F*tanari System

First Battle

The Bandits were prepared for us. They had weapons at the ready, and I could only sense twenty, but I think there is more. I send out more pulses and tell Emily to get ready. Mally is out telling them to everyone to ready up stealthy. We are about two minutes away from the ambush point; they can see us all equipped except for Emily, who is hurriedly putting on the last of her gear. I decide to send a message to Mally to get her to start a plan as the wagons start to slow.

"Mally, you are an illusionist. Can you make a fake train to continue forward and hide ours?" I send it quickly.

"I can send a fake one and cover, but with my power, it will be extremely easy to see at anything close to five meters. I think the illusion will be weak due to time constraints."

"Do it doesn't matter if it is poorly done; we just need them to trigger the ambush early. I am not sure of their numbers. If they trigger, we have the information advantage."

"Okay!" Mally replied.

I started to feel mana fluctuations in a way I hadn't seen before or thought of. I truly wish to study it, but I hold off and feel another mana fluctuation. The bandits instantly came after starting to respond to us. There was a traitor I use my mana sense to notice whom it came from. I notice one of our E-rank adventurers sent it. I put together a simple ball of mana, imagining it as a musket ball and sending it forward, the same as a gun through a tube with only one exit and gun cotton as the propellant; it uses more mana than I thought, but it leaves from me quickly instantly killing the trash betrayer from sending more info.

"Ready your arms for battle," I yell out soon, the battle was going to start, and I felt mana fluctuations coming from the enemy. The mana felt weird, like it wasn't mana but acted the same way. My instinct to research was semi-triggered, but I held it down. I started to use the same mana ball picture and sent it towards a ranger in the back. Emily ran to the front, and Mally dispersed the Illusion coming up with something new I had no idea as it did not show to us at all. My interest was triggered, but I firmly hold it down. It took more effort than containing my lust. This is a weakness; I am having trouble holding any images. The bandits clashed with the adventurers, and I clear my head again. The ranger that I shot at was dead, but there are at least forty more two to one advantage at least. I study mana fluctuations and feel no one as powerful as myself, so I use the adventurers as the boat to let myself cleanly shoot at the range weapon bandits.

One behind the rockface, I shoot them in the head, The one in the tree shooting rapidly one to the heart. I slaughtered. The adventurers were buying time, but sometimes I would see them swing purposely somewhere no one was. It must be Mally at work. I wanted some attention on me, so I sent a fireball at one of the bandits. I held a clear image of just heated air done by a furnace and sent it forward. It made no practical sense to me, but my mother always said it would work, but I could never get it. It blew up in a radius engulfing two bandits, and lightly hurt one of the adventurers. Emily was on the side, taking on five bandits. The field was total pandemonium. I couldn't keep up with it all; there were more showing up from a flank, and I paled. I needed to come up with something. I sent a thermite bolt at them, knowing no one should be looking that way. The merchants were hiding in the carriages hoping for us to keep their lives intact. I sent a pulse and noticed another flank. How fucking large was this bandit crew no way will the cargo pay for all of it.

I needed something. I sent another thermite ball at each flanking group which acts as a flashbang with the vacuum and will kill one of them. I bought seconds, and I needed something that either incapacitates them or kills them. I think back to the inventions and talks with my old friends.

I remember back to when Derek and I thought this over. We both knew at this point something was coming and were thinking of ways to pull it off. I remember my question. "Derek, I need a way to incapacitated the enemy without taking out our force any ideas?"

"Well, the best way is to kill them, but I have away if you take out no allies either. If we equip our people with something to stop sound, we can use sound to incapacitate." He replied.

"I don't think we have the time, to be honest, and too easy to counter," I rebut.

He stopped and thought, "Bigger gun, I will start an electromagnetic gun. If we can't keep them alive, then for our lives, we kill them, simple." He drew plans and explained them to me.

I knew this was my best chance, but I will destroy my current mana reserves but life more important, and The way he explained it to me not possible. I have an alternate Mana changes everything. I picture a massive battery-powered by mana the likes that neither world could ever power, and I felt the world mana around me reacting to the spell. I send a wave of power towards the first flank. It went out with a visible wave controlled strictly by me. I was mixing reality and imagination hard for this. The wave encountered bandits, and what I saw shocked me. Their bodies were fried, and the stink emitted was horrendous. I took a good quarter of my mana to do this. I ignored the fried bodies and positioned them to my next flank as an arrow came out while my attention was on the next spell. Luckily it only hit my arm.

