From the Abyss of Stars

010. Who’s Rare? Cursing Who’s Rare?

  1. Who’s Rare? Cursing Who’s Rare?


"The surveillance footage was deleted, and the suspect deliberately set the fire to destroy evidence. How laughable, greatly underestimating the capabilities of modern technology."


Law IV Agent Nimotin glanced at the crime scene. Her years of experience quickly allowed her to determine the suspect's motive.


The perimeter of Jianlin County Village Savings Bank had already been cordoned off. Firefighters and bank personnel were busy at the scene.


Although the fire was extinguished, assessing the property damage would still take time.


The case itself wasn’t complicated. A security guard's body was found at the scene, and 140,000 yuan in cash from the counter was missing. There were supposed to be two night patrol guards on duty. While it would take some time to restore the surveillance and determine the cause of death through an autopsy, the prime suspect was obvious—the missing night patrol guard.


Murder for money, robbing a bank, then setting fire to cover the evidence—such a simple-minded trick that even the laziest of security officers could see through it.


As a Level 2 Field Agent for Law IV, Nimotin found this easy task beneath her. She came to the border to crack major cases, like catching the traitorous Rose Army rebels, but instead, she was involved in mundane criminal cases.


To the county-level security bureau, the bank arson was a major incident, but to the Law IV agency, which guarded national security, deploying Law IV agents for such a case was overkill.


She asked her subordinate to pull up the personnel files of the guards on duty that day, glanced through them quickly, and then tossed the deceased ‘Lanny Johns’ file aside, casually instructing her subordinate:


"The suspect is confirmed to be Li Aozhi from Fengrao Village. Set up checkpoints at inspection stations and toll booths. A man with huge debts committing such a crime is obviously trying to repay his debt. Such a simple case… Control his family, send people to monitor closely, and then set up roadblocks. The town has a complex population structure, so just controlling the roads will be sufficient."


The subordinate, feeling equally impatient, said, "This should be left to the police. There's no need for us to get involved. The border police have enough manpower to set up a blockade, don’t they?"


Nimotin squinted, finding the subordinate's comment inappropriate but understanding the sentiment.


She was about to criticize the county police, especially the male officers, for their incompetence, which would highlight her own superiority as a Law IV agent.




A cold voice suddenly interrupted:


"Tima, I wouldn’t recommend making such comments. It shows narrow-mindedness."




Boots hit the ground, a black-and-white Law IV special agent’s coat fluttered in the wind. Every button was meticulously fastened. She removed her filtered respirator, revealing perfectly sculpted features and piercing green-gold eyes.


Nimotin’s prepared words instantly swallowed back. Annoyance flashed in her eyes, but she forced a friendly tone:


"You’re here, Agent Huskisin. We were just discussing whether this case should be handed over to the local security bureau—has the spiritual detection come back?"


"Yes, Team Leader Nimotin."


Yavanna Huskisin saluted her, her beautiful blue-green hair as eye-catching as a bluebird. Her elegant figure drew attention even in formal attire, and many onlookers were there just to see her beauty.


‘So annoying… If it weren’t for her father being the Director of Special Affairs, I wouldn’t want to work with such a privileged princess,’ Nimotin thought.


Yavanna, unfazed by her own charm, pulled out a report and began:


"The concentration of spiritual residue at the scene exceeded 17%. No active Aether particles detected."


"Huh," Nimotin raised an eyebrow. "No Aether awakening, but spiritual residue means the deceased either encountered a spiritual creature or was killed by a low-level extraordinary."


Though reluctant to admit, Yavanna Huskisin worked diligently.


"That's a plausible inference."


Yavanna paused, then looked at Tima, saying seriously:


"Agent Tima, you must understand this is a border district. The police here lack manpower and organization. We can't apply the capital's standards to such an underdeveloped region. It's unrealistic."


"Oh, Miss is reasoning now."


Tima sneered:


"Men are evil beasts. As long as they're fed and watered, they’ll disrupt national security. Giving them police work is already a favor. Beasts are beasts, born as sinful slaves."


"I disagree. Male citizens are essential to human society. Both men and women are builders of our great Republic." Yavanna immediately countered.


"Ha, you’re a mental man! Have no idea how oppressed women were for thousands of years?" Tima sneered. "Oh, you wouldn’t know, living in luxury your whole life."


