F*tanari System


Ambassador Ralph's door flew open as I stomped into his office. He was meeting with a Beholder that seemed to be heated as I stormed in. Ralph stood up and was ready to unleash when I cut him off quickly. "Sorry, Mr.?" I said towards the Beholder whose body turned towards me on a mass of repressed tentacles.

"I am called Jared in the common tongue Ambassador Chelsea. I was here for an unproductive meeting with Ambassador Ralph when you came in." He stated politely.

I continued forward, bringing out a hand to shake one of his tentacles. "I am truly sorry for that, Jared. I am heated over another issue and came here to talk to the unproductive person you are talking with. Maybe I would be able to help you in the future. Please come find me, and I will be very interested to hear what you have to say. I am sorry, though, that it cannot be addressed right away." I told him diplomatically as I shook his held out tentacle. I shook it firmly, and Jared left with a polite exit. I closed the door behind him, turning to the now red-faced ex-ambassador.

"Ralph..." I said, getting ready to blow up when I was beaten to the punch.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" He screamed in my face standing up from behind his desk. "I was talking about some trades for business back home! I am going to be between jobs, so I need an influx of gold that you are taking away from my family!" He screamed.

"Ya? What about all the businesses you have here? With all the money that seems to be disappearing gold? No, that isn't gold for you; that is for your businesses back home! I don't care about that, though. I am wondering how I can find the Fucking guaranteed votes YOU fucked up for me, Ralph!" I told him back heatedly. I noticed after I told him about the missing gold, his face turned pale. This was an overreaction in my books.

He was white as a snow bunny-kin now, and I looked at him. "Whose gold is that, Ralph?" I asked him, my mind changing to the main issue now. He didn't answer silence reigned in the room quickly. I decided to change tactics quickly. "You are a fucking terrible Diplomat Ralph. Do you want to know what the overwhelming sentiment is that I am here now? Overwhelming happiness. They are fucking ecstatic that you are going. You are a terrible actor. I mention the Gold, and you go fucking pale, making it seem more important. I thought your embezzling funds were fucking small before now, Ralph. Really who gives a fuck about a few thousand gold coins entering our purses. You think it's a huge deal for me to know about it. I think I will take a closer look, and I am confining you to the Embassy. I will get my mother, her highness, to back me up on this." I said, comforting myself on this with Ralph's expression changing many times.

I turned and decided to take a deeper look into the paperwork when words exited his mouth. "Don't!" He yelled loudly. "Please Sit ambassador Chelsea." He said with gritted teeth. I decided to hear what he had to say sitting down on the couch. He crossed out from behind the desk to sit on the opposite couch.

"The gold isn't being embezzled." He started slowly. It was like his head was spinning, thinking as quickly as possible. He then started to weave a story about a scheme of a gang here in the demon lands. They were stretched out into the ocean. This was a tale that I found fascinating and didn't keep the story in memory since, as he was saying it, I stood up.

"Where are you going?" He asks, flustered.

"You clearly are lying through your teeth. I do not believe a single word you just said for the last fifteen minutes. The gold means something to you. You have pissed off the Succubi, and that pisses off the Incubi. This means you have done something against our nation. I will be confining you to the Embassy until an investigation is completed. The ship that was originally going to be leaving with you will leave without you. I am going to see to this Ambassador Ralph. You lost your chance to reason with me. I will be in contact with the council to see what to do with you."

His face turned white as a ghost as I turned to leave. I called out into the tower. "Florine!" I called out. I saw a burst of pink show up in a minute as she sped walked towards me with a smile.

"Yes! Ambassador Chelsea, you needed me?" Florine said with a smile.

"Yes, Ambassador Ralph needs a full guard detail and will not be leaving the Embassy until a full investigation is put on him." I finished. Florine's expression turned grave.

"Ambassador Chelsea, You cannot do that without serious evidence." She said flatly.

"I have a pile of paperwork stating that he has been embezzling funds from several different businesses. I need time to find further evidence. In the meantime, confine him. I will be using sending a letter through the emergency channel to my mother and father. This needs to be dealt with swiftly." I told her before departing with both Florine and me, knowing this would become a larger issue.

