From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 504

Chapter 504 The Age of StarCraft is Coming

Of course, the most important thing is that the warhammer forces in Central Africa and South Africa do not know that there are other civilizations in the north, and because of the war between vampires and ancient tombs, there is no extra energy to explore the great desert.

This is why North Africa is separated from Central Africa.

Presented on the map of Richard’s system is the war between the League of Vampires and the Tomb King, both of which are masters of manipulating the undead.

Moreover, because vampires have escaped from the world of Warhammer and have lifted the curse of dependence on blood, they will not die of thirst because there is no blood. Naturally, there is not much food needed on the African continent where there are not many humans.

The aborigines of the original African continent were raised by the Vampire Alliance and the Tomb King as a supplementary unit for the undead army.

After every war, thousands of African black uncles will be cruelly turned into various undead soldiers and thrown into the battlefield.

In order to obtain stable living people as raw materials for the Legion of Undead, the League of Vampires and the Tomb King have established a complete black breeding system.

It is to put together the young black men and women who have **** with each other and let them copulate and become pregnant.

For this reason, the Vampire Alliance and the Tomb King also used their own methods to identify those African men who are more suitable to be stallions, the survival rate of seeds is higher, and the babies born are healthier!

As for African women, they are reduced to pure fertility machines.

As for the elderly, that does not exist. African blacks are often transformed into undead warriors just after the most suitable age for fertility…

Relying on this careful cultivation method, the Tomb King and the Vampire Alliance have been fighting for hundreds of years without exhaustion.

Of course, the consequence of the Hundred Years’ War between the two sides is that the tribal system of African blacks is completely destroyed, and all blacks are reduced to reproduction machines for both…

Even the black people nowadays have long been accustomed to this kind of life as a breeding slave, numb sowing and labor, and rigidly accepting the transformation of the undead…

Black children in Africa are not raised by their parents, but are brought up in a unified way for healthier and better survival rates.

For this purgatory scene, Richard is ready to use nuclear weapons to thoroughly purify it!

In January of the 30th year of Ming Dynasty, Richard, who had obtained 80,000 world power, immediately became so proud and bombarded the entire African continent with hundreds of tactical nuclear bombs!

The ignorant Tomb King and the League of Vampires died in fierce flames and radiation before they knew who the enemy was…

Although the undead’s anti-radiation ability is very strong, there is a limit in the end. In this low-magic world, many undead magic cannot be used, and they can only watch their own nuclear bomb wash the ground.

Of course, those African black uncles were not spared. In order to completely exterminate the Tomb King and the Vampire Alliance, Richard used nuclear bombs to carry out carpet bombing, let alone black people, even the animals and plants can survive very little!

Central Africa and South Africa fell to death under the baptism of nuclear bombs!

Then Richard sent a teleporter to plant the flag and easily occupied the whole of Africa…

[Congratulations to the host for completing the ultimate authority goal-conquering the African continent.

The StarCraft system is turned on, the origin of the planet world is swallowed by the system, and the system is being upgraded…

StarCraft is open for all arms, and the power system is re-divided according to the multiverse. Below the Innate Realm, the Innate Realm includes the first generation of interstellar warriors.

The typical breakthrough of the first generation of interstellar warriors is that they can survive in space without relying on oxygen and gain basic flight capabilities.

System operation analysis…

There is a lack of data samples of interstellar warriors, and it is impossible to calculate detailed data samples of the second-generation interstellar warriors.

After the host comes into contact with an interstellar warrior, the system will automatically obtain samples and reference data.

The system is upgraded to an unlimited computing engine, which can resist damage from non-material space for the host.

Open the three major race forces of StarCraft, the host does not need to worry about energy anymore, energy issues can be directly handed over to the three major race auxiliary commanders. 】

As soon as the voice of the system fell, three display screens that only he could see appeared in front of Richard’s eyes.

On the first screen is the main control brain of a human base, which is commonly known as the artificial intelligence carrier base building.

The second display is a disgusting…Dan?

Well, Richard can’t recognize what that thing is anyway…

The third screen is a collective consciousness formed by a ball of light. It looks shining golden, so awesome Yazi…

“Dear human commander, I am Xiaoxue, an artificial intelligence brain attached to the human legion command, and I will serve you wholeheartedly.

All war buildings have been constructed in the void, all cultivation systems have been fully activated, and the human soldiers created are clones, with loyalty chips implanted in their brains, and they will never betray the commander.

We can collect ordinary planetary resources from the real world, such as oil, natural gas, and geo-nuclear energy The efficiency is low but it is easy to find and exploit.

We can also use the energy of star radiation and the universal energy crystals in the universe. As long as there is a planet or star as an energy source, we can create an interstellar fleet. ”

A curvaceous and childlike virtual beauty appeared on the first display screen. After the projection of a childlike virtual beauty, the second display screen suddenly lit up, and a deep and deep voice came from it.

“The great master of the Zerg, I am your loyal servant and mastermind Olivier. All the Zergs are your loyal and fearless warriors. We have the most advanced genetic technology reserves, which can extend the life of the master for thousands of years. If the master is willing to abandon human The shell, we can let the owner have an unlimited life span, and the spirit will last forever!

In terms of energy, we only need the owner to release our collection engineers. All organic matter can become the nourishment of the insects. Even if there is no organic matter, it can also absorb the radiation energy from stars. We have the most convenient and reliable energy storage organisms. Interstellar voyage without barriers!

Of course, all the energy in the interstellar can be used by the great swarm! ”

After Zerg master Ollie introduced himself, the third screen also lit up.

“The respectable supreme archon, I am the collective consciousness of the Protoss. I can control all the Protoss combatants according to your will. We can use all the known energy in the universe. The Protoss has an ancient and splendid civilization. Possess very strong learning and analysis skills.

All the Protoss are willing to fight to death for the Supreme Archon. We can directly use the stars as energy sources. As long as the stars do not extinguish, our energy will be inexhaustible! ”

Li Cha looked at the three light screens, and his heart became more and more hot!


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