F*tanari System

Brother and Sister

Se Mon and Julia were not satisfied but understood I needed to go when I exited the room. They wanted to be even more filled with semen, as was their nature. I found over the weeks I was like Catnip for them. My sexual energy brought Succubi to my doorstep, wanting more. They almost could not help the craving with how strong my sexual energy was.

Still, I made my way out and to my room and cleaned up quickly before going to one of the studies inside the embassy. I needed a used desk to make myself look more important, and I received a Mana message from Alexia telling me a room she had prepared in advance.

I moved to the room without thought and found a stylish room that was ready for me. It looked worked in but organized. It was very professional-looking, and I repeated in my mind how much I have relied on Alexia. She did everything I needed before I even knew that I needed it. This was what a professional secretary was like. If I could increase her pay, then I would. That brought me to another thought that I didn't even know if she was making gold off me. It made sense that she would and was something I needed to look into. All my women should have access to funds so they can do what they like.

I threw this thought into the back of my head as I sat down at the desk. I had time to spare as I sat down as Alexia probably hadn't even left the building. I started to grab some of the papers to see what they were. They were inconsequential matters that pertained to things I normally left to Alexia. I then realized that this was her office that I was using, and I blanked. I then realized I handed over all the paperwork to Alexia, increasing her workload by several times. I then noticed a stack, and I learned that she only signed the ones she could cover for me.

I looked over the paperwork left, and these were all things I needed to sign off on that she had accumulated so that she could give them to me. They were not urgent, so I could dig into them at my leisure. I smiled, and I decided to give Alexia a good time tonight so that she would feel my happiness with her work. I smirked, thinking about it, and I thought about something that I hadn't thought about in a while.

The System.

I decided to avoid the paperwork for a time when Alexia could explain what was happening to make it more efficient to work on. I then checked my Status.



Name: Chelsea

Age: 23-years-old

Titles: Heir to the High Silver Tower, Magical Genius, Research Maniac, Survivalist. Diplomat, Alchemist

Race: Beastkin - High Magical Silver Bunny-kin

Level: 4

XP: 27535/1000000

System points: 107700

Mana: 30000/30000

Strength: 56

Agility: 67

Reflex: 70

Vitality: 101

Toughness: 92

Regeneration: 15

Charisma: 82

Ingenuity: 54

Intelligence: 118

Wisdom: 174

Luck: 30

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - Items available;

Inventory - 0 slots Available;

Lottery - Available;


My face blanked looking at the system points, and I checked the board to see its origins. That was when I learned something that I really didn't think about that I really should have done. I had impregnated thirty-three more women. I knew where some were, like the cute secretary when I first came and Emily. But mostly, I couldn't account for anything other than the main source of exterior sex I had been having.

The Succubi.

My eyes widened as I knew that I had been having raw sex with them, taking it for granted that they wouldn't want me to impregnate them. Horror grew as I realized I just created a large family here without knowing all the women's names. I hadn't been checking or using the system since I wanted to save system points for the upcoming war. This threw a wrench into the works as I took sex as part of the work here.

The Succubi loved me because of it, but I now realized I needed to play clean up. What happens when a Succubus has my child? Will they be a futanari? All the rest of my children have. They are also quite talented, it seemed, and this increased my horror at the situation I just created. I felt my face drop low, frowning as I contemplated everything.

It came at this moment while I was grappling with the numbers that I heard the door being knocked on. I was about to answer when the door opened on its own, and I saw two Bunny-kin walk in. My face turned cold at the complete lack of respect awarded to me. The two bunny-kin were silver as the same color as my mother and me. It was a unique color that was most common only with my family.

The two looked arrogant to me, and I knew who they were immediately. The lack of respect towards their youngest sister was evident as well. They caught me at a bad moment as I grappled with the consequences of my actions over the last couple of months.

"Well, if it isn't our youngest Genius Sister," My eldest brother said. I looked him up and down, and he looked handsome, and I could see the resemblance to my mother and father. His hair was cut short, unlike most of the family I have met. His contempt towards me, though, made me want to punch him in the face. His complete lack of regard towards me made me understand that he was here to steal credit.