I realized then though my thinking is flawed. I don't have to use reality as a trigger. I just have to use my imagination. I sent a flame wave from a furnace out; it was simple and easier to picture. I imagined a bubble around me, and the arrows flying at me stopped at my layer of mana. I pictured individual geysers of steam-heated by lava beneath the enemies flanking us. Their feet landed, and they exploded into a mist of flash and steam. I have made my life complicated; the enemies were startled by the change as I started a massacre among their ranks. They blew up body parts were flying, and a blood rain started to come down. These were weak people put in front of a powerhouse; they were nothing. The situation changed quickly, and their leader issued a retreat as she blew up. My allies were in a melee with the bandits, but as they retreated, they turned into gore as I used the most simple method and just pictured a hand of mana squeezing their heart, and they fell.

I was ashamed of myself. I couldn't believe how long it took me to realize that Imagination is stronger than making mana into something real to cause something real. I was always it has to obey laws like in reality, a person on how to do it in reality. There are laws on how to do things, and here I am flagrantly shitting on them while obeying the same rules almost to death. I don't know how ashamed I should be. The people here who bought me time with their lives for a realization just to use my own fucking imagination. I send out a pulse, and no one knew was showing up. I was still ashamed, though.

I realize my mistakes. I am ashamed of how weak I am because of it. The thing is, flies are now flies. These bandits should never have even reached this close to my carriages. A proper C-Rank would have cut these people down, but I was distracted easily. My images of spells were shit, doing almost nothing. I had no go-to spells or images to kill.

I realize now I personally just fucking massacred people.

My brain stalls.



Why did I have to kill them?

If I have an Image to kill, why not incapacitate?

Why start a Murder spree?

Why am I like this? I am so weak. Is my mentality this weak? Am I so pathetic? I just sat there thinking. Around me, people were moving and cleaning the road and disposing of the leftovers of the bodies. There was red all over, but everyone worked with efficiency.

I had no idea when it happened, but we are moving forward in the back same spot as before as I feel both Mally and Emily talking to me, their breasts up against my arms. I came to and look at them.

"You okay, Chelsea?" Mally asks. I just break down and start crying. I don't understand my emotions. I get why I did all that; I don't get how in the moment with one simple thought It came from so hard to do to so easy. It was a joke how hard it was before compared to so easy that they did not even have a chance to run. Would my emotions take it easier if they were harder to kill if I did not have to kill, I don't know? My last incarnation never personally killed before, and even then, it's a stretch to say I ordered it. I was on a dead man's switch to two EMP bombs that indirectly killed. I do not know what's happening. I just feel so fucking emotional. I don't understand where it is coming from. I can't seem to pin it down. I remember in my old psychology books, they would mention survivor's guilt, but that didn't feel right. Is this what soldiers before felt in war. I can't pin it down.

I need a release. I thought the right way to get myself in control. Mally and Emily were right there and were lost at what to do. I need a release for these emotions to drive it into. I took Mally by the face. "Strip" was ordered, and I think I saw her pants get drenched; my mind wasn't working right to be observant. I stripped her pants down faster, and I lifted my robes, and a Hard Doorknocker greeted her pussy. I slammed her hard as tears fell down my cheeks. I grabbed Mally's hips and rammed her down. It was the first time someone's ass hit my balls as I felt a second penetration. I was lost fucking her. Her pleasured screams or painful moans as I took her with rage as I spilled my emotions into her. I want these emotions gone. I don't want them in my mind; they are confusing, and I do not understand them.

I came three times inside Mally, but My emotions were still there. Mally's belly was swollen and was just moaning now as I rampaged in her cunt. I came once more and dropped her and looked at Emily. If Mally wasn't enough, Emily could take a ride. "Your turn," My voice was raspy; maybe I was screaming, but I could feel my voice hurting. But Emily did not question, and I rampaged in her as well. I was lost in rage as I continued to slam Emily Mally forgotten on the side in our little compartment. The Merchant Train stopped for the night but I didn't care I rampaged my emotions out all confusing thoughts until It was only my fucking. When I did I came one last time and collapsed to the side exhausted.

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