From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Inspection from the heart

Puff puff…

Under Long Liguo’s powerful force, the surrounding guilt camp Semu soldiers were chopped in half with their weapons. No matter it was bones or iron, they couldn’t stop Long Liguo’s blow!

Gongsun Kangan at the back looked at Long Liguo who stepped onto the city head in one fell swoop with satisfaction, and nodded with a smile.

This is the normal operation of siege.

Actually, if Gongsun Kangan didn’t want to lose the power of the Jiading guards and warriors below, and directly let the guard battalion of thousands of people charge, the Semen garrison at the head of the city would not be able to stop even a round!

However, Gongsun Kangan knew that Richard had a powerful Taoist soldier in his hands, so he dared not do that.

The guards camp are all guards of the gentry class in Gaoxiang County, and the lives of those warriors are more expensive than ordinary people. If there are too many casualties at one time, the guard camp will dare not fight on the spot!

Even a strong man who belongs to Gaoxiang County can violate the ‘must die’ war mission. The big deal is not a strong man. The world is so big that it’s not a problem where these warriors eat.

However, without the government’s salary, they would lose a stable source of financial resources, and it would be even more difficult to obtain supplementary medicinal materials for cultivation.

The vast majority of warriors who took refuge in the imperial court were actually rushing to get rewards from the salaries and government officials who often issued rewards to the warriors.

Lux is actually a high-level thug in the court to maintain law and order, which is equivalent to arresting ordinary thieves, and sometimes a cameo with a high-profile version of bad guys for spies.

The bad guy is an organization established when Datang was just established. It was originally only responsible to the emperor and spread all over the world, a bit like the future Ming Dynasty Jinyiwei.

But with the passage of time, bad people gradually become ‘detective police’ for local authorities to catch thieves. Because of the nature of their training, they are often better than ordinary officials in catching thieves.

As for being responsible to the emperor, it has also become a formalism in name. After all, the bad people scattered all over the world will never see the emperor in ninety-one percent of their lives…

The unscrupulous people need to receive wages. The wages are not allocated by the central government, but are supported by the local government. Of course, the unscrupulous people’s allegiance has become the local government.

However, because of the special nature of bad people, they generally do not work for the enemy. Even if the county is broken, bad people can leave and continue to work in other government under the rule of the Tang Dynasty. They have no responsibility to guard the land and do not need to bear the burden of war in legal theory. responsibility.

When    bad people were founded, they were used to serve as the emperor’s ears, but it was only because of changes in the system that they changed their qualities.

can’t expect a group of people engaged in spy business to join the army to fight. Collecting intelligence is their main task!

Because bad people are good at hiding their identities on weekdays, Richard did not see any bad people after he captured Dashi Town…

Long Liguo’s impenetrable Mingguang heavy armor quickly made a big gap when he rushed to the head of the city. The Semu soldiers, whether they were from the Guilty Camp or the Pioneer Camp, did not dare to approach him. Basically, where Long Liguo rushed , Where will be a rout!

In this way, a large group of Servants of Sermons followed and quickly occupied the city’s head!

Under the leadership of Long Liguo, the guilt camp at the head of the city was quickly washed out with blood, and the whole army of the Pioneer Battalion retreated!

It’s not that the guilt camp didn’t want to retreat, but because they were at the forefront and turned around to be the knife of the pioneer camp. It was not until the guilt camp was almost dead that the pioneer camp was defeated by more and more secular servants.

After Long Liguo led the people to attack the head of the city, the servant army of Semu people rushed up one after another, forming a steady flow of people.

However, just as Long Liguo led his troops towards the main gate of Dashi Town, the thousands of infantrymen of the 5th Army Battalion behind the earth wall had replaced their strong bows, aiming at the **** servants who had attacked the head of the city, and launched a rapid burst!

This is the real arrow rain!

Long Liguo, who was rushing towards the city gate, suddenly felt a huge force coming from his side. Even with his physical fitness, he couldn’t help but stagger, and then one after another shot of armor-piercing cone arrows hit his bright light armor. Long Liguo shot back again and again, and in the end it was even more unstable, tripping over a corpse on the ground!

When Long Liguo raised his head and looked around, the Semumen servant army behind him had been shot to pieces…

Thousands of infantrymen of the Five Army Battalion, just shooting arrows, defeated the hundreds of Sermons who had climbed to the city’s head!

Long Liguo was lying in the group of corpses, not knowing whether he should stand up or continue lying down…

The opponent is obviously using an infantry strong bow that is only equipped by the elite of Datang, otherwise the force you can shoot on yourself can’t be that great!

Even if this kind of strong bow does not penetrate the heavy armor of clear light, it can shake him out of internal injuries, just like a person being hit by heavy punches on his chest…

Even if Long Liguo’s physical fitness is hard, he can’t stand the continuous shots!

Now that the Semu servants are too afraid to climb, if he stands up, he will definitely be set on fire. At that time, UU reading will be a live target…

Long Liguo’s thinking turned sharply, and he chose to continue lying down…

In order to protect himself, Long Liguo ignored the mood of the soldiers of the servant soldiers under the city. They saw the soldiers and the inspectors who rushed to the top of the city were shot down. After no one got up, the high morale suddenly bottomed out and the crowds burst. La’s retreat…

Gongsun Kangan next to the handsome flag stared at all this in a daze. The Semu servants retreated too much, and the Han soldiers supervised the team in the rear couldn’t stop it!

“Long Liguo died like this?”

Soon, Gongsun Kangan had to face more severe consequences. The leader of the Semu servants was patrolled for the death. The Semu servants were no longer a morale problem. They were fighting this battle. The general became desperate.

Soon, the reports of the feint attacks on the other three city walls were also summarized here by Gongsun Kangan. The feint team was defeated without even touching the earth wall…

The number of other Sermon servants who attacked on three sides was less than the soldiers guarding the city. This situation is understandable.

“My lord, the military spirit is lost today, and those lustful people need to rest for a while before they can fight again.”

The Han officer who knew the soldiers next to him reminded Gongsun Kangan.

At this time, if the Semu servants are driven to attack the city, it is easy to cause mutiny!

Because they would think that the Han people in Gaoxiang County wanted to kill someone with a knife!

Soon, Richard reorganized the remnants of the vanguard battalion that had retired. After being charged into the auxiliary army reserve, they were sent to the city head again. Richard did not even need to issue weapons. The young men on the earth wall picked them up on the spot. Weapons are enough…

When the Semumen soldiers who returned to the city wall were making up for the severely wounded enemy one by one, suddenly a heavy black figure soared into the sky, killing the surrounding Semumen soldiers instantly!

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