F*tanari System

A week of festivities.

An orgy quickly erupted inside the small cabin. Alexia was the last to join as she took her notes to place them somewhere safe from our interactions. I drove Doorknocker deep into Tammy's ass as she cried out from her small mouth. I pulled on Tammy's hair and pushed my cock even deeper into her ass, and I released my seed deep inside her bowels as she cried out in lust, loving every second of it. I turned to kiss Alexia as she offered it to me. Our tongues intertwined, and I remembered when I took her the first time on that couch while she still had a boyfriend.

I threw out the heartwarming thought of our first time together as I dove into our lustful activities. I had lost track of time at some point. I let go of Tammy's hair, and I felt her ass slide off my cock and heard a grunt as she hit the floor. I felt a hand grab my own, and suddenly my hand was full of breasts with scales on the inside. I instantly knew Se Mon had arrived at my side. I felt a mouth envelop the tip of Doorknocker, letting me know the arrival of another. Breasts landed on my back, and I have enveloped again in the bodies of the women around me. Doorknocker twitched in her mouth, and I heard a whisper in my ear from Trisha. "I want your pussy so bad." I nodded while kissing Alexia.

Trisha ran with my consent, and I felt her enter me. I moaned at the entrance and the surroundings. I lost myself in the lust of the evening as our bodies fornicated throughout the evening into the hours of the morning.

I had no idea what time it was when we all awoke, and I was surrounded by breasts covered in juices of each other. Bodies laid there with many women I didn't know. I smiled as I realized I was in the center of it, this all. I wasn't surprised, but I was now more eager to get up and ready for the experiments of the day. We had so much to learn, and sex was something we could have later tonight. I started to free my hands that were buried in the middle of eight breasts. This startled me as I realized That Se Mon and Julia seemed to have wanted a ride from Trisha and Asahi. I smiled but was annoyed that I was literally trapped.

Women started to wake up with my movement, though, and moans and groans erupted around the room. It was an orgy with at least eight women, but I counted more. The ladies outside must have felt the energy inside and came inside to join the party. At least twenty inside and things started to get moving as women began to wake up slowly dislodging themselves from each other. I heard exclamations increase as women stepped on each other. I listened to a couple of curses as well. I just laid in the center, the most trapped of us all as it all happened.

I hoped that it wouldn't put us behind schedule. The mess that was our entanglement of bodies started to disappear, and I was freed from the confines of bodies. I stretched, and I heard the sounds of movement all around. I smiled as, with the daylight, professional naked women started to work. Soon dinner was ready, and food was being delivered to the prisoners, surprised at the succubi women's state. Many remained naked, and I noticed frequent glances in my direction.

Alexia appeared beside me with a smile and dressed with a set of clothing for me. "We are running about fifteen minutes behind schedule but can make it up throughout today, Ambassador," She said, "You need to prepare for the first experiment of conflicting orders and a second attempt to increase the spreading of the potion on prisoners." She said, looking down at her notes. I nodded, and I used mana to clean myself off from various people's ejaculate. I would have loved a shower or bath, but I wasn't picky at this moment.

I put on the black outfit for today and found myself in front of my potions that I started to inspect. I tried to think of various ways to spread the potion without losing the omnidirectional spread. I had food placed beside me as I thought, and I picked at it while I did so.

Soon I was about to try a wind enchantment when I realized that was only good for one direction. I then had thought. I decided to try and create a gust aiming down. I knew there was a severe problem with it but decided that in a controlled environment, It might work. I started to lay down the enchantment, finished quickly, and included the timer for around five minutes. I then created an enchantment that would easily shatter with my mana's application to let the enchantment start to absorb mana. It would allow me to 'pull the pin' on it perse. I set it down and started to eat.

The first experiment today was the most needed, and we all knew it. This was to make the prisoners do something ultimately against their orders. If we told them to attack one person, then make them attack the person who told them to attack the slave collar should do something. If this worked, we would destroy the use of slave collars in the use of combat.

Se Mon will be bringing in more powerful bandits they captured to see how high of a rank this could affect the potion victims. More setup was needed, and for now, this was the plan moving forward.

