Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 19 : Curtains of Beginnings

The duo proceeded to the exclusive training grounds of the DeMontforts, a secluded space reserved for nobles. In contrast, the knights and infantry utilized a separate area for their drills. In this quiet setting, with only maids and gardeners as witnesses, Luke and Clarice positioned themselves for action.

Before initiating the practice session, Clarice tossed a wristband to Luke, who was initially puzzled over its purpose. Soon, he realized its significance – it housed a decent-sized core. Typically employed in training, this wristband utilizes the core's energy to fortify the user's body, preventing injuries and skin damage.

Clarice's choice to equip Luke with this device conveyed her serious intent; she wasn't about to take it easy on him. Seeking to temper his emotions, Luke activated the wristband, fortifying his skin as he lunged at Clarice, commencing their mock duel.

He had expected a brief duel, assuming he would hold his ground for a few minutes before eventually succumbing to her superior skills. To his surprise, however, Clarice didn't engage in the usual parrying routine. Instead, she gracefully sidestepped his attacks and, with swift precision, kicked him above the ankle. Before he could react, he found himself face-first on the ground.

Clarice, always the skilled warrior with camaraderie, offered a helping hand, pulling him back up. As he prepared to launch another attack, memories of their past duels flooded his mind. The last time they crossed blades was more than two years ago, a time when he could hold his own for almost five minutes before inevitable defeat.

Life had taken Luke on a different path since then. His days at the academy were consumed by responsibilities. Teaching Vivienne and preparing for the day he would succeed his father demanded his attention. Administration, leadership skills, and ensuring Vivienne's independence became his priorities. Time for personal training became a luxury, and any spare moments were spent preventing his skills from rusting.

Clarice, in contrast, had become a formidable force. Her ability to take on multiple skilled opponents simultaneously showcased her exponential growth. She had faced challenges within and outside the empire, emerging victorious every time. The contrast in their trajectories was evident in this duel.

As Luke lunged again, it became painfully clear that his skills had stagnated. The attack missed its mark, and he found himself on the ground once more, this time from a well-timed kick to the backside. The frustration of his limitations surfaced as he realized that Clarice's relentless commitment to improvement had created an insurmountable gap between them.

Around that moment, Helena arrived at the training ground, initially shocked to witness Luke falling face-first. However, her concern dissipated as she noticed the device Luke was wearing and realized it was part of their training. Although she wished for Clarice to take it easy on Luke and let him release some emotions, she continued to remain unaware that Clarice was helping him relax and calm down.

As Luke learned to suppress his emotions, he managed to force a parry out of Clarice, a small victory that boosted his confidence, even though he ultimately lost the match. This marked the beginning of his attempt to keep his emotions in check. Gradually, he increased the number of successful parries, from 1 to 5, eventually lasting almost 30 seconds in battle against Clarice.

Luke and Clarice had been training together for over a decade. Despite Clarice's difficulty expressing emotions in words, their battles served as a unique form of communication. In the midst of combat, Clarice conveyed her teachings. For her, it was not about dictating how Luke should handle things; it was about instilling one crucial lesson — to achieve what he desired, he needed the power to make it happen.

Following the staged combat, as Luke's emotions gradually subsided, he returned to Cedric's cabin to extend his apologies. During their discussion, the revelation about the last-minute switch of his sword and armor left Luke astounded, especially when he learned that it had been tampered with. At that moment, a sense of powerlessness engulfed him. Amidst the emotional turmoil, he had failed to notice the interference with his equipment and the intrusion into his room.

Acknowledging that the current situation wasn't conducive to assertiveness, Luke reluctantly agreed to His Majesty's plan of dispatching him to Abyssal Borderlands. Though he didn't necessarily endorse the decision, he recognized its prudence given his weakened state. The formal announcement of breaking Luke's engagement and his subsequent demotion to a Viscount would occur in two days. However, to preempt any potential complications, Luke consented to an early morning departure the following day for the Viscount's Manor in Cimmerian Outpost, Abyssal Borderlands, with Clarice accompanying him as his bodyguard.

After packing and settling in for the night's rest, Luke found himself reflecting on the messages conveyed by both Hestia and Clarice. It dawned on him that while the desire to protect Vivienne was understandable, he should have approached it on his terms to avoid placing himself in such a vulnerable state. Furthermore, even if he chose to proceed with the duel, mental preparation for the potential outcomes should have been a crucial consideration. This recognition marked the initial step in his journey from a struggling heir of a duke to a more formidable figure. His aspirations would soon stretch beyond personal growth, to navigate the complexities of noble houses in the empire, till he eventually becomes a figure that would bring some of the greatest noble houses in the empire to their knees. The rise of the villain had begun.


At that very moment, in the distant territory of Baron Solaris, within the loyal house serving Marquis Astraloria, the door to an orphanage slowly creaked open. Baron Solaris entered, weaving through the multitude of orphans until his gaze fell upon a young lady with vibrant pink hair and matching pink eyes. Strikingly resembling her late mother, the former Baroness Solaris, who had vanished more than twelve years ago in a tragic carriage accident. The Baron, previously unaware of his daughter's survival, had assumed both his wife and daughter were lost until he received the recent news. Hastening to the orphanage, he now stood face to face with the long-lost Emily.

Overwhelmed with joy, the Baron couldn't contain his emotions. "Emily!" he exclaimed, embracing his daughter tightly as he prepared to take her back to their home. Little did the jubilant Baron comprehend that the reunion with his daughter marked the beginning of events that would send shockwaves through the region, potentially destabilizing the factions aligned with the Empress and Marquis Astraloria, his master.

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