Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 21 : A Fragile Trust

Throughout her memory's expanse, Emily endured the torment of relentless bullying from her fellow orphans. In her early years, one of the orphanage managers took pity on her, often coming to her aid when the cruelty of others became too much. Swift justice was meted out to those who tormented her. However, as the days passed, even this compassionate woman grew weary of the constant strife and gradually started turning a blind eye to Emily's plight.

Initially, the manager harbored the belief that Emily might be the offspring of a noble house, judging by the expensive dress she wore when discovered injured and unconscious. However, as time unfurled its relentless march, no one came forth to claim Emily. The manager's initial assumptions began to waver, giving way to the unsettling notion that perhaps her guess had been incorrect.

In a desperate attempt to win favor from the assumed noble house Emily belonged to, the orphanage manager initially extended special treatment to her. Hot meals and extra care were offered, all in the hope that someone from the prestigious family would eventually come forward. However, instead of garnering support for Emily, this preferential treatment became the catalyst for jealousy among the other orphans. United against Emily, they formed a coalition of torment that only intensified.

The manager's decision to turn a blind eye to Emily's bullying, treating her like just another orphan, exacerbated the situation. Stripped of the protective shield that was once provided, Emily now faced relentless torment. The orphans, armed with a newfound freedom to vent their frustrations on her, subjected Emily to a litany of cruelties. She was forced to perform menial tasks, and any refusal led to collective acts of aggression, from hair-pulling to slapping.

During special occasions with indulgent feasts, the orphans callously deprived Emily of her share, leaving her hungry and isolated. Emily became the scapegoat for their mistakes, a convenient target upon whom they heaped blame and punishment. The orphanage, once a potential haven, transformed into a crucible of suffering for Emily as she navigated the daily trials imposed by her fellow orphans.

Emily's shattered trust in the orphanage manager left her emotionally bruised and relentlessly harassed by her fellow orphans. Night after night, tears were her only companions as she clung to the hope that someone, somewhere, would intervene and rescue her from this unending torment.

Answering her silent pleas, a man in his mid-40s appeared seemingly out of nowhere, offering the solace she so desperately craved. Without understanding how he knew her name, Emily didn't question the details. The man claimed to be her father, and in that moment, it mattered little whether his assertion was true. All she yearned for was someone she could trust, someone who wouldn't discard her when she became burdensome.

Welcoming the embrace of this mysterious man, Emily made a pivotal decision to follow him. In her heart, the prospect of a future anywhere else seemed infinitely better than the daily crucible of suffering she endured in the orphanage. Fueled by a newfound glimmer of hope, Emily stepped into the unknown, driven by the belief that this stranger might provide the sanctuary and trust she so desperately sought.

Only a few hours into her decision to follow the mysterious man, regret began to consume Emily. Her years of enduring bullying had honed her instincts for detecting potential threats and those stronger than her. As she entered Baron Solaris's mansion, her anxiety soared to new heights. In the opulent surroundings, she was directed to rest in her room for the night, with the promise that discussions would unfold the next day. The moment she stepped into the room, she could sense an overwhelming sense of power that emanated from the Baron, the guards, and the maids. The realization struck her—any of them could easily harm her, even fatally.

Dread filled her thoughts. What if the maids considered the position of the deceased daughter open and saw Emily as an intruder claiming a role rightfully theirs? The fear of potential betrayal and harm paralyzed her. Wrapping herself in a blanket, Emily sought refuge in a corner of the room, her mind racing with anxiety and worst-case scenarios. Throughout the night, she cowered in that secluded space, hoping that no one would enter and inflict harm upon her. The bed remained untouched as Emily fell asleep in the safety of the room's shadowed corner, seeking solace in the meager comfort it offered.

As the early morning light bathed the mansion, one of the maids entered Emily's room to clean and attend to the needs of the newly discovered young miss. To her horror, she discovered Emily curled up in a fetal position in the corner of the room. Dread immediately consumed the maid as dark thoughts raced through her mind—had someone attacked the young miss?