I called Alexia to schedule a new appointment with the Succubi. She instantly got to it, writing down formal messages. She wasn't alone as I was up late in the night under the glow of a light spell getting the contents down correctly. I then sent it through the second most important emergency method. Each Embassy bred a line of eagles. They were a special thunder eagle that was raised by the Dragonic for centuries. They attached all the Embassies with an emergency message. This wasn't the last-ditch method, but it was the second last line. I decided to add the letter of trade negotiations to the entire council as well. This was already underway, and the eagle flew off before dusk.

I sat down to meditate until I heard a knock on the door. I opened my eyes to see Alexia's cute face. I smiled, looking at her, and she told me that the Succubi were here to see me. I went into a meeting right away. I sat down with Mal and Kathy. I looked at them from across the coffee table with a half-smile.

"Pleasure to see you, ladies." I greeted with a half-smirk spreading my legs for their enjoyment. "I need to know something before we move forward. Will the Succubi Commit to the elimination of the Pirates off our nation's coasts, and you own if I confine Ambassador Ralph to the Embassy while we search for new information."

Both Mal's and Kathy's greedy eyes that were between my legs swung up to instantly look me in the eye. "You said you were not without more evidence." She said.

"And I am a Bunny-kin capable of changing my mind. Now, are you a Succubi capable of the same?" I asked back.

The frown deepened. "We are. That was our standing days ago, and it is now. Confine Ambassador Ralph until our investigation is complete, and we will vote in your favor. The Incubi will be with us." Mal finished.

"Good, Ambassador Ralph has been confined to his living quarters assigned to him until further notice. I want your representatives to vote in favor of clearing the waters significantly. This is prosperous for both nations." I leaned back with a sigh having one thing off my plate. The last couple of days, I have been frustrated going from meeting to meeting, wondering why the Succubi were usually with us back to voting something to help us out. "Mal, My curiosity is getting to me. Your hate for Ambassador Ralph is a little more than the other representatives I have dealt with. The Succubi are really angry over him being able to leave that you are stern on what is essentially a great relationship with our nation. May I ask what the underlying cause is? Embezzlement seems to be too small of a crime for you to be this angry at him." I stopped and closed my eyes, leaning back. I opened my eyes to see the two seductive Subbubi in a small discussion over mana.

"Look," I started interjecting again. "I can go without this information. It would help in my investigations or talking to the Council if I have to. This will only help your cause, telling me not hurt it." I finished. They went back to discussing before Kathy turned to me.

"We understand what you are saying, Ambassador Loveknot. The problem is that it happens to be with something that we are not allowed without that person's express permission. Do you understand?" Kathy said with a serious expression as mine turned dark.

Ambassador Ralph touched someone's bottom line in the Demon lands. This person had a large amount of power within the Succubi Community as it reached large enough that the Representatives had to fall in line. The negotiations ended due to her. I was lucky all I had to do was confine the idiot.

I realized with this information how little I knew about the Demon lands. All my information about alliances and background movements were out of date. The recent spy information that we were supposed to correct basically came down to product prices. This was extremely useful in many ways, but I needed time to go through all that information. It was also significantly less than what we should have as a nation on our allies.

Fuck! Did he never here today's allies are tomorrow's foes? I needed to rectify this, but my priorities are all over the place. I need to get someone good at it to start. I wonder If Yuri is good at it? She lived under a competent Ambassador and should know about spy rings. Maybe I should take a chance to ask. Nothing hurt asking.

I smiled as I stopped thinking about that and said to the two sexy women in front of me. "That got settled a lot faster than I was expecting, ladies. Now that our schedules are free for the Next hour..." I trailed off to see the once frowning Succubi start to smile.

"Chelsea. I already see why we, the Succubi, Prefer you over the previous management." Mal said with Kathy nodding as they seductively made their way over with charming smiles on their faces.

"Indeed, We need to talk more in detail about further cooperation," Kathy followed up.


Powerstone Ranking: 509

Collections: 35

It was really close this week. I was even prepared for dropping an extra chapter fully expecting the goal to be met. Thank you for all the support I am receiving.

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