F*tanari System


I felt my head swelling, almost like I was getting a headache. Since I told the ladies that I would be leaving, my nights have become much longer. I needed to satisfy them all each night now amply. It wasn't a chore, but it was starting to get to my head since I was beginning to lack proper sleep.

This might change soon since I needed to finish the Contracts for the Wizard towers before I left. Still, I needed to finish some things before I could do so. I was signing document after document, and I wondered how to continue the increased gold flow the Embassy needed while I waited for my next meeting.

I had so many things going on that I never even heard the first two times there was a knock on the door. I looked up when it increased in volume, taking me out of my thoughts and paperwork. "Come in," I replied to the knocking. Alexia came in with my sister Christina behind her.

"Is everything okay?" Alexia asked.

"I need something to wake me up," I replied with a wry smile.

"Right away," Alexia said with a knowing smile. She turned and departed seconds later, leaving me alone in the room with my sister.

"It seems we are being recalled soon," Christina told me, and I nodded.

"Ralph was a traitor," I replied, "The missing documents were just that, Missing and in a space ring that he planned to sell to the Empire of Garnok. Now our nation's plans will be moving forward faster, so they do not have time to react when we attack as our original plans stated." I told her, looking up from the mountain of papers.

Christina looked at me with no expression and asked, "So what will you be doing?"

"I have many things to be doing," I began, "Hell, I have so many loose ends I have to ask others, including yourself, to help me with some of them. But, I need to ask," I said, standing up from my desk and stretching. "Before I can start asking you the right questions, I need to ask you what your intentions are, Christina? Will you be heading back or continue to build the spy network here?"

"I plan to go back and join the war effort. I am too valuable to leave here in the Demon lands. One of my people will be elevated and take over my duties here. He is good at it, although I think it would be better if he had more experience before I rose him to something like my position." Christina sighed, "Still, and With the Empire, we will need everything that we can to fight them." Christina looked at me as I stretched my neck a little before massaging it a little, "Is that the answer you were looking for?" Christina asked.

I smiled wryly, "The answer that I was looking for?" I replied with a rhetorical question, "No, I wasn't looking for any answer, in particular, to be honest. The answer you gave me was the one that I was expecting." I told her, and I moved out from behind the desk, pointing to one of the two couches. "No, I wasn't expecting anything in particular, but it does give me a couple of questions I can ask so that this conversation can move forward," I replied as Christina sat down, and I took the one across from her.

I leaned back and commented, "Went from being at a desk to a couch; sitting down all day is annoying, I think I should do a Spar soon to loosen me up," I shook my head and looked at Christina, "So how much do you know about my work here in the Demon lands? How much do you know I have accomplished?" I asked.

Christina raised an eyebrow, surprised at the sudden question. "I know what; when I came with Anthoney, you discovered a potion that might change the course of the war. I also know that you have brokered a deal to get the Demon lands to clear the waters between our nations of the ongoing Pirates. This has increased trade between our nations, although that is still only in the starting stages." Christina paused, thinking, "I know that even further to increase Trade that you are working on the Free Trade Agreement. My sources say though that things have slowed down on this, though."

"You are well informed, and that is only through your sources," I replied. "You are missing some details, and I am surprised," I told her was a slight grin. "Your sources inside the organization of the Beast-kin Nation are much better than outside it here in the Demon lands. So, I have a question for you, Sister." I smirked before asking, "Would you like to become my personal spy?" I asked her.

Christina paused and looked at me across the coffee table, and I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I replied, allowing Christina to think.

Alexia came in holding two steaming cups and a pot steaming with something. I waited, smelt a tea, and realized I had not taken too much time to enjoy a simple tea in a while. Alexia put it on the table and smiled, "Enjoy; this is a nice tea that gives a nice amount of energy." Alexia smiled and left the room.

I leaned back and took a long sniff of the tea, and I sighed. I leaned back and took a sip enjoying the mellow taste going down my throat. "What do you mean?" My sister asked, and I took another sip.

