From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 476

Chapter 475 Enemy of the European Crown

Regardless of the intelligent race, there is a habit of respecting the strong. Ming’s war intelligence in the Indian subcontinent has long been brought back to Europe by the Spanish and French. It is for this reason that Richard can use the situation of negotiation to recover the kingdom of Spain and France. The kingdom’s colonial trading base on the south coast of the Indian subcontinent.

Of course, the mighty power of the Ming Kingdom spread in Europe, and even the European royal family did not understand the principles of the weapons used by the Ming army!

The European powers have even developed mature single-shot bolted breech guns, as well as reliable breech guns and stable blast shells, which are the original versions of the later grenade.

However, the Bobosha submachine gun used by the Soviet mobilizers is still beyond the cognition of European scientific researchers!

Since the soldiers of the Red Police System will disappear together with their weapons when they are killed in battle, the European countries cannot get samples at all. As a result, they only know its power but never know its principle…

Now Richard can be regarded as understanding why the body and weapons of the soldiers of the total war system will not disappear after death and can be reused, while the soldiers of the red police system will all disappear after death.

This is actually a self-protection mechanism of the system. Richard and the system are like an invading virus to this world. When the virus was weak at first, there was no native cattle in this world, at least it couldn’t compare with the weapon technology brought by Warhammer humans. .

Later, after gradually growing and possessing the ability to eat the whole world, the ability of the virus of the system has naturally become stronger.

In order to prevent the indigenous people of the world from learning this ability, the necessary traces must be removed.

The corpses and weapons of the Red Police soldiers who disappear after death are a good technological isolation, because even if the living Red Police soldiers commit suicide, they will not surrender, so it is naturally impossible to let their weapons fall into the enemy’s hands.

Even if such an accident happens, the Red Police soldier will kill himself for the first time and let his weapon disappear!

As a result, the European countries discovered that the military of Ming was so powerful that they could not imitate it at all!

This is a terrible thing for the European countries!

The only good news is that equipped with that terrible weapon, there are not many ‘Ming’s’ that will disappear after death, only tens of thousands.

An army of this size has more than a standing army of any powerful country in Europe!

Therefore, in the high-level war assessment reports of European countries, the Ming army cannot defeat them in local operations.

The results of this war assessment are quite pertinent. The European human nations have been in conflict every year, and the war experience is the world’s best. Even if the human nations have reached a superficial peace, the small conflicts with the Ottoman Empire have never stopped.

As long as it is an ambitious European power, they all salivate over the territory of the Ottoman Empire that is comparable to the entire European area!

Although the European countries have not seen the Bobosha submachine gun, they can conduct simulated battle evaluations based on their lethality in actual combat.

After all, Soviet mobilizers are only infantry, and they will also be killed by bullets and shells. They are not invincible. In addition, the Ming army does not have decent artillery, so all European countries are sure to defeat the Ming army in their homeland or very close to the mainland!

Even if Richard doubled the number of Ming troops, the European powers would not worry!

This assessment naturally makes the European countries feel more secure.

Although their current military strength can’t beat the Ming army, they can guarantee their invincibility, and of course they don’t need to harm their own interests to target the Ming country with all their strength.

The European countries are full of contradictions. It is politically impossible to form an anti-Ming alliance, unless Richard really hits the mainland and defeats the European powers one after another to show the danger of extinction!

Obviously, even the dark elves don’t think Richard has that ability…

The current Richard’s threat to the European countries is only raised to the level of the Ottoman Empire.

Regardless of the poor system of the Ottoman Empire, weapons and equipment are still backward, but where is the size of the people.

The crowd tactics in this world are not Lao Maozi, but the Ottoman Empire!

At every turn, an army of one hundred thousand dollars away is thrown into the battlefield, and it is a headache to change to a European power…

The most important thing is that the army of the Ottoman Empire is too rich. Even if the European powers wipe out 100,000 Ottoman servants, it will take less than a month for another 100,000 troops to appear on the front line!

Who can stand this consumption?

Even if he barely wins the battle, the gain will not be worth the loss in the end, and even the war expenses will not be paid back.

You can lose money in war, but you can’t lose money too hard. If the government is brought down by a loss, what is the prestige of the monarch?

The monarchs of the European powers rely on the cabinet government to manage the country. As the saying goes, there is a black cabinet back, and there is a real power monarchy system in which the glory is added to the monarch!

However, if the war is defeated, the collapse of the cabinet will be a minor issue, and the loss of the monarch’s prestige is a major event!

If the cabinet government is not capable, it can be replaced. If the monarch is not capable the country is prone to revolution!

The reason why the European countries can maintain superficial peace now is because everyone is afraid to initiate a full-scale war, and is worried that if they defeat their throne and be overthrown by the revolution!

In the eyes of European monarchs, internal enemies are far more terrible than external enemies!

Especially for the European powers, it is almost impossible to be destroyed. The war potential and mobilization capabilities of the European powers that have completed the first industrial revolution are quite terrible.

However, after the country is broken, the people have no support for their lives, and the enemy powers do not need to do it themselves. They can spend money to sponsor the Revolutionary Party, which can make the defeated country beacon flames and change the dynasty!

Of course, in Europe, a continent ruled by royal power, even if the Revolutionary Party overthrows the current king, it must find someone with orthodox status from other nobles and royal families to become the king.

The European powers can allow a royal family to fall, but never allow a republican power to appear!

The few remaining republics on the European continent are all small countries, and they are all substantive ‘vassal states’, with bosses behind them.

Otherwise, a group of businessmen and the early capitalist class would not be able to build a nation.

The European powers can allow small republics to exist, because they cannot have the strength to threaten the big countries. They are basically placed there, and the land is scarce. As long as they are not opened like Richard, it is impossible to complete a counterattack.

But the big country must be a monarchy country, this is the bottom line of the European kingship era!

Only the high elves of the Kingdom of England across the strait do not care, because their kingship comes from the race of high elves. As long as the high elves have kingship, they cannot be shaken. Therefore, the Kingdom of England is the largest long-term sponsor of the European Revolutionary Party!


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