From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 2 2

Volume 2 Chapter 2 Carrier’s Meal

After finishing the food we resumed our journey.

Because we had a meal the pace of our travel became a little higher, but—

「Well, it’s been a while since I last had Master’s outdoor cooking, but it was as delicious as before.」

「Umu! To think you one can taste dishes from such fresh ingredients while on the road. I almost want Axel-san to accompany me on all of my business for the merchants guild.」

「Honestly. After eating something so delicious you even move differently.」

Everyone seemed to be energetic enough to walk while chatting like that.

「I’m honored to receive such praise. Though my job was different back then, I often used to cook for my friends during the travel, and looks like this experience proved to be useful.」

「Eh, Axel-san was cooking since a long time ago? Even though you were a dragon knight?」

「Yup, that’s right. Since the old days my Master is good at cooking and took care of us.」「It also should be said that no one else among us knew how to cook.」

In the first place, many of our comrades had ideas like you can eat it as long as you fry it or you can eat it if you smoke it, all without any seasoning, so the skills just came to me naturally.

Honestly, there is no telling where they might become of use, it’s a good thing that I got familiar with this stuff.

「So that’s the reason why you looked so experienced with a frying pan. You looked very skilled at handling it.」

「That’s because it’s the pan that we received from an old dwarf back in the days. We were told that it would serve even for hundreds of years with proper maintenance, so I’m using it with much appreciation.」

「A pan that can be used for hundreds of years… And an old dwarf? Judging by the color of that pan it’s obviously not iron, and as a member of the merchants’ guild, I’m interested in what kind of metal was used there, but… Umu, let’s just ignore it this time. It’s not the timing for negotiations after all.」

Talking like that, we spend a few minutes walking along the highway.

「There is something that bothers me a bit. Am I the only one who feels this strange surge of power?」

Suddenly, Marion said, puzzled.

「Eh? A surge of power? What do you mean?」

「Well, since a while ago. Despite us walking while laughing and chatting, I don’t sense any disruptions in breathing and my movement stays sharp.」

Hearing Marion’s words, Dort and Berzelia who were walking nearby, nod positively.

「Aah, yes, I feel like my body is very light!」

「Same for me.」

「Since Berzelia-san and Kaufmann-san also say so, I’m not alone in this. Axel-san, did you put some performance-enhancing potion or herb into the food?」

Indeed, depending on the ingredients, it was possible to boost abilities via the cooking. However—

「I didn’t use anything of that sort this time.」

Only normal vegetables and meat.

I didn’t use any potions or medicinal herbs.

However, I can feel some subtle warmth spreading throughout the body as well.

It was a somewhat different warmth from the one you can feel after a meal. Or rather, I have a faint recollection of this feeling.

……This is similar to the feeling when I received magical support.

It’s an old story, but when the hero of magic put some weak buff on me, I felt the same feeling of warmth.

It’s quite a nostalgic story, and as I reminiscence on it—

「Ah, Master. The usual thing. The pocket on your butt is glowing again.」

Berzelia pointed her finger at my rear pocket.

「Eh? Ah, really.」

Twisting my body, I catch a glimpse of light coming from the skill sheet hidden in my pocket.

Lately, I just kept it folded in pockets of my jacket or pants.

I didn’t check it all, I thought and opened the skill sheet—

【Fixed distance movement completed. Condition Achieved——《Carrier》Level Up!】

The usual phrase was written there, and I once again grew as《Carrier》.

In addition, as an effect of leveling up, the name, description and supplementary explanation for a new skill also were displayed there.

【Skill open. Materials ability/Cooking transportation ——The magical power, nutrition, medicinal effects hidden in the ingredients can be transported 100% without decay when cooking】

Apparently, this was the reason behind the weird feeling we had this time.

「…Apparently, the warmth in our bodies is the effect of this skill or so it seems.」

「Eh? A carrier’s skill? Can you tell me what kind of skill you just learned?」

Status is basically private information, so I cannot really reveal it, but job and skills shouldn’t pose any problem. That’s why I read aloud what was written in the skill sheet—

「Eh? What, is this skill?」

Marion opened her eyes wide in surprise.

「 Hm? Isn’t this a skill a carrier can learn?」

「No… I’ve never heard of it. I think《Food Processors》or《Apothecary》had similar skills but I have never heard that carrier can learn a cooking specific version of it.」

「Umu, same here.」

It seems that this skill was a surprise for Dort as well.

「But this skill explains how we received these buffs. The ingredients I brought this time were grown on the land with plenty of magic power, fresh vegetables, the specialty of the City of Stars. If all of that were transported to our bodies, without losing anything in the process of cooking, then it explains everything.」

「I see… Or rather, the magic power is lost during cooking?」

Dort answers with a nod.

「Umu. It also depends on the type of magical power, some decay from mere heating. Medical herbs for potions would be of that type, the heat from mashing it might destroy magical power, so there are rules in some manufacture methods for squeezing it slowly. And that’s why when merchants guild procures any, we pay special care to the temperature.」

As expected of a submaster of a merchants guild.

Being so knowledgeable about other jobs as well.

Certainly, when I was carrying ingredients for potions, the request specifically stated not to put them anywhere near a fireplace, so this was the reason.

「But, to think we have gotten so much energy thanks to Axel-san’s cooking. It’s my first time seeing such a carrier skill.」

「Umu, a cook would have a skill that allows him not to kill the taste of the ingredients, but… But to think Axel-kun, the carrier would get such a skill. For the guild dealing in provisions, this ability is a dream come true. Moreover, with regards to the taste, it’s impressive that it’s being created by Axel-kun’s own technique, without reliance on skills.」

The two, perhaps affected by the body enhancement, were talking a bit more excitedly.

「Hmmm…Looks like master will be able to capitalize on his abilities not only in transportation but in cooking as well.」

「Haha, thank you, everyone… Well, I’m glad that the taste and the performance, both were to your taste.」

To be honest, I myself am surprised that I have such a skill.

Still, this food transportation seems like it’s going to be quite useful in daily life, so I have no complaints.

……So carriers can even transport nutrients and powers of ingredients with no loss.

Being able to recover with cooking alone sounds like a huge win, I thought, looking at my hands.

And so, with truly light footsteps, we were heading for the trading post.

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