F*tanari System

Husband and Wife

The Ambassador sat down with a look of supreme relief. He sat across from me on a couch in his office before looking at me and smiling with a significant smile. I looked at him and realized he was a human; since I hadn't looked at him previously, I wasn't expecting our Ambassador to be human with the elves.

"I see what your thinking, Chelsea everyone thinks the same when they meet me. Let me introduce myself; I am Ambassador Hickups. I am one of the few humans in the beast-kin country to have such a high position. I am extremely glad to see you to the point you have no idea." He introduced then ranted. "I seriously think you have no Idea. The amount of letters I got from the Capitol is enormous. The Bunny-kin is putting a ton of pressure on finding you. There was even an outbreak of violence among the rich over you. The Rarity of your race and ability to pass it along to descendants has made your..." he paused. He seemed to be thinking for a second, then seemed to break down, "Sperm is now considered to be one of the more valuable things amount the ultra-rich and council members within the Bunny-kin city. They want you back sooner rather than later. Some even said that you should skip your journey and place laws allowing some children to skip this." He stopped allowing me to soak it in. He then walked over to the desk and pulled out a stack of papers.

"These are the letters I received this week. The Supreme pleasure I will get finally get to send a letter back to your parents will basically be, PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" He looked intense with it, then sighed hard. "Sorry, I am quite tired. I will admit I might have a bit of resentment towards you for nothing your fault. Please recognize that I do not mean it personally, and I will not allow it to color anything I do with you; it's just..." He looked really tired, "The two years you have been missing have been supremely stressful. The pressure I have had to put up with has been intense to the point I dread opening my mail to find another forty letters from people in our country cursing me for losing you. I didn't even lose you. I wasn't with you; why are they attacking me!?" He stopped and looked at me. "I'm done. I just needed to get that off my chest; sorry, I just needed to. Also can you please send a letter to your parents? This would help me a lot, and well, just please."

I look at the tired man in front of me and laugh. I couldn't help it; the laugh just came out, and I doubled over. He looked a bit miffed, but I took it in stride; this man just complained to me for a few minutes without even asking anything till the end. It must have been a stressful couple of years. I finished laughing shortly, but he seemed to take it in stride.

"Sorry, That was rude. While I understand, or at least I can guess the pressure you were under, I was trapped on the elven forest floor for two years. That area was like living on a knife's edge. I do not understand how civilization is in these trees, knowing the worse situation this place is in. My woman and I were constantly waking in the middle of the night to battle. We lost the last of our supplies after about three months. After that, the water became scarce, and my mana could only create the illusion of quenching thirst. The waterways here always have predators nearby on the forest floor. I have many questions on where elves get their water; it amazes me that civilization can come up in these trees when the forest floor is death seeking. But while you were under stress, I was constantly meditating just so that if a fight broke out the next moment, I could fight with my women. So yes I will send a letter to my parents it is why I am here to write and send one. I also allowed you to rant about your troubles. Next time I will not be so forgiving. I will admit getting lost was my fuck up, but that does not mean that any inconvenience you received from it is my problem. I lived out in the woods on a knifes edge and almost died, or one of my women almost died many times. I am still amazed we didn't go feral. Think about this Ambassador Hickups; I am a bunny-kin who couldn't release sexually for two years. Right now, how do you still think I feel after two years of abstinence?"

He nodded, and he winced. "Sorry, I understand your point, and It will not happen again, Miss Loveknot; I am truly sorry for going off on you like that. I did not think about it with empathy. I will give you the rundown on the current political climate with our nation and the elves." I nodded, and there started a long conversation only cut With Tina coming in with refreshments and a very eager bunny-kin looking excited outside with a sad look that Tina took the food instead of her.

The discussion went for longer than I thought when we stepped out, and I was contemplating things. Our nation was one in trouble, it seems. The Beast-kin Nation did not have any friends. The Dwarfs wanted to expand their land. The Elves were indifferent, if not intolerant, towards our culture. This made for humans who should be allies we should go to become the natural selection. The Slave culture there made that a bad idea, to say the least. The people we were closest to going to war with actually became the humans in the Empire was the update as they were killing and attacking the Cat-kin tribes in the south part of our nation. This also went with the Tiger-kin and other Beast-kin nationals. They have been enslaved and attacked again and again. The nation might soon be gathering together, but most nations are looking at us with a large nation. If we attack, we might be stabbed in the back. The Dwarven Kingdom, we own the fortress blocking the entrance with the Northern Beasts mountains blocking all other access for them. So the Goat-kin will take the majority of that with others pitching in to fight the dwarfs. The problem then became what the Kingdom of Arlin would do in that case. I know they do not like the Empire that much, but they are both majority human nations that look down on other nations.

