From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 485

Chapter 485 Public opinion is boiling

After the Ottoman Empire created the Vienna tragedy at the end of the 25th year of Ming Dynasty, the entire continent was shocked.

This is the first case of brutal and inhumane massacre on the capital city since Warhammer mankind has steadily ruled in this world!

The dark elves of the Ottoman Empire did not care how the humans under their control slaughtered European whites, because in their eyes, people of color were inferior, and even people from countries east of Hungary were regarded as inferior by Central and Western Europeans. .

But Vienna is recognized by the European society as a large civilized city, at the same level as Paris, Madrid, and the city where the goddess resides in the lake of the God of Light!

The Habsburg dynasty can be destroyed, after all, many people see the Habsburg dynasty not pleasing to the eye.

No one wants to have an ambitious family around him who is determined to unify the power of the Holy Roman Empire and conquer Europe.

However, Vienna of the Habsburg dynasty was an iconic civilized metropolis, representing the glory of the human descendants of the European Warhammer. The Emperor of Sigma once set the capital here!

Now that the Ottoman Empire has turned into a dead city, one can imagine how embarrassing other countries in Europe are…

Yes, it is embarrassing for the high-level people, but for the middle and low-level people in various countries, it is angry!

As soon as the news that Vienna was slaughtered by the Ottoman Empire spread, the European countries could no longer suppress domestic public opinion. Large groups of people took to the streets publicly, workers went on strike and students went on strike, and even many farmers wielded hoes to ask their feudal masters to go. Ask for an explanation!

This is an insult to human beings of different races, and a milestone in the retrogression of human civilization!

Large-scale civil riots broke out in major cities such as Paris and Madrid at almost the same time, and many of them held large flags and participated in them.

Even the police and the army have many people filled with indignation at the government’s inaction!

When the Ottoman Empire, an alien country invaded Central Europe, the powerful kingdoms of France and Spain, as well as the nations of Italy, just watched and did not send troops to help.

As a result, Vienna was slaughtered. How could this make the people feel so embarrassed?

The Europeans don’t want to be trampled under their feet by the dark elves!

The sad mood of the rabbit and the fox spread in Western Europe and the Italian peninsula. Under the pressure of public opinion, the weather vane of the royal families of the European countries suddenly turned straight.

In fact, many people in the aristocracy were dissatisfied with the Ottoman Empire’s practices.

Everyone is happy to defeat the Habsburg dynasty, but your massacre is too much, and it is an iconic city like Vienna that massacred!

This is rubbing the faces of their nobles on the ground!

As a result, the cabinet governments of various countries have become backers, used to calm the anger of the people, and the cabinets of various countries have collapsed and reorganized.

In fact, the royal family, which controls the absolute monarchy, stood up at this time and said innocently that he was blinded by the cabinet…

Then raise the banner of revenge for Vienna!

In this way, a very simple guide by public opinion, the cabinet that has fallen has become the man of the pot, and the royal family that has been in power once again has the image of Guangweizheng…

Of course, the fallen cabinet officials also gained practical benefits. Although their political career was over, they were fully compensated materially.

And because this is for the royal family, the future generations of descendants will naturally have a smooth career in the future, and they can even become the royal family’s “inner ministers”!

As for fame or something, the curse of the common people is nothing compared with the favor of the royal family!

Cabinet officials are very clear about who their rights come from. The world doesn’t pay attention to democratic rights. Public opinion is just a tool played by the upper ruling class.

In this way, the European countries have changed from sitting and watching into gearing up, and they are ready to siege the Ottoman Empire.

In the process of reorganizing the army, the European royal family, which was once intimidated by public opinion, also began to retaliate.

The leaders who made the most trouble before have long been recorded, as well as the crowds who marched and demonstrated.

Don’t these people want revenge?


The new government came together with a call-up order. The leader of the previous demonstration and the unlucky person in the front row were all conscripted into the barracks for recruit training, ready to set foot on the battlefield to fight the Ottomans!

Regardless of the loud slogans of revenge on the surface of the European countries, in fact, the main regular forces that the European countries can really fight have not assembled, and they are still guarding their neighbors in their original positions.

On the contrary, the European countries used this slogan to forcefully conquer the crowds of the previous demonstrations, regardless of whether you are a worker, a student or a farmer, as long as the demonstration is recorded and all pulled into the recruiting camp!

These people are the forces used by the European countries to avenge!

To put it bluntly, the European countries still have no plans to use their real strength to attack the Ottoman Empire!

The Holy Roman Empire is now closer to unity than during the Habsburg dynasty.

First, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Bavaria, together with the Ottoman Empire, defeated the Habsburg dynasty and joined hands to carve up the political territory of the Holy Roman Empire. Many of the states of the Holy Roman Empire were destroyed!

Then the Kingdom of Prussia faced a double-sided attack and was beaten back to the Brandenburg region all the way, completely losing the opportunity to fight for the power of the Holy Roman Empire!

Therefore, the Bavarian Kingdom now has more territory in the Holy Roman Empire than the Austrian Kingdom, and all the states have been wiped out, leaving only the lingering Prussian Kingdom!

At this time, the Ottoman Empire was still at war with the Kingdom of Prussia. Even if the Kingdom of Bavaria did not take action, the Prussian Kingdom that had lost all its talents would be a little bit to death by the Ottoman Empire!

Even if the Kingdom of Prussia has already mobilized its people, it will not work!

The size difference between the two sides is too big…

As for the Kingdom of Bavaria, it is now encountering the same problem as the European countries-public opinion is boiling!

Of course, the Kingdom of Prussia did not avoid it, but people are fighting the Ottoman Empire. Naturally, there will be no opposition from the people. On the contrary, they repent of the Kingdom of Prussia and feel very good about the way of fighting with the alien dark elves of the Ottoman Empire… …

However, the political situation of the Kingdom of Bavaria is very miserable. Both outside and inside, they all agree that the Kingdom of Bavaria is in collusion with the Ottoman Empire!

PS: Chapter 483 was blocked because of that, what and what, I’m really sorry, I will definitely avoid it in the future. The general plot is that Richard chose the Indians to do it in order to complete the goal of the one hundred thousand massacre, and then triggered the Indian public In the uprising, in order to suppress the uprising with the least cost, Richard issued a reward system similar to the’killing order’ to reduce the population of India. That’s roughly what happened, you know.


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