"Enjoy some tea and talk with me, Christina," I said, leaning back with a small smile. I knew that I had gotten my sister's attention with my last question, and she didn't know what I was asking entirely. When Christina took a sip, she leaned back, and I could see some tension that I hadn't noticed slightly leave her. "You know Christina, The world is about to change," I told her, then took another sip, "When we go to war with the Empire, the world has only two contenders with the Empire, and not everyone likes them," I said, taking another sip. "Tell me, Christina, and You would know more about this than me. What is the Empire's current relations with the Kingdom of Arlin?" I asked.

Christina was keeping her expressionless face and took another sip, "Well, The Empire isn't in good relations with the Kingdom of Arlin." She replied, "The Kingdom of Arlin at the moment, though, is in a Quagmire with the Northern Beastal Mountains, and without the Dwarven Kingdom also attacking the Northern Beastal Mountains, it will most likely stay the same. Both sides will not take any more territory, and the conflict will remain to stagnate."

"That sounds about right," I replied, "Now, although I don't know the reason to start the war, I know why it has continued."

"Territory," Christina replied without prompting, "The Kingdom of Arlin has some strength, but they are mostly adventurers, not soldiers. This makes them better suited to fighting the Beasts instead of the Empire since The Empire is mostly soldiers instead of Adventurers. This makes their military more cohesive and works better together." Christina continued.

"Now, Think about this," I continued, "As long as we do not make this war about killing humans or genocide, in particular, being off the table. Where we willingly take humans in conquered territory into the fold. The kingdom will take advantage of the Empires being distracted and use those people defending the border to fight their current war with the Beasts."

"Okay, I can see that, But not where you are going with this," Christina replied.

I took another long sip and enjoyed the taste of the tea that seemed to perk me up a bit with energy. "Now, think about this," I began, "We have some things to bring to the table, and our true goals are not to destroy the Empire. Hell, if the Elders think we can, then we are truly fucked. They are much larger than us with a much larger population." Christina nodded, and I continued, "What our true motive is, is to stop them from allowing their slavers to come in and take our people in the end. Wake them up that we are not to be trifled with." Christina nodded again. "What I think is best is if we take up to where they link up with the Demon lands physically." I grinned mischievously.

"Wait," Chistina replied quickly; some of her expression sobered up, "Why there in particular?" Christina asked.

"Well, The best thing for us to do is get some of the land attached to the River. That way, we will be connected to their logistical supply line and be able to bring boats in to attack their supplies if we get into conflict again. But what it will also do is break their connection to the only larger nation in the continent that they need to be wary of. The Demon lands!" I grinned, and Christina frowned more.

"Why would that be a good thing?" Christina asked.

"Well, let us say we take that territory and cut off that connection," I said, and Christina nodded, "Well, then they will turn their attention to the Kingdom of Chip and the Kingdom of Arlin. The Kingdom of Chip is much freer, but their connection to the Dungeon and the constant defenses they have to keep in check make their military something to be feared. The only reason why they probably don't expand is how much resources they use keeping it contained." Christina nodded again.

"What does that have to do with your original question of asking me to be your personal spy?" Christina asked.

"That is a good question," I replied, "Well, I see you don't want to go down my analysis on the war. But in the end, I want the Demon Lands to be cut off from the Empire on trade so that they have to trade with us even more." I told her honestly, "But to get your question on why you should work for me is because I think it would suit you the most." I told her with a grin before taking another sip finishing off my first cup of tea. "Good tea," I remarked, leaning forward to pour another cup.

"You were distracting me with that whole previous comments," Christina accurately pointed out. I nodded, and she took a sip of tea. "You have more things that you want."

"You know it is nice dealing with someone smart," I replied, "Look, What do you want in the end, Christina?" I asked her, "I will be honest and tell you that I need someone like you that has been around for longer. Taught their own subordinates to help me. Hell, I simply haven't been around long enough to do it myself, and it isn't something that I am personally interested in. Some women around me are more interested in that, but I most definitely am not. I want to be back in a research lab or alchemy lab again instead of all this negotiation bullshit and war effort bullshit!" My tone increased, and I sat back with a fresh cup of tea.

"So you want my subordinates?" Christina asked, and I felt that there was anger in her tone.