Tima called over a male officer on duty:


"You, come here."


The officer hesitated but cautiously approached Tima, saluting and asking:


"Hello, may I—"




Tima kicked the officer in the knee. He grunted, instinctively clutching his knee.


"You don’t know to use respectful language with a woman?"


Tima punched his stomach, then grabbed his neck, dragging him to Yavanna:


"Hey, beast. This officer says men and women are both builders of the Republic. Did you hear?"


"I-I heard..."


"Hehe—what do you think?" Tima sneered, gripping his chin. "Do you see yourself as a pillar of the Republic, equal to this elegant lady?"




The officer quickly bowed, nervously explaining:


"Absolutely not! Men of Frost are just lowly beasts, we never dare to surpass women. I’m just a small cop, how could I compare to Law IV agents?"


He cared nothing for pride, even as his colleagues watched, none dared speak up. As a public official, he knelt, begging for mercy.


"See, Miss?"


Tima mocked, pressing the officer’s head down:


"You treat these beasts as humans, but they don’t even want that."


Yavanna said nothing, just silently observing the kneeling officer, eyes lingering on his humble stance.


She then looked up, turning to Team Leader Nimotin:


"Team Leader, the autopsy report will be ready by tomorrow. Since we can’t rule out Li Aozhi’s potential as an extraordinary, I suggest we begin our own search."


"Agreed." Nimotin wasn’t foolish. If a male extraordinary was involved in a crime, it was a significant merit.


Law IV, protecting women’s rights, paid close attention to male extraordinary crimes.


As superhuman beings, they were potential threats to the government and the public.


Their combat prowess was overwhelming, undetectable by ordinary means. Most importantly, unlike elected officials, these superhumans had immense voter appeal.


Voters might forget candidates' promises but would remember someone who could shoot fire and lightning.


Proving male extraordinary crimes were higher than female would give the government a reason to target male extraordinaries, even extending to all.


Such an opportunity couldn’t be missed, and Nimotin was eager.


"Tima, stop it. Work with the police on the search. Agent Huskisin, you did well. Take a break."


"No. No need." Yavanna shook her head. "Team Leader, this is the border. The suspect might flee or betray the country. I suggest sealing the border checkpoints—"


"Are you joking?" Tima mocked. "Miss must be delusional. Fleeing into the Outland is suicide. The suspect has family and debts, clearly planning to return home."


"Even if there's a 1% chance, it will happen."


Yavanna said calmly:


"Team Leader, I request to investigate smuggling and border checkpoints to prevent the suspect from fleeing."


"Hmm… think it through."


Nimotin hesitated.


Investigating smuggling and border checkpoints was tough and might lead into the Outland.


Despite disliking Yavanna, she was the Special Affairs Director’s daughter. If anything happened...


If something did happen—Nimotin realized—it was Yavanna’s idea.


Besides, the Outland’s dangers were well-known. Even the Rose Army stayed in hemispherical cities to survive.


No one would willingly enter the Outland. Combining intelligence, Tima's guess was more reasonable.


Let her investigate. She’d likely find nothing, protecting her. Seeing her wrong and failing would frustrate her.


Thinking this, Nimotin grinned and nodded:


"Agent Huskisin, your consideration is thorough. I leave the investigation to you."


"Tch, boring coward."


Tima kicked the officer away like a ball, discontent:


"Impossible. Special Affairs daughter, just a useless coward."


The sun is life’s pillar. Without sunlight, life struggles.


Who would be foolish enough to enter the Outland?




"Welcome to the Outland, dear infected."


Beautiful silver hair flowed like a waterfall. A gentle, mature woman in a white coat approached Li Aozhi in a wheelchair, smiling slightly:


"Don’t be afraid, we won’t hurt you."


"Who… are you?"


Filled with tranquilizers and anesthetics, muscles fully relaxed, Li Aozhi hesitated, his face twisted, asking:


"Am I infected?"


"Answering the first question: We are doctors, sir. Doctors from the Abyss Humanitarian Relief Organization."


The gentle woman adjusted her round glasses, explaining:


"You can call me 'Professor.'"


"Now, to answer the second question."


"Yes, you are infected with a virus called Esha. It infects the brain and spine, then penetrates cell walls, eventually altering chromosomes as it progresses."


"Esha infections range from level one to four."


"You are the only known suspected level-five infectee. Quite rare indeed."

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