From the Abyss of Stars

120. Death Match in the Cage (Part 3)

120. Death Match in the Cage (Part 3)


I study science and offer my loyalty to rationality.


The massive biochemical skeleton took shape.


I worship science and build the throne of authority with blood.


Blood seas entwine the body, forging muscles.


I believe in science and open the door to destruction with arrogance.


Neural synapses electrify, every cell in the body proliferates wildly, draining every inch of nutrients from the space.


Chitinous exoskeleton absorbs ceramics and steel, covering itself with heavy armor.


Dense and complex biochemical colonies instantly formed, black hole-like eyeballs, as large as door panels, arranged horizontally.


That massive skeleton was instantly wrapped in muscle groups and composite armor, exuding a primitive, savage, brutal biological texture, completely opposite to technology, like a demon king from the underworld.


"Cute, isn't it? Even the most perfect aircraft made by humans is not as agile as a hummingbird. The highest-end technology manifests in the simplest and most primitive form."


The professor's voice echoed in the hall, but her true form was nowhere to be seen. At this moment, no electrical appliance could function normally. There was only one possibility for her voice to be heard.


"Have you...merged yourself with this monster?"


Li Aozi's question was immediately answered:


"Correction: not a monster."


The professor said cheerfully, her voice expanding rapidly throughout the hall through the titan-like body.


She only denied the second half of the sentence, indirectly responding to the first half.


"Abyss Professor, do you know what you have done?"


Du Zexin said in a deep voice:


"You developed biochemical weapons, seriously violating international treaties. Do you want to drag your homeland into the passive abyss of international public opinion? Spending taxpayers' money on trampling humanitarianism and harming children, you are committing a crime!"




She laughed:


"International treaties are just pieces of paper. Compared to knowledge and progress, what use are laws?"


The professor said perplexedly:


"Humans, while not striving for progress, also condemn those advancing too quickly, calling them 'monsters' or 'demons,' burning them at the stake."


"The ones who despise knowledge the most are humans, and those who rely on knowledge and technological progress are also humans."


"Law, emotion, morality, order, bottom line, ethics—these are the shackles of your evolution."


"But even so, I am still very kind."


"I possess knowledge and power beyond mortals, yet I still care for humanity and did not completely destroy you—isn't that kind enough? I even think of myself as a saint."


Du Zexin gave Li Aozi a look and secretly released a batch of remaining mini-drones—most machines were destroyed by the pulse just now, and this was his last batch.


'Stall for time, I'll find her main body.'


Li Aozi understood, then Du Zexin turned and shouted:


"You stupid ****, what international joke are you playing?"


"Unlimited progress, you think you control knowledge? More like you are a slave to technology!"


"Chasing everything, losing your own form and consciousness, can you even call that a free will?"


"You're just a big lump of protein and amino acids driving a single cell."


"What is humanity? Humanity is a being with higher pursuits beyond eating and reproducing—art, philosophy, ideological revolution."


"Only the weak regard the pursuit of power and progress as the only thing because their shallow, backward thinking cannot reach such heights!"


The red-black tide surged, countless tentacles connected to the walls and space. The hideous titan slowly lifted its head, its body quickly sprouting a series of egg-shaped objects.


Then, Li Aozi's pupils contracted—these egg-shaped objects protruded outward, revealing human facial structures.


Looking around...dozens, hundreds—at least no fewer than a thousand human face contours, densely packed, each one voicelessly roaring and wailing.


"But so what?"


"Capitalists, warlords, bureaucrats, the elite class, clan families, academic factions—the ones exploiting humans the most in this world are humans themselves. Can you kill them all?"


"And these people stand behind me. Their nutrients catalyzed my ascension. They sought eternal power, to endlessly propagate their genetic information. These human society elites ultimately walked the 'weak' path you speak of."


The drone swiftly flew, shuttling between tentacles and the titan's body, searching and scanning everywhere.


"Who do you think I am? I was raised by the Frost-Plated people. I know better than you how corrupt and decayed your homeland is."


"I understand what you want to do, stall for time, find my main body, and kill me in one fell swoop."


"It doesn't matter, the path of evolution is irreversible."


The professor said lightly:


"Thanks to these ignorant capitalists and extreme feminists, I have already opened the door to the creator's sanctuary."


In front of the flesh titan, two human-shaped cocoons were slowly lifted by tentacles, revealing the corpses of the missing Head Nurse Nodeli and Assistant Physician Anna inside.


"Thank you for your sacrifice for science."


"Nodeli, your martial arts could not progress because of your kindness."


"Anna, your wisdom could not improve because of your insatiable greed."


"But it doesn't matter, my dear."


The professor said indulgently:


"Next, you will step into immortality."


In the next moment, their bodies rapidly shriveled, tentacles lifted the blood cocoons, rapidly merging them into the titan's body. The ground trembled violently, the blood sea surged, and the deformed creations on the ground and in the air fell into madness, their primitive genes instinctively reacting to the catastrophe.


Thump—thump thump—thump thump—


It was not the ground shaking.


It was the heart, the deafening heartbeat pushing blood into every corner of the titan's body. Massive door panel-sized eyes lit up with terrifying light, the compound eyes focused like those of insects, body temperature rapidly rising, evaporating the red-black Calamity liquid on the ground, forming dense black steam.


