F*tanari System

Coming out and Schooled

The Discussions and negotiations went on for a bit as we were stuck on laws that differed between our people. I wasn't well versed in this, so I let my mother talk about it the most. The night started settling in with the few rays of sunshine turning orange. Finally, we were free as the Elders said they would discuss everything with our ambassadors. The Elven elders were happy with us as we parted.


We headed towards the embassy together with my mother, chatting about some things in the interactions I could work on. I nodded along, keeping track of it. I was a little too straightforward and needed to know when to skirt around the issue more. This went back to my previous incarnation, and I remember the hours of never reaching the point. Around and around, we went with the topic needing to be discussed in innuendo.


I rolled my eyes, thinking about it. I prefer straightforward now, just like I engaged with potential partners. Straight to the point, asking. If it is a no, then so be it. This was a habit I had knowingly chosen in this life. I realized that I was jealous of my classmates and friends. I was stuck up on my high horse doing what I wanted. I now found pure joy in learning what I used to avoid. I missed those days of being in a lab with my friends, learning the mysteries of the universe.


I pulled myself out of it and decided something in my mind. My mother in this world has loved me unconditionally since I was born, and I needed a sounding board. After we entered, I noticed the black bunny-kin hopping toward me with a smile.


"I want your Child!" She announced to me again. My mother smiled off to the side, and I smiled wryly. I had things to do, but I was fine with doing this, just not now.


"Look, Babe," I started, not remembering the Bunny-kins name if I ever received it. "I will knock you up; meet me at my Inn later, and I will knock you up as best as possible with the ride of your lifetime. That work for you?" I was a bit short with her, but the smile on her face showed that she was used to it. The happy chatter we then were the victims of went on as we were moving to a private area I asked my mother to go to while chatting earlier.


The Black bunny-kin though was relentless as she chatted nonstop while we entered the room, leaving us at the door. I sighed as the Soundproofing of the room came into effect. The two couches were there, and we both sat down. I sat across from my mother, who had a smile on her face.


"So, another child? Yay, I am okay with this!" She happily told me, and I wanted to roll my eyes. I stopped myself and leaned back into the cushion. My mother noticed my tension and became serious as well.


"I have a sort of confession, mother," My mother's face got even more serious, "I have something that aids me in my strength," My mother tilted her head in confusion.


"We all have things that aid us, Honey. I have several different exliars I took that aided me as well in my growth."


"No, I mean something that you cannot get with an elixir. I have a shop. This shop allows me to purchase knowledge and Items exclusive only to me. This also allows me to bank items and other things as well, mother. The way I earn the currency is unique as well. It exists, though. I received this body of mana from that as well." I stopped unknowingly looking down while I was doing it. I was partially ashamed of this cheat.


When I looked up, my mother had stars in her eyes, "Honey, Chelsea, My Baby, You have had this your entire life, and you did not tell your mommy?! You LITTLE RASCAL, WHAT AN AMAZING THING! Only you exclusively can use it?!" She looked excited as if Christmas and her birthday had come early.


"So you have a shop where you can purchase things and knowledge from Chelsea?" She asked to confirm her mind was winding back to normal and into thought. "That is an amazing tool. I do not know what the 'Currency' it uses since you said it was a shop but abuses the shit out of it, Honey."


I looked at her with a questioning face, "Not all the time, though, do I get the knowledge of how to do things. It's like a shortcut, but you miss most of the journey with your mother. I have a mana body now, but I have no idea how I could have achieved it!" I argued back, and my mother rolled her eyes.


"Baby Girl, You are smart, I have seen it, but your arrogance, I have no idea where it came from. So fucking What? You are a researcher. A lab rat, and you think that it matters you need to do it on yourself? What the ever-living fuck?! You just research it later!" My mother seemed to be disapproving. "You should be ashamed of yourself. This is exclusive to you as well?" I nodded to confirm, "THEN ITS YOUR POWER AS WELL!" My mother yelled at me and started to hold herself back. She sighed deeply and took another deep breath.


"Chelsea, We are about to go to war. You are about to be on the front lines with your brothers and sisters. You will be a leader. I will only say this about what happens in war. If you are not cheating, You are not trying hard enough." My mother finished trying to sound like a sage.


I was lost in thoughts. Was I being arrogant again? I was starting to apply the knowledge I had gained in my previous life even more to round myself out. But was I being obstinate for no reason? Not making use of the resources available to me? I leaned forward while thinking. My mother never thought for a second before calling me out on it. Not asking where it came from or anything like that. Knowing her, she was curious but knew if I didn't say there was a reason. No, her concern was how much I was using it and why I wasn't using it more.