Soon the Succubi dressed and started to escort bandits into place. They were ready after a bit, and Tammy was prepared to get started. On the field, the bandits were set up the same as last time, and I made a bandit hold out their hand when one of the workers came out with a small table. I nodded and placed the bottle there instead. I broke the protecting enchantment, and the timer enchantment started.

I stepped back, and the potion erupted after some minutes. This time the bandits were already nervous after the last orgy they didn't want to be in. I turned to the girl that now had control over their collars while Tammy wasn't allowed to. She stood away from us, and she commanded them to attack Tammy.

The slave collars went to work, and the bandits moved forward. The bandits all ran at Tammy, looking to attack her when her mana came out towards them. Any Bandit outside the Three hundred meters from the potion all continued to move forward at her. While the rest stood there looking dazed back and forth. Their bodies refused to budge an inch in any direction. This was an interesting reaction. I studied them as the other bandits moved forward towards Tammy.

Tammy looked at me, and I nodded at Se Mon. The Experiment came to an end. Results were good but not what I was hoping for. We couldn't use illusions to make them attack the enemy side. Still, this result was good for us. The disarming of combat slaves was a win.

With the results of the first test, we started to move on. We started to find results quickly with the starting of experimentation. The Slave collars would not allow the attack of anyone that had control of them. Even making them think it was the people they were told to attack, the Illusion did not help that. It was surprising, but I am sure that whoever made the collars probably had more in mind when they made the surprisingly effective enchantment.

The night came, and another meeting was held where we condensed our findings. Then we would erupt into an orgy with notes being hidden so as not to ruin them. The week continued like this, with the potion supplies dwindling quickly with results. On day five, we discovered when Trisha asked if we made the Bandits think that they were sexually advancing on them, therefore, controlling them with sexual advances. I asked her what she meant and basically meant to do the same thing we did on the first experiment on the people that controlled them.

This was a path that none of us thought of. Making a warzone into an orgy zone while we come in and reap their lives was just as effective. We would be trying to get the enemy to rape each other while we came in behind and reaped their lives. It would be messy but effective. We tried it on day six while the carriages of new stronger bandits came in. They were delivered with some Succubi guards that I found interesting. These were the first non-illusionist Succubi I ever met. They were guards that were strong in their own right. Many coursed with the mana of Rage and agility types. I had gotten used to the idea of only illusionist mages.

Still, my professionalism stayed as we watched the effects of it. The response was surprising. The Girl was almost swallowed into a life-threatening gangbang by the bandits as they attacked the holder of their slave collars. It was a fantastic result that left us all floored. Why did it work when it came to sexual assault and not violent assault. They were essentially the same thing in my mind—both forms of violence.

This was a question that we needed to be answered in the next round of experiments, though. We then started up the experiments with the last three potions, and we learned the effectiveness from E rank to C rank. After that, Julia put herself out there in the effect of the potion. The results needed more testing, but with the reaching of B rank, she noticed nothing wrong with herself, and the potion did nothing to her. C ranks would somewhat be in control of themselves, but they would still be affected. Without the slave collars controlling them, the question was in the air. The Collar seemed to affect their willpower as well to control them.

I decided here that I needed to put more research into slave collars. They had many effects that I didn't understand, and that was unacceptable for this research. I couldn't let this ignorance stand. Still, the weaker the bandit, the more the potion affected their judgment and their subsequent use under illusions.

With the last three potions, the Experiments came to an end. We were all dissatisfied that we only had these results and we're looking for more. Still, we made progress in it. These results would change the upcoming war to our advantage without Succubi Allies.

I sighed, knowing that negotiations with Se Mon and the House of Succubi would be intense. I needed to get back to the Embassy quickly. I had one more day in the field, but I took Alexia, Asahi, and Trisha into a carriage. "We need to go. I have too much to enjoy another night with the Succubi." I told them.

The Succubi women in the camp watched me go with dissatisfaction as I left. Their pussies hungered for me.

I watched the field as we left. My thoughts were not at the women I left with hungry pussies. Instead, it was to the war of words that I would be in the coming days,

I sighed as I turned to Alexia, "You are going to get even busier. All the schedules before we left are obsolete now. Change any appointment that isn't necessary and move up the ones that are; I need to deal with them right after I call the Council." I ordered.

Alexia nodded at my rare command. "Ladies," I turned to them. "I feel things are about to get a lot worse before they get better."

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