F*tanari System

Information Problems

I sat back and felt a tongue lovingly lick up my shaft. I moaned as I signed my name on the sheet of paperwork before me. It was a budget piece, and it was me signing approval towards [purchasing supplies needed for maintaining some of the equipment used by the warriors in our guards. It was an easy sign-off that made all the more pleasurable while Doorknocker received attention under me.

I looked down, seeing the firey red head of Mally as she worked on my shaft, looking sexy as she buried her head into my balls. Her tail, though, started to move up and down my shaft, making me moan again in pleasure. I smiled and let her work on me while I pulled another paper and continued to work through the mountain of work I let accumulate. At the same time, Mally enjoyed teasing Doorknocker, trying to pull various different moans and groans.

Time moved by like that as I worked on the papers in front of me. The mountain was cut into when I heard a knock on the door as I released again into Mally's mouth as she teased another load from me. I heard her giggle, then an oof from below, and I leaned back to look down.

"You okay?" I asked as I looked down, pulling back Doorknocker snapping back up with semen dripping down the length.

"Yeah," Mally said with a sly grin, "Just the twins inside me kicking me. It wasn't very pleasant where they kicked," Her sly grin turned wry.

"Well, You are about five months along by now; Doorknocker has met their acquaintance many times too. So I can understand the babies trying to get their own back," I replied with a sly smile of my own.

A light slap to my knee, and I looked up, "Come in!" I called out after the short interaction with Mally. It was hard to believe that everything that had happened over the past five months. Only two months passed since the auction, and Christina and Anthoney had been here for about a month now.

Time was flying past, and I was still in negotiations with little to no progress being made. I felt an undercurrent starting here in the Demon lands. When you went out onto the streets, you could almost feel it. Yet another thing that I didn't have information on. I gritted my teeth before releasing, knowing that getting frustrated would do nothing to fix the problem.

Christina walked in with her emotionless face as she stepped in, "Greetings, Ambassador Chelsea," My sister told me politely, and I heard a chuckle under the desk as I leaned forward. Then the mouth was on Doorknocker, licking him all over, trying to make me moan again. Doorknocker twitched in excitement as she did so.

"Well, Christina, You have busy the past couple of weeks. I have heard no one saw you in the past week. Have you figured out anything?" I asked, staying business-like with my sister.

"Yes, I have found that the underground route here is different than I am used to." Christina said slowly, "The underground gangs here are odd. I at first got a spy in place to try and join. She disappeared half a week later. I am surprised since the bunny-kin are all over the place on the continent. This is only not true in the human lands since the slavery that is ripe in the Empire especially gets our kind captured and sold. But that doesn't happen here in the Demon lands. So she must have tried to bring out information and was captured."

Christina paused, "This is all speculation, but Hera, the agent's name, was solid and under orders not to reveal herself or send information unless she thought it was worth a lot. That meant within a week; she has gone missing. That doesn't mean much, but the fact that my agents are already cutting contact means they think it is necessary for the organization. The organization also seems larger although centered on the border areas of the Demon lands near the Empire." Christina stopped.

"You don't need to know more than that, but I think the higher-ups in the Demon lands nation are involved. I have noticed their form of city guards, the Peacekeepers they call them. There have been signs that they have been fighting the organization in these cities. It is perplexing the number of issues they are having with the gang," Christina paused again, "And the number of resources they are pouring into finding hideouts and destroying them."

"That is interesting," I told her with a nod biting back a moan as Mally was annoyed with my lack of reaction. Therefore she cheated and stuck a finger into my pussy and hit that shallow G-spot she found not long ago with her tail.

I tried not to show it on my face though, "So what avenue are you going to play next then," I paused, biting back a sigh, "How much is it going to cost me?" I asked.