Its body trembled suddenly, as if injected with a soul.


The professor's voice suddenly became high-pitched and loud, mixed with the warrior's battle cry and the merchant's steady low chant:




Snap snap snap snap!


The tentacles connected to the walls snapped, the exoskeleton armor plates lifted to dissipate heat. Bio-Goliath spread its bus-sized arms, and the human faces on its body immediately showed twisted expressions.


Li Aozi's body twitched, feeling a strong resonance in his genes.


Omega this moment, hundreds of Omega Energies were madly releasing!


【Anti-Gravity Field】, 【Electromagnetic Radiation】, 【Plague Body】, 【Thermal Transfer】, 【Raging Growth】, 【Fluid Control】, 【Mirror Refraction】, 【Super Speed】, 【Aura Suppression】, 【Rhythmic Pulsation】, 【Hyper Sensory】, 【Phase Shift】, 【Soul Field】, 【Sulfur Smoke】, 【Death Exemption】, 【Life Drain】, 【Gargoyle Body】, 【Soul Sword Saint • Shura】, 【Diamond Transformation】, 【Iron Body】, 【Petrified Skin】, 【High-Energy Radiation】—


"Gene, bow down to the biochemical titan's divine body!"


Bio-Goliath stood up, the next moment, bathed in golden glory, like an angry vajra, imposing and majestic, holy and grand.


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【Qi Burst】


From the 【Martial Artist】's Qi Sea fused into Bio-Goliath's body, after being amplified by the massive body, it erupted instantly into a scorching wave of Qi. Li Aozi and Du Zexin were immediately suppressed by this unparalleled powerful aura. Their bodies were influenced by Omega Energy, making every movement extremely difficult.


"So, those infected have all turned into this thing!"


Pure aura suppression, absolute tier suppression.


—Gamma level.


The instinctive fear of the human body made Du Zexin almost want to retreat, several times wanting to escape. The suppression of tiers was insurmountable.


'Get out of here!'


A weak murmur echoed in Li Aozi's ear.


It was Snow—she used her remaining strength to warn him.


Du Zexin thought briefly, struggling, gritted his teeth, overcame the physiological fear, activated the anti-gravity system, flew up, and shouted to Li Aozi:


"Self-destruction may not kill it, I'll hold it off, you go detonate the underground nuclear reactor."


"No, you definitely can't kill it!"


Li Aozi injected himself with another dose of hormones, tightening his muscles:


"Its tier is built upon the Calamity infected inside, there is no true Gamma level individual on Blue Star."


"You mean—"


"Tear it apart!"


Li Aozi drew his long sword, a crack appearing on his face:


"It's just a biochemical beast built on others' Omega Energy, watch me slash it apart with my sword!"


"Professor, you are just a fanatic obsessed with a phenomenon, becoming a slave to Omega Energy."




"Shut up, mortal!"


Bio-Goliath teleported in front of him, its dozens of meters tall body punching at supersonic speed, smashing into the floor, while countless tentacles erupted from the armor on its hand, bombarding the ground.


Boom boom boom—


【Iterative Move】


Li Aozi's body teleported in front of Bio-Goliath, his facial muscles splitting and flipping, covering his face with an inner red membrane. The red-black crystals cleverly concealed the cracks, his arms sprouted red-black crystal spikes, neck veins injected with black liquid, hardening.


"Calamity is just a servant to me, insignificant, yet you treat it as a treasure."


Li Aozi crossed his arms, legs apart, and said mockingly:


"Watch this, this is the true gene dominator!"


【Dominator Form Activation】




The red-black color in his eyes quickly spread over his entire face, his pupils continuously changing color, finally stabilizing in golden rings. An invisible gravitational barrier formed around him.


【Dominator • Gravity Field】


A slit opened in the palm of his left hand, ejecting a pencil-thick red nerve tentacle.


【Dominator • Vital Conduit】


Li Aozi's pale skin suddenly lost its elasticity, his ribcage broke through the skin, covered with calcified armor, his chest's calcified armor displayed a prism-like texture, shining outward with daylight brilliance.


【Dominator • Daylight Prism】


His muscles proliferated rapidly, the originally hidden ability pods became as obvious as mantis scythes, four pods sprayed hot smoke, as prominent as rocket thrusters.


【Dominator • Proliferation Enhancement】


His legs were covered with a layer of black molecular smoke, the leg muscles becoming ambiguous, sometimes solid, sometimes ethereal.


【Dominator • Iterative Path】


The red-black crystal spikes on Li Aozi's body became flexible, accumulating explosive energy with his breathing.


【Dominator • Explosive Spikes】


The right hand holding the sword transformed into a sharp, vicious claw, the nails retracting inward, the hand shape adapting to the sword handle.




The red-black crystals wrapped and extended along the blade of the simple slash, forming a two-meter-long, specialized elongated crystal katana.


【Dominator • War Ghost Blade】


"Remember this pain well."


Li Aozi said, his body continuously teleporting, ascending above Bio-Goliath's golden, arrogant head, and slashed down with his blade!


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