Tina and I walked back to the Inn. I had a troubled look on my face, and I realized I was thinking about something that I had no control over for the moment. Many of these problems would not ignite for a couple of years at the least. This was troubling, though in many ways also that the Empire thought their Slavers could come in and take our citizens without reprisal. This was unacceptable, and I would tell my father this in no uncertain terms.

We made it back to the Inn, and my stomach growled, and I looked up with Tina guiding me to a chair without me noticing. I looked around, and all my women gathered around me, smiling. I got hit with emotion that I hadn't felt in a long time, thinking back to my school days in my previous incarnation. I found new friends and lovers in this world who care for me, and I shed a tear happy for my new life. I heard some startling cries from them.

"Ladies, I am sorry I just had a burst of emotion with all of you. I do not know what went on, but I just feel really happy right now, so let us enjoy a meal, and we can all catch up over dinner and a bath." I exclaimed and ordered from the waitress. I looked behind the counter and did not see the Innkeeper. I shrugged and enjoyed the happy moments with my women. We all talked about our day, and finds I glossed over the meditation of this morning that turned into something that I felt I was so close to grasping. I would start tomorrow with intense meditation again since I felt close to a breakthrough of some sort. I remembered the System again, and I will look into it after I finish pleasing my women tonight or in the morning whenever I decided to sit down for meditation. I kept putting it off despite knowing it was a temptation it could give good ideas.

We all finished eating pretty quickly and went up into the baths with a great atmosphere around us. We were all happily chatting with each other as we all washed, and Emily decided she wanted to help me out. I moaned as she felt my breasts up, but nothing turned into sex, although Doorknocker wanted to knock on some doors. We relaxed in the bath, and I started to talk about my recent endeavor with my meditation much to the shock of everyone. It was amazing to everyone that I was unlocking something no one had heard of before, but the magical community is very closed in the higher echelons. It was highly improbable that anyone who learned it would let it slip out in anything other than wizard's towers or in battle with an enemy combatant. It was going to be interesting exploring this once I learned it. It had something to do with space, and it showed me that mana could do unscientific things as well. It created whole new research possibilities for me, and I wanted to do some soon. But many of the experiments that I wanted to do would need a reinforced area to handle. I needed to do it away from the city. I started to file it away in my head, relaxed in the bath, and chatted with my women. No debate broke out as we all just enjoyed each other's company.

It was not long before we all went back to the bedroom that had been cleaned. We all stripped really quickly getting into the mood was not slow at all. Mally's pussy was wrapped around Doorknocker quickly, and I started to fuck her brains out when I heard that door again. I reluctantly withdrew from her and walked to the door. The female ejaculate was dripping off Doorknocker with it at full mast when I opened the door. I smiled widely at what I saw on the other side.

It was my soon-to-be favorite couple. The Owner and her fuck up husband, the Innkeeper, were there. He looked like he had eaten the foulest thing ever as he looked at me. The Owner was looking somewhere completely different. She looked straight at Doorknocker, looking at the viscus fluids on it, and I was happy. "Oh, You came again." I looked at her husband, "With the dumbass as well," I did not attempt to cover my contempt for this man. He had no idea how to treat customers to keep them happy. He pissed me off was his biggest mistake, and I wanted to make sure he knew it.

"You told me to bring him!" She told me, then covered her mouth, realizing she had just confessed to something he didn't know. The look that he gave her seconds later was priceless. He wasn't sure what was going on, but that Owner was horrified with herself a little. However, the problem she had was that she also looked at me like Kate does when I leave her for last. That plain want, to the point of being desperate.

They were out in the hallway, and I didn't want to make any more noise out in the hallway. I stepped out of the doorway, allowing them in. "This is your opportunity; come on in and have some fun," I say with a large smile on my face. The Owner's face didn't hesitate like I thought she would. I think someone is desperate more than even I thought. I saw her pull in her husband, who looked like he had been betrayed and was speechless as he was pulled inside. I laugh as I close the door behind them. I looked at Mally, and she still wanted to go on, but her mana fluctuated, and the sound barrier came up.

I turned and brought Mally back to me, and I spared no time in front of the couple to penetrate Mally after she cast the wards. I started to pump her hard, and it wasn't long till I felt her orgasm. That was when the Owner looked around, seeing the anticipating faces of my women. Mally would usually be the one to greet newcomers. The Elven twins looked more embarrassed, but their cocks were also rock hard in anticipation. Emily went up to the Owner and started to tease her while she was looking around. She was caught off guard and yelped in surprise.

"What-?" The Innkeeper finally woke up from his speechlessness and realized we started to tease his wife without regard for him. He finally reached his breaking point and started to turn red in the face, his anger peaking quickly when our resident bandit punched him in the gut, ruthlessly cutting him off. Her hooves moved on the ground with no stealth, but the Innkeeper was surprised by the attack nonetheless. The Owner's eyes widened, but Emily started to put her hands in her pants, taking her attention from her husband, who watched. Betsy was annoyed apparently with this Innkeeper as she punched him in the face right after. She then started into the process of stripping him. Soon after, we all found out why the Owner was so enamored with Doorknocker. The man was two inches hard as a rock. I was surprised at his lack of size as I railed Mally hard. Mally, who was the one who was enjoying herself the most in the room, giggled.

