From Soldier To Emperor

Chapter 96

Chapter 96 Expansion of Ming Barracks

After receiving the Qiyun coin reward, Richard did not exchange the soldier for the first time, but kept the 5000 Qiyun coin.

The battle with Gongsun Kang’an’s guard battalion made Richard realize that in the future he is likely to use the Ming dynasty gunmen on a large scale. However, it is better to deal with ordinary Han county soldiers and Semu servants, but the fifth army battalion infantry is better. So Richard simply kept the Qiyun coin.

After the officers and soldiers of Gaoxiang County outside the city collapsed, the Ming army camp emerged from the main gate of Dashi Town and began to collect the trophies left on the battlefield, especially the food and grass left by tens of thousands of officers and soldiers!

Clearing the battlefield is actually a benefit for the soldiers of the Ming military camp. Richard does not have too many Tang coins to give them wartime rewards, but after the war, they can collect half of the spoils when clearing the battlefield, and they have priority in selection. !

In this way, Richard can not only save a lot of money, but also make Ming army soldiers more loyal to him.

After all, in this battle, it was the Semu people who were fighting on the front line. Even the final counterattack was Richard’s Dao soldiers as the main force. The soldiers of the Ming Barracks were mainly used as fire-fighting and supervising squads, and the casualties were very slight.

Therefore, after they have obtained half of the trophies left by the officers and soldiers, it is strange that they are not grateful to Richard!

Richard would naturally not let go of this kind of propaganda opportunity. After seeing the treatment of the Ming barracks under Richard’s command, the guards of the family who were captured naturally showed envy.

Get half of the spoils after the war, even the boss doesn’t have this treatment!

Jiading’s fixed monthly salary is more generous than that of ordinary county soldiers, and the equipment and food are better. When performing combat missions, they can basically only obtain 10 to 20% of the spoils, unless special circumstances can be raided and looted…

However, Jiading guards rarely participate in wars. Where can they get the spoils?

Their main enemy-Green Skin, all of them are poor ghosts, and they can’t pick up any oil and water at all.

After propagating the captured Han soldiers, Richard took advantage of the heat, solicited them, and clearly stated the various preferential treatments of the Ming military camp.

These family guards are different from the strict military organization such as the county soldiers. They do not have fixed officers. They originally took the lead in the warriors of various families, and the warriors distinguished the ranks of officials according to their cultivation level.

Now those warriors are basically killed because of stubborn resistance, so the Jiading guard has lost even the most basic backbone.

Coupled with the treatment given by Richard and the warning to be executed if you don’t surrender, the guards of the prisoners will naturally go to Richard’s Ming army camp.

Like the county soldiers who surrendered before, these guards of the house who had taken refuge in Richard were dismantled and put into the Ming barracks. In this way, the first batch of Han soldiers who had taken refuge in Richard in the Ming barracks could be promoted!

The basic establishment of the Ming army barracks is five people and one corps. The corps leader is set up before and after the time of surrendering Richard. The two corps are set up according to the “qualification”. The five corps are set as a group. The leader is based on the seniority Of course, they are selected based on the military merits and martial arts, and sometimes they are based on the tendencies of the majority of soldiers.

The two teams are set as one team. One team leader is set up, and the team leader serves as the deputy team leader. The selection method is the same as that of the team leader. However, the opinions of ordinary soldiers are no longer adopted. Only soldiers above the corps leader level can ‘vote’.

The    team is the basic organization of the Ming army camp, with more than a hundred people, and above the team is Han Li, who is appointed as the battalion commander.

The position of battalion commander was created by Richard Richard in order to distinguish it from the military system of the Tang Army.

The    team is the basic combat unit of the Ming Barracks. One team just formed a small phalanx of hundreds of people. When the Ming Barracks played collectively, several small phalanxes of hundreds of people formed a large offensive or defensive formation.

But with the help of Jiading guards and surrenders, the Ming army camp was expanded again, reaching more than 1,200 people!

just formed 12 teams, and the extra soldiers became Han Li’s hand-in-hand and standard-bearer.

After this battle, Richard’s team seized a large number of light armors. The thousands of guard battalions from Gaoxiang County were all iron armored’local soldiers’. In the end, less than ten powerful warriors in the guards escaped, of course. Yes, the iron armor of the guard camp became Richard’s pocket.

Even though many of these iron armors have been damaged due to fierce battles, it is much easier to repair iron armors than to build iron armors.

These iron armors were all rationed by Richard to the Ming Barracks. The pikemen and sword soldiers in the Ming Barracks received a pair of light iron armors, and those officers received undamaged medium iron armors that were picked off from the warriors.

As for Han Li, he had a heavy armor of light on his body. This was a spoiled trophy enshrined in Gongsun’s house. There was only one piece that was given to Han Li by Li Cha.

Fortunately, Han Li himself is a middle-grade skin and fleshy realm warrior, and he can still fight with this iron shell weighing more than a hundred catties.

The iron armor obtained in this wave is too rich, and even the Pioneer Camp under his command has been exhausted, and Xiahouyu Chengdu, who has been reduced to a polished battalion commander, has been assigned a set of light iron armor!

With this batch of trophies, UU Reading Li Cha’s Ming army camp has more than half of the armor!

The officers and soldiers in the front row of each team are wearing iron armor, and the combat capability is greatly enhanced!

The reason why the Jiading guards of the local tycoons were able to sling local county soldiers because they had iron armor on them played a big role. In the era of cold weapons, a good set of armor can often increase the chance of survival on most battlefields.

The rich trophies and the greatly increased rate of armoring boosted the morale of the Ming barracks. After the Han soldiers who had taken refuge in the Ming barracks spread Richard’s theory of invincibility by the veterans of the Ming barracks, they gradually came to agree with him. sense.

Without Li Cha’s command, the veterans and officers of the Ming army barracks would transmit to the newly recruited comrades Richard’s historical achievements, as well as the strength of the Dao soldiers who are not afraid of death!

The soldiers who joined the Ming army camp were beaten by Richard before surrendering. Naturally, they were in awe and awe of Richard. Besides, which soldier didn’t want him to follow a victorious general?

Whether it is the guards or the county soldiers who surrendered, their combat ability is good. They basically belong to the kind that can be used on the battlefield when armed. The county soldiers may not have enough individual combat strength than the Jiading soldiers, but they are well-trained and familiar. The common method of array combat in this era.

Therefore, Han Li, the battalion commander of the Ming Barracks, took into account the strengths of the soldiers and assigned the guards of Jiading who were more capable of individual soldiers as sword soldiers and archers, and the soldiers of the surrender county who were more familiar with the overall combat of the army as the phalanx. Soldiers.

The things of reorganization and training naturally don’t need Richard to worry about. After clearing the battlefield, a slightly troublesome question posed before his eyes.

The death of more than 2,000 young Semu people in Dashi Town has caused a great negative impact among the Semu people and civilians in Dashi Town!

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