From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Pre-war show

Under the newly established Dashi Town staff team, news of the Gaoxiang County counter-insurgency army spread steadily, and the registered reserve of more than 2,000 young and Zhuang Auxiliary Army troops was also organized.

Organized them on the one hand to prevent them from escaping privately, and on the other hand, it was used as a coolie for transporting defense equipment.

As for the stagnation of economic production caused by the transfer of a large number of young laborers in Dashi Town…

Sorry, now is the time of war, everything must serve the war!

There is only one Richard in Dashi Town who must mobilize the power of the entire town to defend the city!

Under the system established by Richard Richards, the Semu people were gradually divided into two levels. The Semu people who served as soldiers in the Pioneer Battalion had a sense of superiority in the face of ordinary Semu people because they did not worry about eating and drinking, and their social status had improved. …

This sense of superiority is wonderful and unreasonable. The government does not stipulate that the status of Semu soldiers is higher than that of Semu civilians, but it is because of the difference in living conditions between the two sides that they compare their superiority…

This phenomenon is very common in human society. Even in the 21st century civilized society of Richard Richard’s previous life, he promoted equality and democracy for everyone all day long. In society, people are not divided into three, six or nine classes based on income and position. ?

This kind of social hierarchical government does not recognize it, but it is an unspoken rule recognized by people in society.

For example, the Semumen soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion under Richard Richard cursed the Semumen civilians on the street. The Semumen civilians often did not dare to refute. Once they resisted, they would be beaten and kicked immediately. As long as they did not kill them, they would not be maimed. , This matter often goes unnoticed.

If the civilians of the Semu people are too angry to summon helpers, the government will immediately suppress them and arrange the Semu soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion to suppress them. The result can be imagined…

Naturally, Richard did this for his own interests. The Semu soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion are cannon fodder with knives. Richard also needs them to work **** the battlefield. Of course, Richard doesn’t care about this kind of sweetness, as long as they don’t have the guts to do so. Just treat the Han people.

As for the common people of Semu, who have no power or knife in their hands, is it possible that they dare to rebel?

What’s more, both sides are Semu people. After conflicts are aroused, even if the Semu people want to rebel, the Semu soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion will not go together!

Accumulating some hatred on weekdays, Richard is more relieved.

The Semu soldiers of the Pioneer Battalion were originally assembled from the Semu soldiers of Gaoxiang County. They are naturally separated from the Semu civilians in Dashi Town, and a small friction couldn’t be more normal.

If the Semu soldiers are related to the local Semu civilians Yushui, Richard and his Han ruling class will be fidgeting!

The counter-insurgency army came along the flat official road, and it only took a day and a night to reach Dashi Town. This is because the counter-insurgency army in Gaoxiang County had to slow down its marching speed in order to maintain the ranks of thousands of people. result……

If it weren’t for the green skin crisis in the wilderness, the distance between the various cities in the Western Regions is really not too far, because the deserted Western Regions have only a few places where people can live.

Gongsun Kangan looked at Dashi Town where the city was full of soldiers, and calmly asked the inspector Long Liguo behind him: “I will assign all the Semu soldiers to you. You are sure to break the city in one day. Huh?”

Long Liguo’s face changed slightly after being named, and there was no county Cheng Yin Liren to support him here.

Obviously, Gongsun Kangan was dissatisfied with Long Liguo’s behavior before escaping privately and pinning the black pot on Xue Mingzhi’s head!

In Gaoxiang County, Gongsun Kangan wanted to take Yin Liren’s face into consideration, so it was not easy to reprimand Long Liguo, but now that the army is out, Gongsun Kangan will not let Long Liguo go through!

The Semu servant army was originally controlled by Long Liguo. If he led the Semu soldiers to attack the city, there was nothing wrong with it. What’s more, Gongsun Kangan even allocated the Semu soldiers from Dashu Town to him. If Long Liguo would do nothing. if……


Long Liguo, a small inspector, naturally did not dare to confront the magistrate, not to mention that Gongsun Kangan is still the head of the army!

“My lord, the rebel forces in the city of Dashi Town are strong. If Richard in the city mobilizes and organizes the young and strong climbers in Dashi Town, he can definitely break through 5,000 troops. Even if the walls of Dashi Town are low, it will not be a matter of overnight. .

The specific situation will not be known until after another fight. ”

Long Liguo bowed his head and arched his hands.

Although the high-level officials of Gaoxiang County knew that Richard had established a staff team in Dashi Town to recruit soldiers on a large scale, he was not quite sure about the specific strength of his troops.

No matter how bad the bad guys in Datang are, it is impossible to sneak into Richard’s barracks to check!

“Dragon inspection, please rest assured, I will let the county soldiers and the patrol battalion in Dashu Town be the reserve team of the imprisonment. The Semumen soldiers you lead should be able to break out of good combat effectiveness.”

Gongsun Kangan said with a smile Long Liguo heard it and knew that the other party didn’t plan to let him go this round, so he had to bite the bullet and accept the task.

He is not as optimistic about this counter-insurgency operation as Gongsun Kangan. After all, he has seen the combat effectiveness of Li Cha’s subordinate soldiers, even if it is a guard camp formed by the guards of Jiading who is highly regarded by Gongsun Kangan, it may not be in the wild. Dao soldiers who can beat Richard, let alone in a siege…

But Long Liguo didn’t dare to say such things, otherwise Gongsun Kangan would be deducted for the crime of disturbing the military’s morale, and Long Liguo would have no way out!

In the Gaoxiang County outside the city, the counterinsurgency army is preparing the siege equipment. Before launching the attack, Richard in the city has just completed his ‘performance show’.

In front of the Pioneer Camp, the Guilty Camp, the Ming Army Camp, and the Auxiliary Army Reserve, Richard waved one hand and 1,000 Tier 4 infantry from the fifth army battalion appeared on the playground out of thin air!

The mighty majestic posture, the indifferent eyes, the armor that exudes gloomy light, and the weapons armed to the teeth have greatly increased the confidence of the many soldiers present!

With a wave of his own boss, 1,000 seemingly invincible elites appeared. Perhaps they could really defeat the tens of thousands of rebels in Gaoxiang County in this battle!

With the support of the belief in victory, the morale of the defenders in Dashi Town has been greatly improved, and Richard’s show has far exceeded expectations!

The mud legs of these border towns, but I have never seen a serious Taoist priest, and many people even regard Li Cha as a god!

Even if it is a soldier who is not superstitious, the thousand elite armored soldiers actually appeared in front of him, what can be doubted?

Gongsun Kangan planned to solve Richard’s rebellion once and for all, so with the strong strength of the counter-insurgency army, all four walls of Dashi Town were enclosed!

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