He got a hold of the information probably on the route here and concluded that I asked for help since I was incompetent. Maybe not, but I could feel the dislike and disregard from his look. I turned to my Sister, and her silver hair was down to her ass, stopping there. Her expression showed much more respect to me than my brother.

The information she received was probably more in-depth than my brother's, as her role was more critical. Our family and the Silvermoon tower just learned that the people we had been sending have let something huge go by without our knowledge. Before the other tribes could use this to their advantage, we had to fix it. I was funding that endeavor, and so I could see that she understood that she had to keep on my good side.

I watched them both for a couple of more seconds before I spoke, "Hello, Brother, Sister," I started simply, "I am sure you have been given some run down. I will talk to you separately later to go more in-depth. , the general situation is that I, with the succubi, have found one of our potions has significant war potential. With the upcoming war, we must make use of it properly. Brother, we will talk more in-depth about your duties in private, but you will be assigned to create and experiment with these potions. All your funding will be coming through me, and you will have to make do with the budget I set forth." I said. My brother looked surprised and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off before he could. "Sister, You are here due to the lack of reporting from the previous Ambassadors not upkeeping our information channels. You will be in charge of that and the creation of new sources of information. Again we will talk more in-depth on this in private." I told her; she nodded in understanding. "Now, I have been told and will tell you the same. I am your boss. Both your budget and reporting is all directly my problem. If you need anything? You come to me. If you have something to report? You come to me. All information flows to me and no one else unless you ask me permission first." I paused for effect before I asked, "Do you understand?"

My sister nodded in understanding, but my elder brother spoke up now, "My younger sister is not in charge of me. I am twenty years older than you with more experience. Just tell me when I meet for negotiations with the succubi on this. I will deal directly with them when it comes to this."

My facial expression remained cold as I left out a snort, "You are an alchemist," I told him, "You are not the diplomat of our people, Brother. I have received instructions to this effect that I am in charge of you. I do not care at this point how you feel about that. We will discuss this in more detail, and you can bring up your arguments there." My tone remained even the entire time.

My sister, I had never met before, seemed much more able to hide her true feelings. My brother somehow remained ignorant to try and do this in the dark. He was looking down on me without any regard for my position. I wasn't the Heir and the Ambassador for no reason. Or at least I don't think I was in my head.

Hell, even at the start, he called me a genius, although that might have been hidden sarcasm. "Fine, We can talk about this more in private I am sure that it will be interesting. Now, what do you want to say?" he asked.

My respect for my brother plummeted. My eyes narrowed, but I had a feeling that he was more dangerous than he was letting on. It was like he was trying to shine bright so something could hide in the darkness. I turned to my sister, who remained quiet throughout the exchange. The logical conclusion was it was my sister he was trying to cover for. There was one other possibility that it was a subordinate. This would be the smarter choice if they were in cahoots as well.

I put my paranoia away, though, and addressed them, "What are your names? I have never heard of any achievements from either of you, so I have no idea of your qualifications. Where did you both journey to? What have you been doing since? What are your skills? I know nothing of any achievement while both of you know and understand mine." I finished my question.

This surprised both of them. It was also the first reaction that I had seen from my sister. Her expression was put back into neutral quickly, though. My brother, on the other hand, seemed more offended by my ignorance. "How? I am your eldest brother; you should have heard something about me? I was a fast learner and became an alchemist at an early age!" He exclaimed, and I looked at him like an idiot.

"I was an alchemist by the age of six," Was my simple response to that.

His look of surprise was complete. My retort was simple and on point. "Yeah, but I learned by sixteen! That is very impressive!" He exclaimed.

"I learned by Six years of age," I said slowly, "That is ten years earlier, and my achievements are greater than yours. I also became a C rank around the same time. I may have been what I consider slow to become B-rank, but I am still at the B rank by twenty-three. Please, Brother, I still don't know the name of; what rank of power are you at?" I asked him.

His blush deepened, and he looked at me with embarrassment and anger, "I am C-rank, and my name is Anthony Loveknot," He responded.

"Well, Anthony," I began, "I can now call you by your name. I am not trying to compare achievements, but I need you to understand that I have my own achievements. You have things that you can teach me, and I have things that I can teach you. Can we reach this agreement?" I asked him.

