have only one purpose for invading the world of Warhammer-to destroy everything!

As a result, the capable creatures of the Warhammer world were forced to immigrate to this new world, and actively closed and destroyed the passage of the Warhammer world to prevent the chaotic forces from chasing and killing them!

Now that hundreds of years have passed, humans from the world of Warhammer have been assimilated by the indigenous humans of this world through intermarriage and other methods.

Both sides are white people, and there is not much difference in appearance, so it is very easy to assimilate. After all, there are government inducements in it.

The most important thing is that the Warhammer humans also brought their national thoughts. National thoughts are thoughts born out of the identity of human race groups.

Of course, this kind of thinking is not formed spontaneously by the people. In this era of widespread illiteracy, relying on the people to generate ideas is pure nonsense.

Insufficient folk education makes it difficult to create an existence like a great man of the earth.

Therefore, changes in thinking are the result of the guidance of state power. In this age of monarchy, nobles and emperors actively lead.

As for the benefits of spreading national ideas, there are many.

First, let your own people or citizens be more cohesive and united, and complete the ideological separation with the nations of other countries, especially small and medium-sized countries and autonomous aristocratic territories, which attach great importance to this aspect.

Originally, small and medium-sized countries lacked military strength. The frontal hard steel can only protect themselves. Of course, we must try to bluff the difference between our own nationals and those of large countries. Through long-term education and propaganda, ordinary people think that an independent nation is a very good thing.

If a great power comes over, it would be aggression, but national unity!

For example, the Kingdom of Hungary created a Hungarian nation. Before that, whether it was after or before the invasion of the Warhammer humans, there was no concept of a Hungarian nation…

Of course, big countries will also spread national thoughts, but their methods of dissemination are just different. The main propaganda is pan-so-and-so doctrine. The stronger the military, the higher the propaganda power of the country!

This allows them to proclaim it as a war of national liberation when they launch an invasion war in the future, in order to gather the compatriots of the entire nation under one banner!

This kind of national ideology may be relatively fragile in front of royal power, but once the war starts, the morale bonus of the army is considerable.

If soldiers in the army of a small country disagree with the remarks of a big country and think that their country is their own nation, the morale of resisting invasion is naturally high.

Conversely, if soldiers in the army of a major country think that they are attacking other countries as liberators, they will certainly have a different mentality!

In any case, the unprovoked invasion will be spurned by most people Even if there is a powerful suppression, the soldiers at the bottom will feel resentful.

On the contrary, it uses various national thoughts to package one’s own warfare into a just war. The morale of the army is completely two concepts!

No matter how strong the country is, it is very willing to package itself as a righteous party in this regard. This is the origin of national thinking!

In the European countries that have been divided for a long time, national ideas have been generally accepted by the common people.

Except for the influence of the Habsburg dynasty in the Holy Roman Empire, most people still consider themselves to be Germans who unified the nation in a universal sense. Other countries have formed their own national concepts.

For example, civilians in the Principality of Transylvania are called Transylvanians, and civilians in the Principality of Moldova are called Moldovans…

Of course, this is only a shallow level of national consciousness. The people are busy with three meals a day. The so-called national ideology has the greatest influence on the army and the government. The people don’t care too much about this name.

If the enemy really fights over, they will definitely not carry guns for the so-called national liberation movement…

If you want nationalism to flourish, you still need to reach feudal kingship.

Because of the suppression of the feudal monarchy, it is very difficult for ordinary people to get the opportunity to think about themselves. They are squeezed out all day, so they can think about the so-called ‘nation’ in a leisurely manner?

The people who really identify with the nation are those who can propagate the army with great influence, and those who don’t worry about food and clothing at the upper level.

Today, in Europe, human beings have mainly formed three core civilizations.

The Kingdom of France in Western Europe, the Holy Roman Empire in Central Europe, and the Italian peninsula, dominated by the goddess of the lake, the Kingdom of Light, and many states in Italy.


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