From the Abyss of Stars

027. Tendon Splitting and Bone Breaking (Part 3)

  1. Tendon Splitting and Bone Breaking (Part 3)


【You killed Lv15 White Fang bandits *7—Overall damage contribution exceeds 60%, overlevel kill, team reward, additional reward, calculating...】


【You accumulated 17427 experience points】


While Nomi was killing wantonly on the side, Li Aozi didn't bother to intervene. He didn't have the ability to finish off the enemies quickly and didn't see the need to snatch kills for experience points.


Moreover, Nomi's damage output was limited. After casually slaughtering a few bandits, she still let some escape—this was exactly what Li Aozi wanted.


If they seriously injured the White Fang bandits, the bandits would realize the shelter was too tough to attack again, and Li Aozi wouldn't be able to continue harvesting experience.


On the contrary, if these desperados weren't completely wiped out, given the harsh environment of the outside world, no one would choose not to stay in a safe, warm shelter. If they stayed there, they would inevitably come back to attack the shelter again.


In fact, next time they would likely gather even more people.


So not only did Li Aozi not kill them all, but he also deliberately gave them time to plunder. Bandits who got a taste of success were unlikely to resist the temptation of the shelter.


Robbery is like a gacha pull; there's no such thing as just one time—you always have that "what if I hit the jackpot?" mentality. So Li Aozi wasn't worried at all that the White Fang bandits would give up. In the outside world, just a bit of incentive would make them jump into the fire pit, even knowing the danger.


"This is scientific pig farming."


After leveling up, the team penalty from being with the 17th-level Nomi had significantly decreased, making the experience gain more noticeable.


However, the problem with gravitational psychic power also emerged—this indirect damage-dealing ability meant that the system panel couldn't display damage info, so it had to be observed visually and by feel.


Fortunately, in the early stages, as long as they weren't extraordinary beings, no one could withstand the effects of gravitational deflection and smashing.


Li Aozi wasn't particularly excited. Having Omega-level psychic power as a Starfall Master, overlevel kills were expected. It was like giving a handgun to Simple; he could still 1v5 in a low-rank match.


"I need to quickly acquire professional knowledge and enhance my expertise. Otherwise, with my low stats, I'll still end up in jail."


Li Aozi put all his experience into Mutant, leveling it up to 10.


【Main profession [Mutant] has leveled up to Lv.7】


【Based on your expertise, you gain the following benefits: Charisma +3.】


Before Li Aozi could react, the system panel suddenly turned red and black, covered with double-helix cracks.


"Ugh—why is it happening now?!"


A piercing, bone-scraping pain shot through him. Li Aozi knelt on one knee as an electric-like numbness spread from his skin to his bones.


Dripping with cold sweat, Li Aozi was instantly overwhelmed by the pain, barely holding on as he watched the system prompts flash before him:


【Warning: Genetic sequence unstable!】


【You are undergoing a mutation, integrating genetic fragments...】


【Some of your genetic traits are emerging. Please choose a direction from the following mutation traits:】


A—【Gene Editing: Hardened Skin】: Re-edit genes to keratinize the skin, gaining 5% high-temperature resistance.


Choosing this trait will decrease Charisma by 5.


B—【Gene Integration: Adaptive Strength】: Integrate chaotic gene sequences to tap into potential strength, gaining +2 Strength and +2 Constitution.


Choosing this trait will reduce the number of genetic fragments, increasing the cumulative mutation failure rate by 5%.


C—【Gene Screening: Optimization Adjustment】: Screen all genes, removing those unsuitable for the current environment, gaining +5 to all attributes and obtaining the expertise 【Supercomputing Brain】 and 【Extreme Burst】.


Choosing this trait will cause significant gene fragment loss, making it easier to contract mutation diseases, reducing virus resistance by 70%, and permanently losing reproductive capability.


【You can spend 5000 experience to reset this mutation.】


Li Aozi didn't hesitate:




None of the three mutation directions suited him.


Option A was meaningless and would lower his Charisma, making it worthless.


Option B was unsustainable, increasing the failure probability with each mutation and risking failure to break into the Alpha tier.


As for C...


Option C was a rare mutation direction.


The full attribute bonus and two expertise were excellent. If Li Aozi planned to use mechs or become a pure caster, C's expertise would be perfect for him.


But unfortunately, Starfall Master was his favorite profession, and he wouldn't give up his pursuit for a rare mutation.


His skin burning hot and blood boiling, Li Aozi leaned against the wall, his eyes fixed on the panel as the double-helix spun again, tearing apart the three options before generating new ones.


【Reset complete】


【After rearrangement, some of your genetic traits are emerging. Please choose a direction from the following mutation traits:】


A—【Gene Splicing: Neurotoxin Spores】: Two gene fragments splice together, making your flesh toxic and spore-producing, allowing complete limb regeneration upon damage.


Choosing this trait will greatly reduce resistance to high temperatures and radiation (60~80%).


B—【Gene Grafting: Psychic Pods】: You acquire foreign gene fragments and graft them into your sequence, developing tumor pod structures on your arms to store and release others' psychic power.


Choosing this trait will increase the number of genetic fragments, making mutation easier and damaging your telomeres, significantly shortening your lifespan.


C—【Gene Reorganization: Self-Cannibalization】: Reorganize the original gene sequence, releasing some ineffective genes to strengthen the original ones, gaining +1 to all attributes. When near death or out of psychic power, you can have cells self-cannibalize to regain health and psychic power.


Choosing this trait will prevent you from using potions to restore health.


Another batch of trash!


"Not enough experience left—damn it."


Li Aozi felt a pang of regret.


The first mutation for a newbie has a high probability of rare options. Mutations are divided into six types: editing, integrating, screening, splicing, grafting, and reorganization—none are inherently better or worse; it's like a blind box with countless possibilities.


Li Aozi had miscalculated. He hadn't expected the mutation to come now. Of course, it could also be related to the constant injections, drips, and oral medications in the humanitarian organization's lab.


The reset options didn't fit his current situation. If they appeared mid-game, he would be thrilled.


But now, he regretted not killing a few more White Fang bandits to gain enough experience for another reset.


"Limb regeneration isn't rare. At worst, I can get mechanical limbs. But high-temperature damage is common in battles, so I can't give it up. Self-cannibalization is a life-saving trait but also self-destructive. Mutants rely heavily on potions, and I need to inject gene potential awakener for the remaining psychic powers."


No choice left.


The two decent options had severe side effects, and Li Aozi couldn't gamble his future on them.


【Gene Grafting complete】


【You acquired the status: Telomere Damage—Lifespan reduced by 20%】


【Note: Your lifespan is now less than five years】

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