"What's your argument for that mother?" I asked point-blank and knew our opinions were about to clash.


"Okay, sweety, let me school you," My mother leaned back with a smile, "Now, I will start with the fact that I do not have all the information. What you essentially told me, and all you told me was the fact you have a Store or Shop of some kind. It uses a currency that you can gain that allows you to buy Items and knowledge. The fact that you also obtained a Perfect Mana body without knowing how to do so also tells me that you can upgrade yourself. Stop me if I am wrong.


"Now, some things I can understand that the Journey matters, Honey. Otherwise, why would I tell you to go on one? Experience in war is irreplaceable. You will never know what it is like to kill someone until you have done so. Doctors know how to kill easily and how fragile our bodies can be. That doesn't mean that they will be able to kill with just the knowledge they know how to do so. I acknowledge this point, Chelsea.


"The Thing is Honey, that Journeys take time. A lot of time. You have been gone for four years of your finite lifetime. I will die one day, so will your women, and so will you. The secret to immortality will never be solved. So what you essentially have is a shortcut. Most of us travel on this journey where you can just step onto the destination. I have knowledge of the journey and can relay my experiences to you. So can hundreds of other Wizards. We don't need another person to travel the same road, Honey. We need people at the forefront that have completed it already. If you feel like something is missing can ask those around you.


"Those around you that can't complete the process ask around as well but can't do it. You no longer need to study or learn it since you already have! This saves time, money, and research. You are spitting in the face of people's DREAMS. A lot of Wizards can only dream of doing so. This is just one example as well. There are Items as well?! I was always suspicious of where you found that Arcane Staff. Now I know, and I am even more amazed than I thought. That thing is super rare after the last era. We still need to learn a lot of the lost knowledge that was obtained. There are some towers that can still produce them, but they hold that knowledge tight. The Humans in the Empire can, and we want it while we take it from their cold dead hands.


"Chelsea, I will admit I am disappointed in you for not abusing this to your full capability! This shop or whatever it is should be abused to the fullest extent you can do it!" She finished, and I found as I analyzed the data, the Pros of the system started to outweigh the cons.


"Okay, I have one point to make, mother," I couldn't let my mother's logic completely topple me. I agreed with her without much fight, much to my shame, but I couldn't roll over without some fight. If it was found out that my mother lectured me with no rebuttal, I don't know what I would do! "If I don't do that journey myself, I won't even know there was a question to ask Mother. How can I find the answer if I don't know the question exists because I didn't do the journey?"


My mother started to roll her eyes and was in contemplation, "That was weak, to say the least. I have been lecturing you, though, and no debate has been done. This weak defense also means that you agree with me. You are easy to read some days, Baby. But I will answer that with a simple as well. Who gives a fuck?!" She spat in my face, "Who gives a fuck if you can't answer it? The question will be asked by someone else, and they will find an answer, or after you hear someone else ask, you can answer. The thing is, you don't have to ask every question! There are others around you! Where the fuck do, you have this 'I need to do everything' Mentallity you have?!"


I sat back and knew I had been schooled and lectured, but one day I will come where I can think of a counterargument. I stopped, though. My mother was riled up after learning this and was looking at me, annoyed and happy. Annoyance, though, was clearly visible.


"Well? How do you get the currency?" She asked point-blank, and I sighed.


"Having sex with Women and Ejaculating inside. Impregnating women gives more currency by a multiple of ten. Only once a day for a single woman counts. It does count the next day, though. I don't know about boys since I haven't checked actually; let me check something. I looked through the system and found something.



+100 System points for Ejaculating inside a man



It was the same? I wonder if I put a womb inside a man and impregnated them? The thought both sent chills down my back and excitement. It was an interesting experiment on not only how I would do it but what would happen. I logged that away as a side interest experiment. I looked through the records and found the answer quickly from the night before.



+200 System points for being Ejaculated inside of yourself



I got double the points for getting ejaculated inside once per a person who does so. That's interesting. I wonder how much It would be to become impregnated? Would it be by a multiple of ten? I wasn't sure, but I can always answer that later.


"I can also Shoot my load in boys and get the same amount as I would if I did so inside a woman," I finished leaving out that part about inside me. Something about that information I decided I wanted to keep to myself. I wanted to experience pregnancy since I never could in my last life, but I wasn't going to publicize that I would make more off my pussy. It just felt... Intimate.


My mother smiled largely, "I have plans for the trip back, and when we get home then! Now we have finished this discussion. Go impregnate that overly chatty receptionist tonight, and we will talk more when we leave together. I have some more details with the elder council."


I got up as my mother did so as well, and I pecked her cheek. We left with the discussion in the room, staying between us without needing to tell each other that.

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