F*tanari System

Improvements and New Problem

Time moved forward, and we lived in our new house. It quickly turned into our home. We expanded the bedroom and put in a new closet for all of us. I upgraded the enchantments and put in new defenses to the house. Quickly Tina moved in with us as we ended up in an orgy every night. Kate and I went to train every day. Mally and Emily spar in training together every day. Then Emily started to join us too on our workouts. After every workout, I would go into the alchemy workshop that I set up and Craft potions. I started a contract with the alchemy guild, and ingredients and potions flowed back and forth. They supplied me with ingredients and took the money with little profit from the sales of my potions.

Our gold started to increase until I had a healthy budget. I started to set up a mechanics workshop for Tina, luring her to quit her job and join us in the house. My stats before the workouts were sad to see when I checked.



Name: Chelsea

Age: 18 years old

Titles: Heir to the High Silver Tower, Magical Genius, Research Maniac

Race: Beastkin - High Magical Silver Bunny-kin

Level: 2

XP: 175/10000

System points: 20400

Mana: 6235/6235

Strength: 19

Agility: 26

Reflex: 21

Vitality: 30

Toughness: 23

Charisma: 65

Ingenuity: 35

Intelligence: 106

Wisdom: 152

Luck: 20

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - New Items available;

Inventory - 0 slots Available;

Lottery - Available;

After working out for months practicing getting my body back to shape, I took it to the next step; over half a year, I turned nineteen, and Tina officially joined us. She quit her job and started to tinker in the workshop I built for her to tempt her. She then joined our workout sessions in the morning.

Tina was excited to see the world and make machines to improve her combat. She had always thought of it but never took the steps since she didn't have the money to get started. With my gold funding her, I started to see some cool toys. I checked to see if she was pregnant when she joined us. She wasn't, and I thought that was odd we had orgies for six months straight. I was extremely vigorous with a sperm count that impregnated a lot of women.

I asked her about it, and she gave me a sad smile. Tina couldn't become pregnant, and they didn't know why. I looked and found some damage to her ovaries that would cause irregular periods and trouble with fertility; since the damage went down to the uterus, I didn't notice the first time since I didn't check closely. I could fix it for her; it would take little effort. Her happy smile that came out of it made me happy. I told her, though when Traveling with us, I had put a spell on everyone's womb to stop pregnancy so that it wouldn't interpret our travels. I did not want to take a kid through multiple countries. She nodded with that and agreed. So I did the procedure that took multiple treatments over several weeks. It was built in damage and took a surprising amount of damaging her body to fix it myself. I couldn't do it all at once.

With that, a year finished, and my body was in the best shape of my life. I was doing parkour around the place to help boost my bodies ability. Over the year of training, the System showed new stats to me with a lot of accumulated System points.



Name: Chelsea

Age: 19-years-old

Titles: Heir to the High Silver Tower, Magical Genius, Research Maniac, Survivalist

Race: Beastkin - High Magical Silver Bunny-kin

Level: 2

XP: 1075/10000

System points: 166400

Mana: 7723/7723

Strength: 35

Agility: 47

Reflex: 35

Vitality: 50

Toughness: 47

Charisma: 69

Ingenuity: 42

Intelligence: 115

Wisdom: 163

Luck: 20

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - Items available;

Inventory - 0 slots Available;

Lottery - Available;


It looked much better, and I hated relying on the system the more I thought about it. It was convenient, but that also led to dependency. I felt my body was better, but it assigned points to my progress and ways to better it. I think in the long run, this system is a trap, a very good trap, but I do not know why. I put it to the back of my mind as I meditated. My time was spent on so many things that Meditating this last year wasn't my highest priority, but my growth went faster with a stronger body. I looked through the inventory in the shop, checking if anything I wanted.

I took Mana Hair and Silent Casting from the talents costing fifty-five thousand system points. Then picked up Magical body for a hundred thousand points. I skipped the stupid congrats messages and read what the skills did.


Mana Hair:

Your hair is Mana fused, connecting to the world directly increasing. Your Hair increases in strength, and Increasing your Mana pool the longer it is. The less Mana stored in your body, the more fragile your hair is.



Silent Casting:

You are silent in thought and Casting. Mana fluctuations decrease to almost nothing. Detection is only possible from those of powerful mages or in close proximity.



Magical Body:

Your Body improves with Pure mana. You are the rare type that Mana can be used to enhance your body, strengthening it.


