Frontier’s Redemption: The Unexpected Rise of a Villain

Chapter 3 : The Game Unfolds

March 20th, Year 853. 16 hours before the duel.

"Raymond! Get the carriage ready! I need to rush to the academy now before that stupid son of mine makes any impulsive decision!" The resonant voice of Duke Cedric DeMontfort reverberated through the opulent halls of the DeMontfort Manor, its rich tapestries and polished marble echoing the urgency that gripped the noble family. In response, Lady Helena DeMontfort, clad in the regal elegance befitting her status, calmly retorted, "Cedric, there is no need to rush. Luke doesn't make simple mistakes like that; he should be able to see through it."

"Is that so? Then imagine if I were Luke, and you were Vivienne."

"By the stars! Where are you, Raymond? Get the carriage ready; we both need to rush to the academy as soon as possible!" shouted Helena DeMontfort, her voice a blend of urgency and exasperation that reverberated through the grand corridors.

In the midst of this orchestrated drama, Raymond, the stoic and devoted servant, moved with measured steps. His slow approach carried with it an air of deliberation as he handed over a letter to the Duke. "Apologies for the delay, Sir and Madam. I think you should read this before going to the academy. It is a letter from His Majesty Michael IV."

A few minutes later.

"What does it say, Cedric?"

"I had my suspicions when Luke sent a letter that Vivienne had fallen for that Flakenberg child. Looks like the silence of the Sterlings on this matter was no coincidence. Michael is suggesting that we be silent for now and let things unfold."

"I can't believe they are using that Flakenberg child to break this engagement. Is there anything else mentioned in the letter?"

The Duke's study, adorned with ancestral portraits and antique furniture, witnessed the unfolding tension. Cedric, his countenance etched with a mix of disbelief and anger, continued, "Yes. It appears they are colluding with other nobility, and if Luke continues to stay here, they might try to assassinate him. He wants to give the Sterlings one final chance to turn back everything if they come forward and stop the duel without any intervention from either of us. He is suggesting that we take this as an opportunity to lure the Sterlings into a trap by feigning openness to engaging Vivienne with Adrian while sending Luke to the Abyssal Borderlands under the pretext of punishment for his actions, to protect him. And when the time is right, we strike back."

"Abyssal Borderlands? You know that place isn't safe. Not only is there monster activity, but there is also that Bloodthirsty Caliphate that is close by."

The Duke's gaze shifted beyond the intricately adorned windows to the bustling cityscape below. "Which is why he is suggesting he sends the Silverblade Legion with Luke to the Abyssal Borderlands. We will have to protect the capital and ourselves for the time being with our other squadrons. Good thing that we found and removed all Sterling spies among our servants. They will pay for this," exclaimed the Duke with an iron resolve, his anger palpable as he crushed the letter, the parchment bearing witness to the escalating tensions.

"We will make them pay. First, the nobles tried assassinating Aurelia Vespera forcing Michael to send her abroad for her education and now it's Luke? I will ask Edmund to secretly reduce their influence with other nobility by spreading rumors that Vivienne has fallen head over heels for the Flakenberg child and the silence of the Sterlings is proof of their acceptance of the child's wishes. Surely they will try to distance themselves if they think the Sterlings are going to let the son of a first-generation baronet marry into their family." exclaimed Helena with visible anger in her eyes. Nobody touches her family. Did they think that she would just sit down and let it happen to her? They had only seen her as an elegant Duchess of DeMontfort. Now they will see the sleeping dragon of the Whitewood blood that flows through her veins.

In the dimly lit room cloaked in an eerie silence around the same time, the ruby-eyed lady, her gaze fixed upon the intricate chessboard, mused, 'I'm pretty sure the Emperor and the Duke are hoping that the Sterlings will stop the duel at any cost to prove their loyalty.' As she contemplated the subtle dance of strategy unfolding on the chessboard before her, the room seemed to hold its breath awaiting what would happen next.

'Should I directly intervene? No. It's too early.' she thought to herself. She envisioned the unfolding chapters of the DeMontforts' plan, her mind a canvas painted with calculated moves.'Since the duel aka DxC4 will happen; the DeMontforts will try to regroup and trick the Sterlings by dangling the carrot of engagement of Vivienne with Adrian. e4, e5, and Nf3 should be enough to lure the Sterlings into thinking they are winning with exd4. In the grand tapestry of political machinations, the Sterlings would soon find themselves ensnared, dancing to the orchestrated symphony composed by the DeMontforts. The Abyssal Borderlands, once a place of peril, will now become a strategic haven, guarded by the vigilant Silverblade Legion. The Marquis of Whitewood will secretly reduce the influence of the Sterlings among other nobility Bxc4 and the Sterlings none the wiser will try to solidify the position unaware of the other things happening in the background Nc6. With this Luke will be safe in Abyssal Borderlands with the protection of the Silverblade Legion warning the Caliphate from trying to take advantage of the internal struggle. I guess I'll just let things unfold as they did last time.' And so she made the move that will change the fate of everyone in the kingdom on the chessboard: O-O. And the game unfolds!



Author's Note:  Thanks for the feedback folks. If I'm missing something please point it out as this is my first novel.  



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