Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 17 : A Gentle Tap on Broken Walls

Hestia's Perspective:

Before departing for DeMontfort Manor, I decided to open a cupboard that had long remained closed. It was a rare occurrence for me to do so. Dressing up was not a regular part of my routine; I was often engrossed in work. However, today was an exception. I carefully selected matching earrings, attire that accentuated my features, and, of course, my brooch and hairpin to highlight my dazzling azurite eyes and gorgeous dark blue hair. I grabbed my mirror, applied lipstick, and meticulously groomed myself. Today marked the first time I would see Luke after his enrollment in the academy, and I needed to appear perfect.

Riding my way to the manor with an important letter in hand, I entered the Duke's cabin. I didn't mind Adrian's teasing much, having interacted with the DeMontfort family frequently over the past four years. Of course, I didn't hesitate to return the favor. As things began to settle, a knock on the door interrupted the atmosphere. Raymond, the butler, informed us that Luke was outside. I tried to calm my beating heart as I awaited Luke's entrance.

"Dad, I'm..." Luke started before noticing my presence. He greeted me, saying, "Hello, Hestia. Didn't expect to see you here."

"Hello, Luke. Long time no see. I came here to deliver an important letter," I replied. Despite hoping for a compliment on my appearance, I let it slide, considering all that Luke had been through.

"I guess the news travels faster than I expected. Didn't expect to already receive a letter regarding this," Luke remarked, to which Cedric responded, "Actually, this is not the first letter. We received one from His Majesty yesterday. If not for the letter, we would have been there in person to stop you from participating in the duel."

"A letter from His Majesty, huh? I didn't expect that," Luke remarked a tinge of surprise in his voice. "I appreciate your concern, Dad, but Vivienne and I have our history. His Majesty is right in stopping you. There are things I need to take care of personally. I'll face the consequences, but I have to do it my way." I sensed the pain behind Luke's words; Lord Cedric's intention to halt the duel must have wounded him deeply. His irritability concerning matters related to Vivienne was always palpable. Maybe the Crown's decision to send him to Abyssal Borderlands was, in truth, the best course for him.

"You've already handled the duel personally. What more are you going to do? Are you determined to pull our name down into the dirt? I understand what you're going through, but this is not the right way to do it," Lord Cedric responded, trying to fathom Luke's emotions. However, lacking personal experience with heartbreak, Lord Cedric might not fully comprehend Luke's pain. The burden of holding our faction together, compounded by Princess Aurelia Vespera's absence and the pressure of regaining control, only added to his struggles.

"No, you don't. Nobody here understands what I am going through. You know what, forget it. I'm going to my room," Luke declared, storming out of the office. As he left, I contemplated whether I should attempt to talk to him.

"Can I give it a try, Lord Cedric? Perhaps I can do something?" I sought the Duke's permission, hoping to offer some solace to Luke in his troubled state.

Cedric sighed, running his hand through his hair, "Go ahead, Hestia. Maybe you can get through to him. He's been through a lot, and he needs someone who understands."

With a determined nod, I hurried after Luke. I found him in his room, pacing back and forth, a storm of emotions in his eyes.

"Luke, wait," I called out, gently tapping on the door before entering.

He glanced at me, his expression a mix of frustration and sadness. "What do you want, Hestia? I'm not in the mood for talking."

"I know, Luke, but shutting everyone out won't help. You're hurting, and I can see it. If you don't want to talk, at least let me be here for you," I spoke softly, trying to convey genuine concern.

He scoffed, "Be here for me? No offense, Hestia, but you don't know what it's like. This pain is suffocating, and no one can do anything about it."
"I might not fully understand, Luke, but I know that isolating yourself isn't the answer. Let people in. We care about you. I care about you," I said sincerely, hoping my words would reach him.

He shifted his gaze away, wrestling with conflicting emotions as he spoke, "You don't understand, Hestia. Being with Vivienne is challenging. She's a naive girl, easily misled by others. Our engagement has kept her in the dark about political matters, and if I abandon her, she won't fare well. The Sterlings, particularly Bartholomew, wouldn't hesitate to cast her out if they discover her actions. Have you seen how Bartholomew treats his daughters? He cared little for Hailey until Adrian intervened. All Vivienne needs to be happy is the latest fashion in clothes and jewelry. She doesn't even know how to take care of her health. Once, I had to search for and order out-of-fashion winter clothes just to prevent her from freezing. If I turn my back on her due to my hurt, I will have to watch her suffer at the hands of those who would exploit her. So, tell me, which pain is greater?"

(Author's Note: Yes this is the same winter set that would go out of fashion the week before Luke could get his hands on it)

"I might not fully grasp your pain, Luke, but I've faced heartbreak too. Let me share a story about my first love," I said, trying to contain my emotions. Continuing with a heavy heart, "He was my subordinate, and we were like family. He used to date this girl who eventually left him for someone else. He was shattered. Despite our efforts to console him, he remained heartbroken but he was healing. Even after she left him, every time she needed assistance, he would unhesitatingly help her, until one day she betrayed him to our enemies. I only realized the depth of my feelings after he went missing, and by the time I discovered him, it was too late. He was gone. I understood how much I cared for him only after he was gone." Tears welled up in my eyes, unbeknownst to me.

"I'm sorry, Hestia," Luke offered consolation.

Brushing away my tears, I continued, "It's all right, Luke. What I was trying to say is, she is not the only person in your world. Your family is also here, and there are people who would go to any extent for you. I'm one of them. If you want me to, I can keep an eye on Lady Vivienne to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. All we ask from you is, don't destroy yourself like my first love. I don't think I have the heart to watch the same thing repeat. If you don't want to use resources from DeMontfort, I am always here. I will do anything to help you," I replied. Though I yearned for a comforting hug from Luke, I dismissed the thought, considering we hadn't yet developed a personal connection in this life.

"I will try," he responded.

After conversing with Luke and sharing the same sentiments with the Duke and Adrian, I returned. Today had dredged up a lot of painful memories. Perhaps I should take the rest of the day off and focus on myself, I thought as I left the manor in my carriage. Just as I was departing, I noticed Duchess Helena's carriage entering the manor. It seemed like things would go smoothly from now on, I thought to myself, attempting to relax. Little did I know that my future self would scold me for making this decision, as sitting alongside the Duchess in the carriage was none other than Clarice Whitewood herself.

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