"The cost will increase, but I decided to make my own report. The underground here is much larger than I thought it would be. I will increase my surveillance and call all resources from the homeland that I can bring shooting for jobs in the upper echelons. I decided that I am also going to increase the number of Businesses. The problem is that I cant give you that quick dirty information, though. With no recent relevant information to work with, I am blind trying to patch holes and playing catch up." Christina shrugged, "I have nothing else I can do but wait at this moment after this. The funds are in the water flowing. I have encountered rocks along the stream, but I can't do more without more information which is both our problems now."

I thought about her words and nodded as Mally's tongue hit the spot while I was lost in that thought that startled a moan out of me. Christina's eyebrow raised, and I shook my head as I was nearing another ejaculation.

"Look, Sister Christina. I need results, but I think you are doing your best. As long as that is true, I will keep funding you without question. Therefore I will accept that it will take more time for things to come through. That doesn't mean that you can take a year. We are on a clock," I looked at her seriously, "Focus on a species of your choice and do your best. I need SOMETHING!" I cried out that word as I got penetrated by a heart-shaped tail, making me release a load into the woman at my feet.

"Is someone under your desk?" Christina asked as I released my load into Mally's mouth.

"Yes, Yes there is," I told her, "Mally, Once you finish swallowing, come to say hi to my Sister," I ordered and felt that tail dive deeper before coming back out and flicking that hidden clit. I suppressed a louder moan, and my ejaculation came to an end.

I stood up, and Mally came out from under the desk. She looked a little haggard and sweaty but Happy. Her grin was large, and a little semen was left on her lips that she licked up. "Hello, Christina; Nice to meet you, Although in compromising attire." Mally greeted, doing a little curtsy without clothes on.

Christina looked shocked for a moment before her expression became expressionless again. "Well, Greetings, Succubus Mally," Christina said tartly before looking at me. "You brought a potential informant into the embassy? Do you realize the security risk a succubus being in your harem means?"

"At this point, Mally has done nothing to betray me, Sister," I told her, my voice matching her emotionless tone, "You are my sister, and I want to get to know you better; you can advise me too. Until Mally does something that betrays that trust though she is trusted." My tone remained flat and hard with Christina.

Christina looked suprised at my quick rebuttal. "What makes you so sure?" Christina replied with her question.

"Mally has saved my back, and I have saved hers. The very least I can do towards Mally, who has been with me for years, is provide the benefit of the doubt. I will trust her until she betrays that trust. I have also protected myself even from possible betrayal when it comes to information." I told her strictly, "The only time Mally has gotten information that could technically be used against us is in the Auction, and here today, the one agent's name that she overheard." I told Christina flatly.

"I am quite uninterested in all the talks around here. This is the first time in a while that I could also be with Chelsea for longer than a good fuck before sleep. I think you need to understand what it is like to be under your sister, Christina. Doorknocker is magical when it fills you with semen. When I got impregnated even as a Succubus who has problems getting pregnant, it was amazing." Mally countered, holding herself tall moving towards Christina, "You look untouched, Christina, So maybe that's why you don't understand."

The last comment shot something through Christina. A rage appeared on her face, and she turned on Mally in the expression of rage. "What are you getting at?" She almost yelled.

I watched, surprised at the quarrel that had started with Mally getting a smirk. "You are untouched," Mally said, even more surprised.

I stepped in at this point, coming up behind Mally, "Both of you cool it," I said sternly, looking at the rage on my Sister's face. Mally seemed to want to continue, so I distracted her by wrapping my arms around under her pregnant belly and kissed her neck, sucking on it softly as I lifted her stomach. A loud moan left her mouth as I took on the weight of the two babies inside her as she leaned back into me. "Look, You are annoyed about being falsely accused. National matters are important." I said to both generally, "I do make a point of not talking with Mally here most of the time when it comes to the more sensitive issues. She also has a lot of access than a normal person would have. That doesn't mean that I consider her a security risk. Mally has done nothing to lose that trust." I finished.

"Mally has insulted me," Christina said flatly, the rage not receding with a couple of words.