Tina was the one who laughed the hardest. The Shame he must have felt like everyone was shaming him. Betsy wasn't done with him as she used his underwear to stuff his mouth to gag him. The pants became his leg restraints, and his shirts bound his legs behind his back. She pulled out the chair in the room into a prime spot to watch and dragged him over as he moaned into the gag. She was ruthless as she pulled him by his hair. She slammed him into the chair and started to change the restraints onto the chair so he couldn't move while having to watch.

I went back to fucking Mally, who was no longer giggling as I started to hammer her harder than usual, building up to a climax. I got ready to blow a load into her as Emily continued to tease the Owner, and Asahi approached the Innkeeper, who was now restrained. She looked at his dicklet and got close. The sister joined in and approached as well. The Innkeeper was red from embarrassment and anger, staring daggers at the two.

"Sis, it's so tiny!" Asahi exclaimed, sounding extremely surprised at the revelation, "I didn't know that Dicks could be so small!" Her sister responded, and Asahi returned with this masterpiece as the Innkeeper started to pale, "I thought we were small, but I guess we are huge compared to this tiny thing!" This got more laughs from Tina as she had a large dick fetish on the extreme.

"Nah, you two girls are not small," Tina started. "But he is super tiny, I have been with many men, but this guy is just really fucking small!" She everyone I think my women were pissed off with this Innkeeper and continued to humiliate him as much as they could. The Owner was in her own world as Emily was playing with her breasts and clit with her mouth on an ear now.

I was happy with how things were playing out as I swung my hips to hear a resounding slap of my hips meeting Mally's Ass as I ejaculated into her pussy. I moaned in pleasure, feeling like a conqueror. Kate came down and started to clean my cock that she now loved doing. The pleasure of an after-release blowjob was something that I couldn't equate to. I smiled as I came a little into Kate's mouth. I pulled her off, thinking who I should conquer next, and I walked by the wanting Owner.

I appeared behind Asahi and positioned myself behind her. I kneeled while she didn't notice what was going on behind her, and I lined myself up and surprised her with my penetration as she poked the Innkeepers cock. I pulled her up while she was still shocked and started to fuck her hard, grabbing her arms and using that to position myself to fuck her even harder with constant slapping from our body's meeting sounded out. I enjoyed it, and the innkeeper fucking blew a load to Asahi's sister poking it. I was surprised, but she was even more surprised that he came with so little prompting. All the previous virgins in the room which had only been with me were shocked. They vocally told each other in comments, much to my amusement; they thought it took more to make a person ejaculate. Everyone was having fun except the Innkeeper, who looked like he needed blood pressure medication with how red in the face he became.

I fucked Asahi to orgasm, and her load came out, joining the Innkeeper's much smaller amount on his dick and stomach. I ignored the asshole as I fucked Asahi into multiple orgasms letting her ejaculate out all onto the Innkeeper. She loved it, no longer caring about anything but my cock hitting her wombs door. I didn't take too much longer before I came deep into her, watching as she ejaculated onto the large pool of cum laying on the Innkeeper. I smiled, knowing who I would conquer next. I let Asahi off after I finished cumming in her, and she barely made it over to the bed and started to rest on it. Her sister came next, and a clear repeat happened of before as I started to fuck her hard from behind, letting her ejaculate onto the Innkeeper as he watched with a rock-hard dick of only two inches. I watched that small pool of cum become a larger puddle on him. I took ruthless advantage of her to cum inside her as she ejaculated on him.

I decided I would throw a barb at him while he could hear my ejaculation into Asahi's sister. "Why you seem like a good cum catcher; I will let you have some of mine before your wife!" I exclaimed and left her warm cum covered folds using mana to unlatch her greedy womb and let the last of my ejaculation cover his face. His look was pissed, and my sadistic side loved it.

"Nice catch, dipshit!" I told him while I helped her to the bed to rest beside her sister. I turned to look at the Owner and saw her looking at me with unrestrained lust. Who the fuck said Elves were prudes when I met elves who want to be fucked extremely hard here? I wasn't sure if I was lucky or had some charm. Maybe Doorknocker does most of the work? I didn't know I didn't care as the thought passed; I walked up to the Inns owner.

The look on her face was just so good as she had tears of pleasure from now both Mally and Emily playing with her. I stopped just from touching her, but her attention was on Mally and Emily's hands. That stopped, though, when Doorknocker touched her belly, and all attention went there as she gulped and looked at me with want.

"What do you want me to do with you?" I asked with a smile.

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