I felt my Muscles Buldge when I inputted mana into them and felt stronger than ever. I was high on the Mana. My hair now, though, felt like another body part. I wanted my hair to move, and it moved like another hand. It was weird to feel; it was like thousands of extra limbs were attached to my head and ran down my body to a little after my ass. I was in sensory overload.

They all felt like extra limbs but to move them, and I had to move them with my Mana, not my body. I couldn't adapt right away.

So Instead of going out for a little bit, I improved my control over my mana and hair. My ladies just saw my hair flowing seemingly in the wind without wind when I was training it. I was Improving day to day after training my body. Kate, though over the past year, showed the most improvement. Tina Couldn't use Rage, so I found her trainer for Energy, and she took to it like crazy. I learned more about the different states of mana.

My days were peaceful and full of training until one afternoon after training like mad ladies when there was a knock on my door. The Maids we hired opened it asking if they had Business with us. I was brought out of my training with a couple of dwarves and Wolf-kins. I sighed and stood up. My body was sweating, and I had taken to my outfit with the loincloth and top. I had enchanted each loincloth to my ladies' disappointment, but many people on the streets were happy to shadow what was inside. You could see the outline but no more slip-ups when I am sitting or anything for it to show. I liked the free feeling it gave now.

"Chelsea Loveknot?" They came in asking. They looked official, and with the smug looks on the wolf-kin, I expected trouble.

"That is me, so I am told" I smile, keeping things light-hearted, but my arm reached out, and I pulled the staff that was off to the side beside me. It showed that I was a mage and a decent one, at least to them. The dwarfs all watched me do that and didn't bat an eye. Either they looked me up, or someone told them somethings about me. It wasn't a secret, though, so it was expected. "What are you at my residence? Business? Pleasure?" I looked at Wolf-kin's with a smile. I saw angry expressions on all of them, but none of them snapped at me. My smile turned to a frown.

"Business Miss Loveknot, We heard you had a dispute with a baron of the kingdom. Then you disrespected the kingdom. Although we may be short Miss Loveknot, we expect respect from visiting nobility from other lands regardless of their background. Baron BEastal as putting in a complaint against you." An official-looking dwarf said, and his clothes looked expensive, his beard whitening.

"So he gave you his side of the story about how I fucked his willing son. Afterward, from his son's embarrassment, he told daddy. Daddy got mad at the bunny-kin that fucked his son. Now he is making this a point of contention between national parties. Do I hear this correctly?" I state, looking at the dwarf exasperated.

"Miss Loveknot, this is not a point of national parties. You are still an individual in bunny-kin society, not a full noble since there are no nobles in your lands." He smiled as he told me that. I rolled my eyes. My life was quickly becoming a political mess right now. I needed this to be over as soon as possible.

"Look whoever you are since you haven't introduced yourself. Rude, by the way. I have no idea what Baron Beastal's problem is. I asked him point-blank how I could solve it so it wouldn't reach this point. Now you are here making this my problem after something that happened more than a year ago. I may not be the leader of Silvermoon tower, but at this point, I am still its heir. You are now attacking my race's interest since I can tell you that since my birth, my race has groomed me for leadership." That was embellishing since I got addicted to the mysteries of Mana. Since I did, my mother tried to get me attached to classes teaching me to lead the people. I ignored them for two reasons and still don't want to deal with it now for the same. First, I failed in my last life to be a good political leader. Second I lost interest in it after such a spectacular failure. These were bad excuses but Fuck that I wanted to become a researcher this time. Battling was fine, a way to apply what I have learned. But going back to leadership, no, thank you.

"My race expects me to come back after my journey Stronger and ready to lead for when my father passes. Now you are here saying that I was disrespecting your Kingdom for a Baron? Do I get this right? Your nation is willing to offend a future bunny-kin Leader over this?" I state, turning this into a national interest. I never met my dad since he was working, but when he learned I was a Magical Silver Bunny-kin, I was guaranteed a spot at least on the council. So I never lied throughout this. I was an Heir, and although I hate this, I needed an out now.

The dwarf looked peeved, and I was sending messages to my ladies to come to the front. "Look, Miss Loveknot, I need you to come with me to ask questions."

"No, I will go to the diplomat's office in your kingdom, and we can talk there!" I state loudly, and I see things turning for the worst. But I was going to protect myself and my ladies. They all lined up behind me, coming from various spots across the house. One thing was in common they all had sweat covering them.

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