Anthony gritted his teeth, "Yes, we can agree on that," He said, and I nodded.

"Good, now my sister, please tell me your name," I asked of her.

"I am Christina Loveknot," Christina said, "My accomplishments are not as high as yours, but I have been helping father for the last couple of years with the information of the Kingdom of Arlin." Christina continued, "I have increased the size and scope of our operations there in secret by twice the size," She finished with a large grin.

That was a commendable achievement to increase it by that much. I was decently impressed with that, and it spoke of her ability to set something up. In the end, I wanted someone more experienced in these things who knew how to do the job effectively. Although she may get credit for the achievements, Christina was something I was willing to let go of if it achieved more for our country.

The information in the Demon lands sorely lacked if I was extremely nice about it. The former ambassadors were criminally negligent looking at it realistically. I turned to her with my expression softening somewhat, "That is great to hear. I really need a realistic information source of reliable information. I will talk to you in more detail soon. I will give you more details on budget and problem areas I would like you to look more into." I said.

Christina seemed to notice the difference in treatment, and she nodded, "Okay, That sounds good, It is a rare opportunity to start an information network fresh, and this will be a sizable achievement in the future for me to boast about." Christina replied.

"Opportunities are laying about for both of you to increase what people at home see in you. Please do your best to snag them. I am currently in a quagmire of diplomacy. Anthony," I turned to my brother, "Your mission is critical, and I need you to do your best on it. The achievements you can boast at home are just as plentiful—just one thing of interest. The Queens of the succubi wizard tower will be doing the negotiating. They will be doing this directly with me. Se Mon and Julia will be your main contacts while experimenting. This is the most I can say in this setting." I told them both.

My brother gritted his teeth and nodded as my sister followed suit much less forcefully. "Great, I will talk to you both tomorrow, and you can get yourself settled in. I am sure Alexia will be able to tell you that information. Talk to you both tomorrow." I finished and looked down at the papers and started to read them.

I listened, though, and both departed shortly after I obviously started to ignore them.

I sighed and leaned back into the chair. Things had begun, and I had yet another swampy situation to take care of.

I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.


I would love to thank 

AchlysApep, Fate Hydrax, Xenor, Fightnguru, Royce321, Stormrall, Soundsmad, Grangel, Smile, Nightrise, Curtis1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Havoc, Ritsu 229, Celeng_Liar, Arl, Julekule, Z. T. Wyen, ShadowReader, С. Закиров, BIGSHOTSWAG, Hydra587, Prodigal211, Error, Belkoth, Deviantgamer9, tiffy tang, jon dumey, Yanuut, Ez Gipten, Tnarb, A baker, Czelphaghor, Deerfaced, Mr.Tiemos, Dannyzee123, Hugo Dehesdin, Dallas Rachal, The Theoritizer, Kaizer, EXORAVANT, Von (the closeted futa kink), Chris, Za'afiel, MaraH87, Caid, Bertako, C. Panagis, J. Thomas, David Gillotte, Unholy Valkyrie, Sam, Bearagon, Aniyah Frazier, Blueecho, DarKSoulS, Skorno, HutchTheWolf, J. J. Betts, Key, Raggedcastle, AnarchyBellic, Myr, Rodimus Scoop, GamerDude, Akashihestia, Keyku, Valkyrie, Mjkenstock, C. Spiller, CrusaderHandrail, S. Simons, C. Nielsen, J. Baker, EvilPotatoOverlord, Iron, søren Frost, Satei, Ceymour, Ferdinand Schon, Tyler, Fantasy12, Franie, Justin "Johnist" Johanson, QuantumServer, D. Ozols, W. Arnold, ReclamerS117, Sir Hellington, K. Bengier, aj honeck, Prasad Hettiarachchi, Ryuse Ikejima, Plus1, Yuna, The Crimson Maid, horus scope, John Doe, Srdjan, Fynir, Mr Ares, Story Seeker, Piter Parker, The Absorber, daemon, cardrunder, David Gillotte, M. Jean, L. Petersen, K. Wulfe, G. Brown  for supporting me on Patreon. I couldn't do it without all of you!


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