With cautious concern, the maid approached and inspected Emily, relieved to find that the young miss was merely sleeping. The tension in her shoulders eased, but the urgency of the situation lingered. In a rush, she hastened to the Baron's room, her footsteps quick and purposeful, to relay the unsettling discovery and seek guidance on how to proceed.

Shocked by the unsettling news brought by the maid, Baron Edward Solaris wasted no time in taking action. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, he promptly summoned a doctor to examine the young miss and assess her well-being. The pressing need to verify Emily's identity as his daughter would have to wait, given the immediate concern reported by the maid.

In a swift response to the Baron's summons, one of the most skilled doctors in the empire was called upon. Fortune favored them, as this esteemed physician happened to be in close proximity, eliminating the need for a prolonged wait. The urgency of the situation demanded swift and thorough medical attention, and Baron Solaris ensured that the best possible care would be provided to the young miss.

As one of the more skilled doctors, Doctor Piery discerned the situation immediately upon seeing the young lady. Her expression bore the familiar look of fear—a gaze he had often encountered in the slums on the capital's outskirts. In these impoverished areas, bandits and illicit mafia engaged in smuggling operations, obtaining cores illegally to augment their strength through various means in the neglected regions of the empire. Although these bandits were outmatched by the knights, legions, and nobles, they possessed enough power to terrorize the defenseless common folk.

The fear exhibited by the young lady mirrored the same dread and panic he had witnessed in the most neglected corners of the slums—a fear for one's life when tormented by those wielding strength and power. The echoes of distress from the downtrodden resonated in her expression, and Doctor Piery recognized the haunting specter of vulnerability in the face of the relentless torment inflicted by the strong.

The stability and hierarchy of the empire hinged on the invaluable resource of cores and their mining. Where there was value, a black market inevitably emerged, and cores were no exception. The existence of bandits, mafia, and thugs engaged in the illegal smuggling, selling, and buying of cores was no coincidence. The empire, strategically, turned a blind eye to soldiers with a history of using illegal cores. This policy served a dual purpose: it allowed the empire to sift through and identify the most talented individuals with ambiguous morals for knighthood and legionhood, without investing resources in teaching the theory and practice of effectively using cores—a closely guarded knowledge known only to the great houses.

This approach enabled the empire to filter out individuals lacking talent while maintaining a firm grip on illegal smuggling activities. The knights who acquired these illegal cores for training were entrusted with preventing the smugglers from becoming overly ambitious, ensuring a controlled balance. While Doctor Piery found the empire's actions morally repugnant, he couldn't deny the effectiveness of these measures in keeping the country stable and safeguarded against external threats. The doctor grappled with the ethical implications of sacrificing the weak for the strength of the empire but acknowledged the harsh reality that underpinned the nation's stability and security.

The doctor's report to Baron Edward Solaris painted a picture of a young miss devoid of physical ailments, her distress rooted in the overwhelming environment of her new home. It was suggested that a reduction in displays of strength and power would be crucial to convincing her that this mansion was indeed a safe haven. The Baron, though taken aback, comprehended the gravity of the situation. He expressed gratitude to the doctor and swiftly summoned the butler and headmaid, instructing them to cease the use of cores and any weapons in Emily's vicinity.

Baron Solaris, having suffered the devastating loss of his wife and daughter 12 years prior, was determined to spare no effort in ensuring Emily's happiness. Stripping away his protective equipment and cores, he entered Emily's room, revealing his most vulnerable form. Emily, initially hesitant, recalled the doctor's advice regarding the Baron and decided to extend a fragile trust. Observing him in this moment of vulnerability, she began to believe that this man might indeed be her father and perhaps she could trust him with her life.

Unbeknownst to this newfound father-daughter duo, their bond would be put to the test sooner than expected, as circumstances would force them to send Emily to the academy a mere three months after their heartwarming reunion.

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