I shook my head, "No, I want you," I replied, surprising her. "I think we have a misunderstanding on one of the things that are about to happen in the coming days that you don't know about," I told her flatly, and Christina looked startled now. "Shortly, I am about to receive a high rank in our military. I have no idea even of our rank structure or if there is one. Do I think this is a good idea at this point? No, But I will; I will need people around me who are trained in the military and can assist me too. I do have some people around me for that, Like Florine and Yuri. But I need more," I took a breath smelling the mellow smell of the tea, and I sighed, "I will soon be signing a deal with the Illusion tower of the Succubi, Christina," I told her.

Christina looked shocked at this moment and took a moment to sip her tea. I waited before I continued, "In that deal, Queen Mira wants me to lead a division of troops designed around the usage of the potions Anthoney is working on. These troops will be the elites of our forces, and I want to keep them mobile. I need someone who understands how to collect and deliver information in my circle. I need someone reliable, and to be frank, I don't know anyone else." I told Christina honestly, "Think about what I am offering," I continued, "I am asking you to be an advisor with one of the troops that will most likely have the largest impact on the war."

Chistina was now very much paying attention, "I am doing this because I know my ignorance, and I want people around me that I can trust to give me good advice. People that are strong and smart do their part and advise me to the best of their ability. I am not looking for a subordinate," I told her as I put down the teacup and leaned forward. "I need someone like you by my side helping me."

Christina watched me for several moments in silence. Christina was now watching me expressionlessly for longer and longer, and I watched her as she thought it over. The time started to stretch, and she sipped her tea. She even leaned forward and poured another cup. When she leaned back, though, she took a sip and replied, "What do I get?" Christina asked.

I leaned back and picked up my tea as I did so. I thought about it, and I shrugged, "To be honest, That is up in the air." I replied, "At this point, your accomplishments here in the Demon lands aren't that much for me to endorse. I still think you are competent, and I have seen the information you deduced from little information. The problem is that you have had too little time to work with Christina." I told her bluntly before taking another sip of tea. "Here is my question back to you, Christina; what do you stand to gain by not following me?" I countered.

Christina continued her expressionless face and sipped tea silently. "I stand to continue to use the resources of the nation to continue to build up accomplishments to one day lead our espionage," Christina replied after her silence.

"Christina," I began my mind spinning, "I think you are looking at this too simply," I took a sip of tea to buy time as I got my thoughts together, "The leader of the Espionage is still a political place in our nation. You would need to be on the good side of Father or whoever is the next Heir to Silvermoon tower," I told her with a grin, "Now, I am the Heir, and I have the best chance of inheriting. With that in mind, I will get a high position in the military with an A rank, Succubus helping me and investing in me. To my knowledge, there is no one else in contention for the Silvermoon tower that has that backing." I finished with a bit of stretch of the truth.

Christina watched me as she thought. I couldn't help but think about my last statement since the only other person I knew in our family in contention for inheriting the Silvermoon tower was Anthoney. I doubted the arrogant guy was even among the top two if there was only him and me. In my opinion, his personality didn't work, but I have been wrong in the past.

Christina seemed lost in thought, though. Finally, she sighed and leaned back, showing emotion on her face. I knew that look on others, and it was Indescion, "Let me think about it," Christina replied, "Is there another reason why you asked me here?"

It was an evident change of topic, and I wanted to sigh. I took a deep breath and nodded. "I would like to talk to see if you have a person that would like to stay here and take care of a Brewery position for a business I have here in the Demon lands," I continued to tell her the details were hiding my disappointment that I couldn't convince her here and now.

Soon I had Christina nodding, "This is a good avenue to put in a spy that is higher up in the chain to freely move more information and orders through the Demon Lands. I have just the person you and Rose might want to use. But they will be a manager and a Spy for the Beast-kin Nation," Christina finished and I nodded.

"You know," I replied leaning back feeling wistful, "It still feels weird to me that I have a sister that I never knew growing up." I smiled wryly into the cup of tea and I looked back up. "Christina, Talk to me a little more about the things you done. I scheduled more time then we used for this meeting and I want to avoid the paper work. Talk to me," I finished.

Christina paused and nodded. We started to chat and I listened and told her some stories of my travels. If I couldn't get her with benefits, Maybe I could melt that cold heart of hers.


Made a Mistake and mis released a chapter out of order. Chapter 138 Training was released bringing back things to their proper order. Sorry for the confusion.

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