"You also insulted her, Christina. Although I don't understand why either of you thinks being a virgin is an insult; It isn't in my point of view. That doesn't matter anyway, whether you are or not. My point is I don't want you at each other's throats." I finished with a calm tone.

Christina seemed to watch me as I lifted Mally's pregnant belly for her as I began to give her a hickey on the side of her neck. Christina seemed to contemplate while Mally enjoyed the attention and the relief of pressure on her back. Her tail wagged up and twisted around my hip in the silence.

"Fine, You are right. I shouldn't have taken much offense from that," Christina said finally, "I- I don't like to talk about the reason why I am Untouched Succubi." Christina said towards Mally, refusing to talk to her directly for the moment.

"Look," I said, cutting back in after making sure I marked Mally's neck sufficiently, "I am not saying either of you is in the right. You are correct in saying that Mally's species means she might be a risk. But not all bunny-kin stay in our tribe. Many leave on Journies and find new homes settling down. Many come back, and many die, but that doesn't mean being a bunny-kin makes someone, not a security risk, Christina. You know that too." I told my sister, who seemed to have deflated.

"You are right." Christina said and turned to me, "I would like to schedule another meeting where I didn't get so worked up, sister." Christina said, much to my surprise. "We can discuss further details and any progress on information gathering. We will need several months to get any reliable information, though." Christina followed up and started to walk out of the study.

"One last thing," Christina said at the door, "Check on Anthoney. Something seems to be going on with him, and he seems even more frustrated about something than usual."

I scoffed, "Probably something to do with the negotiations I have with Queen Mira tomorrow. He wanted a spot in the negotiations as the lead alchemist and felt left out when I didn't invite him to the negotiations." I said, contempt dripping from my tone. "The Succubi are not exactly happy with his attitude, I expect. I am not sure about that, though. I will see you tomorrow, and if it something I need to talk to him about, I will talk to him about it."

Christina nodded, "I expected as much. Brother's accomplishments on the Journey he made when he was younger were little to help him now. His ascension to being a proper alchemist is the reason he might even be considered. His Achievements though..." Her voice trailed off before she shook her head. "I suspect the only reason they got him out of the lab in Silvermoon tower is his severe lack of achievements basically leave him no chance to inherit Father's place on the council." Christina paused. "I am not sure about that though, Take it from your spymaster. Anthoney is up to something lately. I feel it but don't have the resources to place someone on him."

With that, she opened and exited the study I was residing in. I stopped in thought while holding Mally's belly, continuing to relieve the pressure on her back for a small amount of time. That time Mally leaned back into me.

"Okay, I know you have work to do," Mally said, "But don't let go; you have no idea how good this feels right now."

I held tight, letting her relax before I said, "Okay, I have a meeting," just as I heard the door knock.

"Ambassador Chelsea!" I heard Yuri's voice, "The Devil Francis is here to see you in meeting room five."

I sighed, hearing Mally join me, and I slowly released her belly, making Mally take the weight again. "Okay, It is annoying to get the weight again but thank you, Chelsea; I needed that for a bit. You might want to do that for more than just me. That was lovely to feel." Mally noted as I stepped around her to get dressed.

"You make a good point. I think Tina needs it a lot more too." I said with little thought as I knew Tina did need it. Over the past couple of weeks, Tina looked huge with her pregnant belly and had been complaining about her back. I didn't think of this then, and I knew that Tina would love this intimate time with her as well.

"I will be going, though, since you are busy. See you tonight?" Mally asked at the end.

"Yup, No plans to hit the lab. I only got about two contracts left, and I will start stockpiling for another auction to continue this ridiculous rate of gold expenditure." I sighed and finished placing my shirt on and left with the Mally heading in different directions.

A Minute later, I sat down across from the Devil Francis, "Not today Francis. I don't need a fight. I need some damn progress with this trade agreement!" I said, sitting down, starting a fresh war of words with Francis over the fishing rights on the waters between our nations.

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